Ημέρα: 22 Ιανουαρίου 2018
22 Ιανουαρίου 2018 – Morpheus Cup 2018: Registration of students
The competition:
You can win up to 50,000 € worth of prizes on the Morpheus Prize and / or Morpheus Day. The students are invited to take part in the championship through two different challenges:
- The MORPHEUS PRIZE: students can compete individually or by team. The candidate or his team picks a category and send a 10 slides presentation in English before March 15th, 2018 to share an idea, a research project or a start-up.
- The MORPHEUS DAY: a live competition to take place in Palais Brongniart, on April 12th, 2018 and during which teams of 2-3 students gather to take up challenges, meet employers and face their European counterparts.
On April 12th, the live competition will be evaluated by an outstanding jury including:
- Elodie Donjon, Investment Manager at European Investment Fund
- Rodrigo Sepùlveda Schulz, Managing Partner at Expon Capital
- Laura Pho Duc, Head of Marketing and communication at Alibaba Group
- Nicholas Goubert, Chief Product officer at Daimler X (Lab 1886)
- Inès Léonarduzzi, Digital Strategist at Hub Institute & founder of Women Inspiring Talks
- Jean Rognetta, Forbes Editorial Director
- Sofia Hmich, Founder of Futur Positive Capital
- Jean-louis Missika, Paris Councilor and Deputy Mayor of Paris
- Soufya El Kharbili, Co founder of Al In & Initiator of Women in Al
- Ghislain Faribeault, Director of France Televisions Video Service
Your students can register now for free at the Morpheus Prize and the Morpheus Day on: www.morpheuscup.com/registration/ before March 31st, 2018.