Στέφανος Γκρίτζαλης

Γραφείο 206 (Κτήριο οδού Οδ.Ανδρούτσου 150)
Τηλέφωνο 210-4142706
Email sgritz@unipi.gr
Ώρες Γραφείου Τετάρτη 11:00-13:00
Διδασκαλία Πολιτικές και Διαχείριση Ασφάλειας — 5ο εξάμηνο
Ασφάλεια Δικτύων — 5ο εξάμηνο
Ασφάλεια Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων — 6ο εξάμηνο
Ιδιωτικότητα στο Διαδίκτυο — 8ο εξάμηνο


Σύντομο βιογραφικό

Ο Στέφανος Γκρίτζαλης είναι Καθηγητής Ασφάλειας Πληροφοριακών και Επικοινωνιακών Συστημάτων στο Τμήμα Ψηφιακών Συστημάτων του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς (6.2019+) και διατελεί Διευθυντής του Προγράμματος Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών “Δίκαιο και Τεχνολογίες Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών (MSc in Law and ICT)” (06.2020+).

Είναι Μέλος της Ανεξάρτητης Αρχής Διασφάλισης του Απορρήτου των Επικοινωνιών (ΑΔΑΕ) (12.2020+).

Είναι Αναπληρωματικό Μέλος της Εθνικής Επιτροπής για τα Δικαιώματα του Ανθρώπου (ΕΕΔΑ) (08.2022+).

Διετέλεσε Πρύτανης στο Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου (09.2014-08.2018).

Διετέλεσε Ειδικός Γραμματέας στο Υπουργείο Διοικητικής Μεταρρύθμισης και Ηλεκτρονικής Διακυβέρνησης (11.2009-10.2012).

Νωρίτερα ήταν Καθηγητής στο Τμήμα Μηχανικών Πληροφοριακών και Επικοινωνιακών Συστημάτων της Πολυτεχνικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Αιγαίου (2002-2019), Πρόεδρος του Τμήματος (2005-2009), Αναπληρωτής Προέδρου του Τμήματος (2012-2014) και Διευθυντής του Εργαστηρίου Ασφάλειας Πληροφοριακών και Επικοινωνιακών Συστημάτων (2005-2009).

Έχει δραστηριοποιηθεί επί 25 και πλέον χρόνια σε σειρά διεθνών και εθνικών έργων Έρευνας και Ανάπτυξης (Horizon 2020, IST FP7/FP6/FP5, DGXIII Telematics / ETS-II / ETS-I / Telematics for Administration / Value II / Healthcare Telematics, DG XVI Feder, GSRT κ.λπ.).

Σύμφωνα με την κατάταξη  “2023 World’s Top 2% Scientists” του Stanford και της Elsevier, περιλαμβάνεται, για μία ακόμη χρονιά, στο 2% των κορυφαίων επιστημόνων σε όλο τον κόσμο, σε σύνολο 195.605 επιστημόνων, με κριτήριο αξιολόγησης τις αναφορές που έλαβε το συνολικό ερευνητικό έργο του κατά τη διάρκεια της τριακονταετούς καριέρας του.

Έχει συγγράψει ή επιμεληθεί  14 Βιβλία, έχει επιμεληθεί τα Πρακτικά 35 και πλέον Διεθνών Συνεδρίων (IEEE, ACM, Springer κ.α.), έχει συγγράψει 37 Κεφάλαια Βιβλίων, έχει δημοσιεύσει 331 επιστημονικά άρθρα (147 άρθρα σε διεθνή Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά και 184 σε Πρακτικά Διεθνών Συνεδρίων με έκδοση Πρακτικών).

Διατελεί Area Editor στο κορυφαίο περιοδικό IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (ImpactFactor=34.4 (Clarivate JCR Report), κατετάγη #1 περιοδικό στην Επιστήμη Υπολογιστών και Τηλεπικοινωνιών στον κόσμο για τα έτη 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017).

Είναι Μέλος Συντακτικής Επιτροπής (Editorial Board Member) σε 35 περιοδικά, Κριτής (Reviewer) σε 80 διεθνή Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά και έχει διατελέσει Προσκεκλημένος Εκδότης (Guest Editor) 35 φορές σε Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά.

Έχει διατελέσει Πρόεδρος Συνεδρίου (General Chair) ή Πρόεδρος Επιτροπής Προγράμματος (PC Chair) σε 50 διεθνή συνέδρια, Μέλος Επιτροπής Προγράμματος (PC Member) σε περισσότερα από 600 διεθνή συνέδρια και έχουν καταγραφεί περισσότερες από 10.000 Αναφορές (citations) στο έργο του με h-index=54, i-10 index=171 κατά Google Scholar.

Έχει επιβλέψει την εκπόνηση 17 διδακτορικών διατριβών που έχουν περατωθεί επιτυχώς. Επιπλέον, έχει διατελέσει μέλος επιτροπής αξιολόγησης / εξωτερικός αξιολογητής 60 και πλέον υποψηφίων διδακτόρων στην Ελλάδα, τη Γερμανία, την Ιταλία, την Ισπανία, το Πακιστάν και την Ινδία. Έχει επιβλέψει περισσότερες από 90 Μεταπτυχιακές Διπλωματικές Εργασίες και 160 Πτυχιακές Εργασίες.

Έχει οριστεί εμπειρογνώμονας για την αξιολόγηση προτάσεων έργων και υποψηφιοτήτων από πλήθος ελληνικών και διεθνών φορέων: ERC European Research Council, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Italian Ministry of University and Research, The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Belgian Fund for Scientific Research, Czech Science Foundation, FFG Austrian Research Promotion Agency, ETH Zurich Research Commission, Croatian Ministry of Science and Education, Slovenian Research Agency, South Africa’s National Research Foundation, Qatar Foundation National Research Fund, Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation, The University of Nicosia Research Foundation Cyprus, Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation, Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Hellenic State Scholarship Foundation, Hellenic Ministry of Economy and Development ESF Operational Programme “HR Development Education and Life Long Learning”.

Έχει διατελέσει Αξιολογητής σε διαγωνισμούς μεγάλων έργων Πληροφορικής και Τηλεπικοινωνιών του Δημόσιου Τομέα, ενώ έχει οριστεί Εμπειρογνώμονας για την Ελληνική Δικαιοσύνη σε θέματα Ασφάλειας Επικοινωνιών και Προστασίας της Ιδιωτικότητας.




  1. Jeremiaha S. R., Chen H., Gritzalis S., Park J. H., “Leveraging application permissions and network traffic attributes for Android ransomware detection”, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol.230, 2024, Elsevier
  2. Tsohou A., Diamantopoulou V., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., “Cyberinsurance: State of the Art, Trends and Future Directions”, International Journal of Information Security, Vol.22, pp.737-748, 2023, Springer
  3. Chatzoglou E., Kouliaridis V., Kambourakis G., Karopoulos G., Gritzalis S., “A hands-on gaze on HTTP/3 security through the lens of HTTP/2 and a public dataset”, Computers and Security, Vol.125, 2023, Elsevier
  4. Molla E., Rizomiliotis P., Gritzalis S., “Efficient searchable symmetric encryption supporting range queries“, International Journal of Information Security, Vol.22, pp.785-798, 2023, Springer
  5. Kitsiou A., Despotidi C., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “The role of users’ sociodemographic profile for accepting Biometric Systems: A Greek case study”, Future Internet, Vol.14 (11), 328, 2022, MDPI
  6. Vgena A., Kitsiou A., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Determining the Role of Social Identity Attributes to the Protection of Users’ Privacy in Social Media”, Future Internet, Vol.14(9), 249, 2022, MDPI
  7. Diamantatos P., Kavallieratou E., Gritzalis S., “Directional Hinge Features for Writer Identification: The importance of the Skeleton and the effects of character size and pixel intensity “, Springer Nature Computer Science, Vol.3, No.56, 2022, Springer
  8. Simou S., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., Katos V., Psalidas M., “Revised Forensic Framework Validation and Cloud Forensic Readiness“, International Journal of Electronic Governance, Vol.14, No.1/2, pp.236-263, 2022, Inderscience Publishers
  9. Sideri M., Fontaras A., Gritzalis S., “Exploring data subjects’ knowledge on the rights GDPR guarantees. An exploratory research in Greece“, International Journal of Electronic Governance, Vol.14, No.1/2, pp.28-57, 2022, Inderscience Publishers
  10. Kitsiou A., Tzortzaki E., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Identifying privacy related requirements for the design of Self-adaptive privacy protections schemes in Social Networks”, Future Internet, 2021, Vol.13, No.23, MDPI
  11. Skarkala M. E., Maragkoudakis E., Gritzalis S., Mitrou L., “PP-TAN: A Privacy Preserving Multi-party Tree Augmented Naive Bayes Classifier”, Computation, Vol.9, No.1, 2021, MDPI
  12. Kalloniatis C., Lambrinoudakis C., Musahl M., Kanatas A., Gritzalis S., “Incorporating privacy by design in Body Sensor Networks for Medical Applications: A Privacy and Data Protection Framework”, Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp.323–350, 2021
  13. Chalaris E., Gritzalis S., “Data on Strategic Performance of Greek Universities during the economic recession: A Multiplecriteria Approach”, Data in Brief, 2020, Elsevier
  14. Diamantopoulou V., Androutsopoulou A., Gritzalis S., Charalambidis Y., “Preserving Digital Privacy in e-Participation Environments: Towards GDPR Compliance”, Information, Vol.11, No.2, 117, pp.1-27, 2020, MDPI
  15. Vgena A., Kitsiou A., Kalloniatis C., Kavroudakis D., Gritzalis S., “Towards addressing Location Privacy Issues: New affiliations with Social and Location Attributes”, Future Internet,11, No.234, pp.1-20, 2019, MDPI
  16. Giannakas F., Papasalouros A., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “A comprehensive cybersecurity learning platform for elementary education”, Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective, Vol.28, No.3, pp.81-106, 2019, Taylor and Francis
  17. Mavroeidi A., Kitsiou A., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Gamification vs Privacy: Identifying and analysing the major concerns”, Future Internet, 11, No.3, pp.1-17, 2019, MDPI
  18. Kalloniatis C., Kavroudakis D., Polydoropoulou A., Gritzalis S., “Designing Privacy-Aware Intelligent Transport Systems: A Roadmap for Identifying the Major Privacy Concepts”, International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, Vol.10, No.1, pp.73-91, 2019, IGI Global
  19. Simou S., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., Katos V., “A Framework for Designing Cloud Forensics-enabled Services”, Requirements Engineering, Vol.24, No.3, pp.403-430, 2019, Springer
  20. Sideri M., Kitsiou A., Tzortzaki E., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Enhancing University students’ privacy literacy through an educational intervention. A Greek case-study”, International Journal of Electronic Governance,11, No.3, pp.333-360, 2019, Inderscience Publishers
  21. Sideri M., Kitsiou A., Filippopoulou A., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “E-Governance in educational settings. Greek educational organizations leadership’s perspectives towards social media usage for participatory decision-making”, Internet Research, 29, No.4, pp.818-845, 2019, Emerald
  22. Giannakas F., Kambourakis G., Papasalouros A., Gritzalis S., “A critical review of 13 years of Mobile Game-based Learning”, Educational Technology Research & Development, 66, pp.341-384, 2018, Springer
  23. Roman R, Lopez J., Gritzalis S., “Evolution and Trends in the Security of the Internet of Things”, IEEE Computer, Vol.51, No.7, pp.16-25, 2018, IEEE
  24. Pattakou A. Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Security and Privacy under a Unified Framework: A Review”, International Journal on Advances in Security, 1, No.1-2, pp.39-51, 2018, IARIA
  25. Islam S., Ouedraogo M., Kalloniatis C., Mouratidis H., Gritzalis S., “Assurance of Security and Privacy Requirements for Cloud Deployment Model”, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing,6, No.2, pp.387-400, 2018, IEEE
  26. Tsekouras G., Tsimikas J., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Interpretability Constraints for Fuzzy Modelling Implemented by Constrained Particle Swarm Optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 26, No.4, pp.2348-2361, 2018, IEEE
  27. Kalloniatis C., Pattakou A., Kavakli E., Gritzalis S., “Designing Secure and Privacy-aware Information Systems”, International Journal of Secure Software Engineering,8, No.2, pp.1-25, 2017, IGI Global
  28. Sideri M., Kitsiou A., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Sharing secrets, revealing thoughts and feelings: Perceptions about disclosure practices and anonymity in a FB university students’ community”, International Journal of Electronic Governance,9, No.3-4, pp.361-384, 2017, Inderscience Publishers
  29. Rahman A., Islam S., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “A Risk Management Approach for a Sustainable Cloud Migration”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management,10, No.4, pp.1-19, 2017, MDPI
  30. Malagas K., Gritzalis S., Nikitakos N., Fragoudaki A. “The implementation of Goffee and Jones’s types of organizational culture in a Greek state-owned organization that introduced new technologies”, Foundations of Management journal, Vol.9, pp.225-245, 2017, De Gruyter Publishing House
  31. Kollias C., Kambourakis G., Stavrou A., Gritzalis S., “Intrusion Detection in 802.11 Networks: Empirical Evaluation of Threats and a Public Dataset”, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials,18, No.1, pp.184-208, 2016, IEEE
  32. Giannakas F., Kambourakis G., Papasalouros A., Gritzalis S., “Security Education and Awareness for K-6 going mobile”, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies,10, No.2, pp.41-48, 2016, ΙΑΟΕ
  33. Malagas K., Gritzalis S., Nikitakos N., “How Institutional Factors that Emerge Within a Public Organization Affect the Use of an Innovation by its Employees: A Case Study of Olympic”, TÉKHNE Review of Applied Management Studies, Vol.13, No.2, pp.158-171, 2016, Elsevier
  34. Anagnostopoulos M., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “New facets of Mobile Botnet: Architecture and Evaluation”, International Journal of Information Security, Vol.15, No.5., pp.455-473, 2016, Springer
  35. Simou S., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., Mouratidis H., “A Survey on Cloud Forensics Challenges and Solutions”, Security and Communication Networks, Vol.9, No.18, pp.6285-6134, 2016, Wiley
  36. Diamantatos P., Kavallieratou E., Gritzalis S., “Skeleton Hinge Distribution for Writer Identification”, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools,25, No.3, pp. 1-14, 2016, Springer
  37. Drogkaris P., Gritzalis S., Kalloniatis C., Lambrinoudakis C., “A Hierarchical Multitier Approach for Privacy Policies in e-Government Environments”, Future Internet,7, No.4, pp.500-515, 2015, MDPI Publishers
  38. Kavakli E., Kalloniatis C., Mouratidis H., Gritzalis S., “Privacy as an integral part for the implementation of cloud solutions”, The Computer Journal, Vol.58, No.10, pp.2213-2224, 2015, Oxford University Press
  39. Damopoulos , Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S.,Park S.-O., “Exposing mobile malware from the inside (or what is your mobile app really doing?)”, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Vol.7, No.4, pp.687-697, 2014, Springer
  40. Panteli A., Maragkoudakis E., Gritzalis S., “Privacy preserving data mining using Radial Basis Function on horizontally partitioned databases in the malicious model”, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, Vol.23, No.5, pp.1450007-1-22, 2014, World Scientific
  41. Kalloniatis C., Mouratidis C., Manousakis V., Islam S., Gritzalis S., Kavakli E., “Towards the Design of Secure and Privacy-oriented Information Systems in the Cloud: Identifying the major concepts”, Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol.36, No.4, pp.759-775, 2014, Elsevier
  42. Rekleitis E., Rizomiliotis P., Gritzalis S., “How to Protect Security and Privacy in the Internet of Things: A Policy-based RFID tag management protocol”, Security and Communication Networks, Vol.7, No.12, pp.2669-2683, 2014, Wiley
  43. Kalloniatis C., Kavakli E., Gritzalis S., “Addressing Privacy in Traditional and Cloud-based Systems”, International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering, pp.14-40, Vol.2, No.1, 2014, IGI Global
  44. Malagas K., Kourousis K., Baxter G., Nikitakos N., Gritzalis S., “Τhe Introduction of Innovative Services in a State Owned Airline: A Case Study of a IT migration project”, Journal of Technology Management & Innovation,8, No.2, pp.74-83, 2013, Inderscience
  45. Drogkaris P., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., “Employing Privacy Policies and Preferences in modern eGovernment Environments”, International Journal of Electronic Governance, Vol.6, No.2, pp.101-116, 2013, Inderscience
  46. Damopoulos , Kambourakis G., Anagnostopoulos M., Gritzalis S.,Park J.-H., “User privacy and modern mobile services: Are they on the same path?”, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol.17, No.7, pp.1437-1448, 2013, Springer
  47. Pereniguez F., Marin-Lopez R., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., Gomez Scarmeta A. F., “KAMU: Providing Advanced User Privacy in Kerberos Multi-Domain Scenarios”, International Journal of Information Security,12, No.6, pp.505-525, 2013, Springer
  48. Anagnostopoulos M., Kambourakis G., Kopanos P., Louloudakis G., Gritzalis S., “DNS Amplification Attack Revisited”, Computers and Security,39, pp.475-485, 2013, Elsevier
  49. Damopoulos , Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S.,“From Keyloggers to Touchloggers: Take the rough with the smooth”, Computers and Security, Vol.32, No.1, pp.102-114 2013, Elsevier
  50. Mouratidis H., Islam S., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “A framework to support selection of cloud providers based on security and privacy requirements”, Journal of Systems and Software, 86, No.9, pp.2276-2293, 2013, Elsevier
  51. Kolias C., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “Attacks and Countermeasures on 802.16: Analysis and Assessment”, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol.15, No.1, pp.487-514, 2013, IEEE [IEEE COMSOC Best Readings Topics on Communications and Information Systems Security: WiMAX].
  52. Belsis P., Skourlas C., Gritzalis S., “A Wireless System for Secure Electronic Healthcare Records Management”, International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing,5, No.4, pp.16-32, 2013, IGI Global
  53. Rizomiliotis P., Gritzalis S., “On the security of AUTH, an authentication protocol based on the subspace LPN problem”, International Journal of Information Security, 12, No.2, pp.151-154, 2013, Springer
  54. Loukas A., Damopoulos D., Menesidou S., Skarkala M., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “MILC: A secure and privacy-preserving mobile instant locator with chatting”, Information Systems Frontiers,14, No.3, pp.481-497, 2012, Springer
  55. Tsakountakis A., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “SIPA: Generic and Secure Accounting for SIP”, Security and Communication Networks, Vol.5, No.9, pp.1006-1027, 2012, Wiley
  56. Damopoulos D., Menesidou S., Kambourakis G., Papadaki M., Clarke N., Gritzalis S., “Evaluation of Anomaly-based IDS for Mobile Devices using Machine Learning Classifiers”, Security and Communication Networks, Vol.5, No.1, pp.3-14, 2012, Wiley
  57. Mouratidis C., Kalloniatis C., Islam S., Huget M.-P., Gritzalis S., “Aligning Security and Privacy to support the development of Secure Information Systems”, Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol.18, No.12, pp.1608-1627, 2012, JUCS
  58. Klaoudatou E., Konstantinou E., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “A Survey on Cluster-based Group Key Agreement Protocols for WSNs”, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol.13, No.3, pp.429-442, 2011, IEEE
  59. Kambourakis G., Kolias C., Gritzalis S., Park J.-H., “DoS Attacks exploiting signaling UMTS and IMS”, Computer Communications, 34, No.3, pp.226-235, 2011, Elsevier
  60. Pereniguez F., Marin-Lopez R., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., Gomez Scarmeta A. F., “PrivaKERB: A User Privacy Framework for Kerberos”, Computers and Security, Vol.30, No.6-7, pp.446-463, 2011, Elsevier
  61. Karopoulos G., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “PrivaSIP: Ad-hoc Identity Privacy in Session Initiation Protocol”, Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol.33, No.3, pp.301-314, 2011, Elsevier
  62. Luo X., Liu F., Lian S., Yang C., Gritzalis S., “On the Typical Statistic Features for Image Blind Steganalysis”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,27, No.7, pp.1404-1422, 2011, IEEE Press
  63. Belsis P., Skourlas C., Gritzalis S., “Secure electronic healthcare records management in wireless environments”, Journal of Information Technology Research, 4, No.4, pp.1-17, 2011, IGI Global
  64. Kalloniatis C., Belsis P., Gritzalis S., “A Soft Computing approach for Privacy Requirements Engineering”, Applied Soft Computing,11, No.7, pp.4341-4348, 2011, Elsevier
  65. Frantzeskou G., MacDonell S., Stamatatos E., Georgiou S., Gritzalis S., “The significance of user-defined identifiers in Java source code authorship identification”, International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.26, No.2, pp.139-148, 2011, CRL Publishing
  66. Mitseva A., Aivaloglou E., Marchitti M. A., Prasad R. N., Skianis C., Gritzalis S., Waller A., Bauge T., Pennington S., “Towards Adaptive Security for Convergent Wireless Sensor Networks in Beyond 3G Environments”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol.10, No.9, pp.1193-1207, 2010, Wiley
  67. Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., Park J. H., “Device Authentication in Wireless and Pervasive Environments”, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing Autosoft, Vol.16, No.3, pp.399-418, 2010, TSI Press
  68. Karopoulos G., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., Konstantinou E., “A Framework for Identity Privacy in Session Initiation Protocol”, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol.33, No.1, pp.16-28, 2010, Elsevier
  69. Kosta E., Kalloniatis C., Mitrou L., Gritzalis S., “Data protection issues pertaining to social networking under EU law”, Transforming Government: People, Process, and Policy journal,4, No.2, pp.193-201, 2010, Emerald
  70. Kambourakis G., Geneiatakis D., Gritzalis S., Dagiouklas A., Lambrinoudakis C., Ehlert S., Fiedler J., “High Availability for SIP: Solutions and Real-Time Measurement Performance Evaluation”, International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, 1, No.1, pp.11-30, 2010, SERSC
  71. Tsochou A., Kokolakis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “A Security Standards’ Framework to facilitate Best Practices’ Awareness and Conformity”, Information Management and Computer Security, Vol.18, No.5, pp.350-365, 2010, Emerald
  72. Pereniguez-Garcia F., Kambourakis G., Marin-Lopez R., Gritzalis S., Gomez-Skarmeta A. F., “Privacy-enhanced Fast Re-authentication for EAP-based Next Generation Networks”, Computer Communications, 33, No.14, pp.1682-1694, 2010, Elsevier
  73. Kambourakis G., Konstantinou E., Gritzalis S., “Revisiting WiMAX Multicast Broadcast Services (MBS) Security”, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,60, No.2, pp.217-223, 2010, Elsevier
  74. Tsochou A., Lambrinoudakis C., Kokolakis S., Gritzalis S., “The importance of content-dependent privacy requirements and perceptions to the design of privacy-aware systems”, Upgrade on-line journal, 11, No.1, pp.32-37, 2010, CEPIS
  75. Boukas L., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “Pandora: An SMS-oriented e-informational system for educational realms”, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol.32, No.3, pp.684-702, 2009, Elsevier
  76. Magkos E., Maragkoudakis E., Chrissikopoulos V., Gritzalis S., “Accurate and Large-Scale Privacy-Preserving Data Mining using the Election Paradigm”, Data and Knowledge Engineering,68, No.11, pp.1224-1236, 2009, Elsevier
  77. Rizomiliotis P., Rekleitis E., Gritzalis S., “Security Analysis of the Song-Mitchell Authentication Protocol for Low-Cost RFID tags”, IEEE Communications Letters,13, No.4, pp.274-276, 2009, IEEE [IEEE COMSOC Best Readings Topics on Communications and Information Systems Security: RFID]
  78. Aivaloglou F., Gritzalis S., “Hybrid Trust and Reputation Management for Sensor Networks”, Wireless Networks, Vol.16, No.5, pp.1493-1510, 2009, Springer
  79. Tsakountakis A., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “A Generic Accounting Scheme for Next Generation Networks”, Computer Networks,53, No.14, pp.2408-2426, 2009, Elsevier
  80. Karyda M., Gritzalis S., Park J.-H., Kokolakis S., “Privacy and Fair Information Practices in Ubiquitous Environments: Research Challenges and Future Directions”, Internet Research, Vol.19, No.2, pp.194-208, 2009, Emerald
  81. Rizomiliotis P., Tsochou A., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “Security and Privacy Issues in Bipolar Disorder Research”, Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare, 7, No.4, pp.244-250, 2009, HL7 Ramius Corp.
  82. Kalloniatis C., Kavakli E., Gritzalis S., “Addressing Privacy Requirements in System Design: The PriS Methodology”, Requirements Engineering, Vol.13, No.3, pp.241-255, 2008, Springer
  83. Roman R., Lopez J. Gritzalis S., “Situation Awareness Mechanisms for Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Communications, Vol.46, No.4, pp.102-107, 2008, IEEE
  84. Antoniou G., Sterling L., Gritzalis S., Parampalli U., “Privacy and Forensics investigation process: The ERPINA protocol”, Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol.30, No.4, pp.229-236, 2008, Elsevier
  85. Balopoulos T., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Specifying and Implementing Privacy-preserving protocols”, International Journal of Information Security, Vol.7, No.6, pp.395-420, 2008, Springer
  86. Aivaloglou E., Gritzalis S., Skianis C., “Trust Establishment in Sensor Networks: Behavior-based, Certificate-based, and a Combinational Approach”, International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 1, No.1-2, pp. 128-148, 2008, Inderscience Publishers
  87. Belsis P., Fragos K., Gritzalis S., Skourlas C., “Applying effective feature selection techniques with Hierarchical Mixtures of Experts for spam classification”, Journal of Computer Security, 16, No.6, pp.761-790, 2008, IOS Press
  88. Vouyioukas D., Kambourakis G., Maglogiannis I., Rouskas A., Kolias C., Gritzalis S., “Enabling the Provision of Secure Web based M-Health Services utilizing XML based Security Models”, Security and Communication Networks, Vol.1, No.5, pp.375-388, 2008, Wiley
  89. Bouras C., Papagiannopoulos J., Katsikas S., Gritzalis S., “The Broadband Status of the Western Greece: A study on the offer and the demand of broadband services for eGovernment promotion”, International Journal of Electronic Governance,1, No.3, pp.326-344, 2008, Inderscience Publishers
  90. Frantzeskou G., MacDonell S., Stamatatos E., Gritzalis S., “Examining the Significance of high-level programming features in Source-code Author Classification”, Journal of Systems and Software, Vol.81, No.3, pp.447-460, 2008, Elsevier
  91. Frantzeskou G., Stamatatos E., Gritzalis S., Chaski C., Howald B., “Identifying Authorship by Byte-Level N-Grams: The SCAP Source Code Author Profile method”, International Journal of Digital Evidence, 6, No.1, pp.1-15, 2007, Economic Crime Institute
  92. Gritzalis S., Belsis P., Katsikas S., “Interconnecting Autonomous Medical Domains: Security, Interoperability and Semantic-Driven Perspectives”, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 26, No.5, pp.23-28, 2007, IEEE
  93. Geneiatakis D., Kambourakis G., Lambrinoudakis C., Dagiouklas A., Gritzalis S., “A framework for protecting SIP-based infrastructure against Malformed Message Attacks”, Computer Networks, Vol.51, No.10, pp.2580-2593, 2007, Elsevier
  94. Kambourakis G., Kontoni D. P., Rouskas A., Gritzalis S., “A PKI approach for deploying modern secure distributed eLearning and mLearning environments”, Computers and Education, Vol.48, No.1, pp.1-16, 2007, Elsevier
  95. Gritzalis S., Yannacopoulos A., Lambrinoudakis C., Hatzopoulos P., Katsikas S., “A Probabilistic Model for Optimal Insurance Contracts against Security Risks and Privacy Violation in IT Outsourcing Environments”, International Journal of Information Security, Vol.6, No.4, pp.197-211, 2007, Springer
  96. Belsis M., Dwivedi A., Gritzalis S., Bali R., Naguib R., “Providing Secure mAccess to Medical Information”, International Journal of Electronic Healthcare,3, No.1, pp.51-71, 2007, Inderscience Publishers
  97. Karopoulos G., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “Survey of Secure Hand-off Optimization Schemes for Multimedia Services over all-IP Wireless Heterogeneous Networks”, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol.9, No.3, pp.18-28, 2007, IEEE
  98. Belsis P., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Partial and Fuzzy Constraint Satisfaction to Support Coalition Formation”, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.179, No.1, pp.75-86, 2007, Elsevier
  99. Kavakli E., Gritzalis S., Kalloniatis C., “Protecting Privacy in System Design: The Electronic Voting Case”, Transforming Government: People, Process, and Policy journal,1, No.4, pp.307-332, 2007, Emerald
  100. Onieva J. A., Lopez J., Rodrigo R., Zhou J., Gritzalis S., “Integration of Non-Repudiation Services in Mobile Digital Rights Management Scenarios”, Telecommunication Systems: Modelling, Analysis, Design and Management, Vol.35, No.3-4, pp.161-176, 2007, Springer
  101. Aivaloglou E., Gritzalis S., Skianis C., “Towards a flexible Trust Establishment Framework for Sensor Networks”, Telecommunication Systems: Modelling, Analysis, Design and Management, Vol.35, No.3-4, pp.207-213, 2007, Springer
  102. Geneiatakis D., Dagiouklas A., Kambourakis G., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., Ehlert S., Sisalem D., “Survey of Security Vulnerabilities in SIP”, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 8, No.3, pp.68-81, 2006, IEEE
  103. Kambourakis G., Rouskas A., Gritzalis S., Geneiatakis D., “Support of Subscriber’s Certificates in a Hybrid WLAN-3G Environment”, Computer Networks, Vol.50, No.11, pp.1843-1859, 2006, Elsevier
  104. Kavakli E., Kalloniatis C., Loucopoulos P., Gritzalis S., “Incorporating Privacy Requirements into the System Design Process: The PriS Conceptual Framework”, Internet Research, 16, No.2, pp.140-158, 2006, Emerald
  105. Fotakis D., Gritzalis S., “Efficient Heuristic Algorithms for Correcting the Cascade Vulnerability Problem for Interconnected Networks”, Computer Communications, Vol.29, No.11, pp.2109-2122, 2006, Elsevier
  106. Lamprou K., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Security Architectures for Online Distance Learning and Training: A review”, THEMES in Education, Vol.7, No.1, pp.63-77, 2006
  107. Gritzalis S., “Developing a Culture of Privacy in the Global Village”, Telematics and Informatics,23, No.3, pp.157-163, 2006, Elsevier (Editorial)
  108. Gritzalis S., “Public Key Infrastructure: Research and Applications”, International Journal of Information Security, 5, No.1, pp.1-3, 2006, Springer (Editorial)
  109. Gritzalis S., “A Policy-ruled Knowledge Dissemination Architecture for Supporting multi-domain Secure Interoperation”, The eJournal for Electronic Commerce Tools and Applications, Vol.1, No.4, 2006
  110. Gousios G., Aivaloglou E., Gritzalis S., “Distributed Component Architectures Security issues”, Computer Standards and Interfaces, 27, No.3, pp.269-284, 2005, Elsevier
  111. Belsis P., Malatras A., Gritzalis S., Skourlas C., Chalaris I., “Flexible Secure Heterogeneous File Management in Distributed Environments”, in IADAT Journal of Advanced Technology,1, No.2, pp.66-69, 2005, published by IADAT International Association for the Development of Advances in Technology
  112. Malatras A., Pavlou G., Belsis P., Gritzalis S., Skourlas C., Chalaris I., “Deploying Pervasive Secure Knowledge Management Infrastructures”, International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications,1, No.4, pp.265-276, 2005, Troubador Publishing
  113. Gymnopoulos L., Tsoumas V., Soupionis J., Gritzalis S., “A Generic Grid Security Policy Reconciliation Framework”, Internet Research, Vol.15, No.5, pp.508-517, 2005, Emerald
  114. Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Lekkas D., Deftereos S., “Technical Guidelines for Enhancing Privacy and Data Protection in Modern Electronic Medical Environments”, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol.9, No.3, pp.413-423, 2005, IEEE
  115. Lekkas D., Gritzalis S., Mitrou L., “Withdrawing a Declaration of Will: Towards a framework for Digital Signature Revocation”, Internet Research, Vol.15, No.4, pp.400-420, 2005, Emerald (Highly Commended Award 2006)
  116. Balopoulos T., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Specifying Privacy Preserving Protocols in Typed MSR”, Computer Standards and Interfaces, 27, No.5, pp.501-512, 2005, Elsevier
  117. Roumboutsos A., Nikitakos N., Gritzalis S., “Information Technology Network Security Risk Assessment and Management Framework for Shipping Companies”, Maritime Policy and Management,32, No.4, pp.421-432, 2005, Taylor and Francis Pubs.
  118. Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., Hatzopoulos P., Yannacopoulos A., Katsikas S., “A Formal Model for Pricing Information Systems Insurance Contracts”, Computer Standards and Interfaces, 27, No.5, pp.521-532, 2005, Elsevier
  119. Gritzalis S., “A Good-Practice Guidance on the use of PKI Services in the Public Sector of the European Union Member States”, Information Management and Computer Security,13, No.5, pp.379-398, 2005, Emerald
  120. Gritzalis S., “Enhancing Privacy and Data Protection in Electronic Medical Transactions”, Journal of Medical Systems, Vol.28, No.6, pp.535-547, 2004, Springer
  121. Gritzalis S., “Enhancing Web Privacy and Anonymity in the Digital Era”, Information Management and Computer Security,12, No.3, pp.255-287, 2004, Emerald
  122. Kambourakis G., Rouskas A., Kormentzas G., Gritzalis S., “Advanced SSL/TLS based Authentication for Secure WLAN-3G Interworking”, IEE Proceedings Communications, Vol.151, No.5, pp.501-506, 2004, IEE
  123. Kambourakis G., Rouskas A., Gritzalis S., “Performance Evaluation of Public Key Based Authentication in Future Mobile Communication Systems”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 1, No.1, pp.184-197, 2004, Hindawi Publishing Corporation
  124. Kambourakis G., Rouskas A., Gritzalis S., “Experimental Analysis of an SSL-based Authentication and Key Agreement mechanism in 3G-and-beyond Wireless Networks”, Wireless Personal Communications, Vol.29, No.3-4, pp.303-321, 2004, Kluwer Academic Publishers
  125. Aggelis G., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., “Mechanisms for Controlling Access in the Global Grid Environment”, Internet Research, Vol.14, No.5, pp.347-352, 2004, Emerald
  126. Iliadis J., Gritzalis S., Gritzalis D., “ADoCSI: Towards a Transparent Mechanism for Disseminating Certificate Status Information”, Computer Communications (indexed in Thomson’s ISI Web of Science), Vol.26, No.16, pp.1851-1862, 2003, Elsevier
  127. Iliadis J., Gritzalis S., Spinellis D., de Cock D., Preneel B., Gritzalis D., “Towards a Framework for Evaluating Certificate Status Information Mechanisms”, Computer Communications, Vol.26, No.16, pp.1839-1850, 2003, Elsevier
  128. Deftereos S., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., Andriopoulos P., Georgonikou D., Aessopos A., “A macro-directive mechanism that facilitates automating updating and processing of the contents of Electronic Healthcare Records: an extension to the CEN architecture”, Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine, Vol.28, No.1, pp.21-41, 2003, Cambridge University Press – Taylor & Francis Publications
  129. Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., Dridi F., Pernul G., “Security Requirements for e-Government Services: A methodological approach for developing a common PKI based security policy”, Computer Communications, Vol.26, No.16, pp.1873-1883, 2003, Elsevier
  130. Katsikas S., Gritzalis S., “A Best Practice Guide for Secure Electronic Commerce”, Upgrade online journal, Vol.3, No.6, 2002, CEPIS
  131. Spinellis D., Moulinos K., Iliadis J., Gritzalis D., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Deploying a Secure Cyberbazaar by adding Trust on Commercial Transactions”, eJETA The eJournal for Electronic Commerce Tools and Applications, 1, No.2, 2002, eJETA.org
  132. Lekkas D., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Deploying Quality Management in Trusted Third Parties within a Medical Environment”, Health Informatics, Vol.8, No.1, pp.4-14, 2002, SAGE Publications
  133. Lekkas D., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Quality Assured Trusted Third Parties for deploying secure Internet-based healthcare applications”, International Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol.65, No.2, pp.79-96, 2002, Elsevier
  134. Nikitakos N., Gritzalis S., “Risk Management for New Information Technology Insertion in a Shipping Company”, Operational Research: An International Journal, Vol.1, No.1, pp.1-10, 2001, Hellenic Operational Research Society
  135. Gritzalis S., Gritzalis D., “A Digital Seal solution for deploying Trust on Commercial Transactions”, Information Management and Computer Security,9, No.2, pp.71-79, 2001, MCB University Press
  136. Gritzalis S., Gritzalis D., Moulinos K., Iliadis J., “An integrated Architecture for deploying a Virtual Private Medical Network over the Web”, Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine, Vol.26, No.1, pp.49-72, 2001, Cambridge University Press – Taylor & Francis Publications
  137. Gritzalis S., Iliadis J., Oikonomopoulos S., “Distributed Component Software Security Issues on Deploying a Secure Electronic Marketplace”, Information Management and Computer Security,8, No.1, pp.5-13, 2000, MCB University Press
  138. Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “Managing Medical and Insurance Information through a Smart Card based Information System”, Journal of Medical Systems, Vol.24, No.4, pp.213-234, 2000, Kluwer Academic Publishers
  139. Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., Lekkas D., Moulinos K., Polydorou E., “Securing the electronic market: The KEYSTONE Public Key Infrastructure Architecture”, Computers and Security, Vol.19, No.8, pp.731-746, 2000, Elsevier
  140. Spinellis D., Kokolakis S., Gritzalis S., “Security requirements, risks, and recommendations for small enterprise and home-office environments”, Information Management and Computer Security, Vol.7, No.3, pp.121-128, 1999, MCB University Press
  141. Gritzalis S., Iliadis J., Gritzalis D., Spinellis D., Katsikas S., “Developing Secure Web-based Medical Applications”, Medical Informatics and the Internet in Medicine, Vol.24, No.1, pp.75-90, 1999, Cambridge University Press – Taylor & Francis Publications
  142. Spinellis D., Gritzalis S., Iliadis J., Gritzalis D., Katsikas S., “Trusted Third Party services for deploying secure telemedical applications over the Web”, Computers and Security, Vol.18, No.7, pp.627-639, 1999, Elsevier
  143. Gritzalis S., Spinellis D., Georgiadis P., “Security Protocols over open networks and distributed systems: Formal Methods for their Analysis, Design, and Verification”, Computer Communications, Vol.22, No.8, pp.697-709, 1999, Elsevier
  144. Gritzalis S., Aggelis G., Spinellis D., “Architectures for Secure Portable Executable Content”, Internet Research, Vol.9, No.1, pp.16-24, 1999, MCB University Press
  145. Gritzalis S., Spinellis D., “The Cascade Vulnerability problem: The Detection problem and a Simulated Annealing approach for its Correction problem”, Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol.21, No.10, pp.621-627, 1998, Elsevier
  146. Gritzalis S., Aggelis G., “Security issues surrounding programming languages for mobile code: Java vs. Safe-Tcl”, ACM Operating Systems Review, Vol.32, No.2, pp.16-32, 1998, ACM Press
  147. Gritzalis D., Katsikas S., Gritzalis S., “A Zero-Knowledge Probabilistic Login Protocol”, Computers and Security, Vol.11, No.8, pp.733-745, 1992, Elsevier



  1. Pattakou A., Diamantopoulou V., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “A Unified Framework for GDPR Compliance in Cloud Computing“, Proceedings of the the TRUSTBUS 2024 16th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business, in conjunction with ARES 2024 The 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, M. Coetzee, S. Katsikas (Eds.), July 2024, Vienna, Austria, Springer LNCS
  2. Routzouni A., Gritzalis S., Vasilakis N.-D., Pouloudi N., “Public sector innovation through design thinking: Applying a participatory policy design practice to support the formulation of a national digital transformation strategy”, Proceedings of the ICEGOV 2021 14th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, Loukis, E., Macadar, M. A., Meyerhoff, N. M. (Eds.), October 2021, Athens, Greece, ACM Press
  3. Kitsiou A., Tzortzaki E., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Self Adaptive Privacy in Cloud Computing Environments: Identifying the major socio-technical concepts”, Proceedings of the CyberICPS 2020 6th Workshop on the Security of Industrial Control Systems and of Cyber-Physical Systems, F. Cuppens (Ed.), pp.117-132, September 2020, London, UK, Springer LNCS
  4. Skarkala M.-E., Maragkoudakis E., Gritzalis S., Mitrou L., “PP-TAN: a Privacy Preserving Multi-party Tree Augmented Naive Bayes Classifier”, Proceedings of the SEEDA CECNSM 2020 5th South East Europe Design, Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference, September 2020, Corfu, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  5. Kitsiou A., Tzortzaki E., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Measuring users’ socio-contextual attributes for Self-Adaptive Privacy within Cloud-Computing Environments”, Proceedings of the TRUSTBUS 2020 16th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business, E. Weippl (Ed.), September 2020, Regensburg, Germany, Springer LNCS
  6. Sideri M., Gritzalis S., “Are We Really Informed on the Rights GDPR Guarantees?“, Proceedings of the HAISA 2020 International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance, N. Clarke, S. Furnell (Eds.), July 2020, Springer IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology series
  7. Simou S., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., Katos V., “A Revised Forensic Process for Aligning the Investigation Process with the Design of Forensic-enabled Cloud Services“, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on e-Democracy 2019, S. Katsikas, V. Zorkadis (Eds.), pp.161-177, December 2019, Athens, Greece, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science
  8. Sideri M., Fontaras A., Gritzalis S., “What Do We Know about our Rights to Data Protection? A Greek Case Study“, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on e-Democracy 2019, S. Katsikas, V. Zorkadis (Eds.), pp.18-33, December 2019, Athens, Greece, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science
  9. Routzouni A., Deligiannis A., Gritzalis S., “A Generalized co-evaluation Model of Public Policies”, Proceedings of the MCIS 2019 13th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, September 2019, Naples, Italy, Springer Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation
  10. Rizomiliotis P., Gritzalis S., “Simple Forward and Backward Private Searchable Symmetric Encryption Schemes with constant number of Roundtrips“, Proceedings of the ACM CCSW 2019 11th ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop, C. Papamanthou, R. Sion (Eds.), pp.141-152, November 2019, London, UK, ACM Press
  11. Routzouni A., Deligiannis A., Peristeras V., Gritzalis S., ” An intercountry survey of participatory practices used for Open Government Partnership National Action Plan development”, Proceedings of the EGOV-CeDEM-ePart, pp.82-93, September 2019, San Benedetto Del Tronto, Italy, Springer LNCS
  12. Polydropoulou A., Kalloniatis C., Kavroudakis D., Gritzalis S., “Secure and Privacy-Aware Intelligent Transport Systems and their Role on Smart Cities Development”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board TRB’s 98th Meeting, January 2019, Washington, USA, TRB
  13. Routzouni A., Gritzalis S., “The Civil Society as an Innovation Partner in public policy making: Co-creating the Greek National Action Plan on Open Government”, Proceedings of the MCIS 2018 12th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, P. Kourouthanassis et al. (Eds.), September 2018, Corfu, Greece, AIS
  14. Pattakou A., Mavroidi A., Diamantopoulou V., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S.,Towards the Design of Usable Privacy by Design Methodologies“, Proceedings of the ESPRE 2018 5th International Workshop on Evolving Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering, S. Faily et al. (Eds.), August 2018, Banff, Canada, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  15. Simou S., Troumbis I., Kalloniatis C., Kavroudakis D., Gritzalis S., “A Decision-Making Approach for Improving Organizations’ Cloud Forensic Readiness”, Proceedings of the TRUSTBUS 2018 14th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business, S. Furnell (Ed.), pp.150-164, September 2018, Regensburg, Germany, Springer LNCS
  16. Diamantopoulou V., Androutsopoulou A., Gritzalis S., Charalabidis Y., “An Assessment of Privacy Preservation in Crowdsourcing Approaches: Towards GDPR Compliance”, Proceedings of the IEEE RCIS 12th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, B. Le Grand (Ed.), pp.1-9, May 2018, Nande, France, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  17. Anagnostopoulos M., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., Yau D., “Never say Never: Authoritative TLD name server-powered DNS amplification”, Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2018 Network Operations and Management Symposium, Y.-T. Kim, C. Marquezan, C.-W. Yi (Eds.), pp.1-9, April 2018, Taipei, Taiwan, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  18. Sideri M., Kitsiou A., Tzortzaki E., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “I have learned that I must think twice before: An educational intervention for enhancing students’ privacy awareness in Facebook”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on e-Democracy, Katsikas, A. Sideridis (Eds.), pp.79-95, December 2017, Athens, Greece, Springer CCIS Communications in Computer and Information Science Vol.792
  19. Rizomiliotis P., Molla E., Gritzalis S., “REX: a Searchable Symmetric Encryption Scheme Supporting Range Queries”, Proceedings of the ACM CCSW 2017 9th ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop,29-37, A. Stavrou, G. Karame (Eds.), November 2017, Dallas, Texas, USA, ACM Press
  20. Kalloniatis C., Kavroudakis D., Polydoropoulou A., Gritzalis S., “Designing Privacy-Aware Intelligent Transport Systems: A Roadmap for Identifying the Major Privacy Concepts”, Proceedings of the 2nd SMART-MED Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Smart, Inclusive and Resilient Small and Medium-sized Cities and Island Communities in the Mediterranean, Nikolaidis (Ed.), September 2017, Heraklion, Greece, Springer
  21. Chalaris E., Chalaris I., Gritzalis S., Sgouropoulou C., “Maturity Level of the Quality Assurance Evaluation Procedures in Higher Education: A qualitative research”, Proceedings of the PCI 2017 21st Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.), September 2017, Larisa, Greece, ACM Press
  22. Diamantopoulou V., Tsochou A., Loukis E., Gritzalis S., “Does the Development of Information Systems Resources Lead to the Development of Information Security Resources? An Empirical Investigation”, Proceedings of the AMCIS 2017 the 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems, D. Strong, J. Gogan (Eds.), August 2017, Boston, USA, AIS
  23. Simou S., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Modelling Cloud Forensic-Enabled Services”, Proceedings of the TRUSTBUS 2017 13th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business,147-163, S. Fischer-Huebner, C. Lambrinoudakis (Eds.), August 2017, Lyon, France, Springer LNCS
  24. Diamantopoulou V., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., Mouratidis H., “Supporting Privacy by Design using Privacy Process Patterns”, Proceedings of the IFIP SEC 2017 32nd IFIP International Information Security Conference, 491-505, S. De Capitani di Vimercati, F. Martinelli, May 2017, Rome, Italy, Springer
  25. Diamantopoulou V., Argyropoulos N., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Supporting the Design of Privacy-Aware Business Processes via Privacy Process Patterns”, Proceedings of the IEEE RCIS 11th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 187-198, S. Assar, O. Pastor (Eds.), May 2017, Brighton, UK, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  26. Zagouras P., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Managing User Experience: Usability and Security in a New Era Supremacy”, Proceedings of the HCII 2017 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Tryfonas (Ed.), pp.174-188, July 2017, Vancouver, Canada, Springer LNCS
  27. Pattakou A., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering Methods for Traditional and Cloud-Based Systems: A Review”, Proceedings of the CLOUD COMPUTING 2017 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing, GRIDs, and Virtualization,145-151, P. Dini (Ed.), February 2017, Athens, Greece, IARIA
  28. Sideri M., Filippopoulou A., Rouvalis G., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Social media use for decision making process in educational settings: The Greek case for Leadership’s views and attitudes in Secondary and Tertiary Education”, Proceedings of the HICSS-50 2017 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,2875–2884, T. Bui, R. Sprague (Eds.), January 2017, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  29. Spiliotopoulou L., Damopoulos D., Charalabidis Y., Maragkoudakis E., Gritzalis S., “Europe in the shadow of financial crisis: Policy Making via Stance Classification”, Proceedings of the HICSS-50 2017 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,2835–2844, T. Bui, R. Sprague (Eds.), January 2017, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  30. Argyropoulos N., Shei S., Kalloniatis C., Mouratidis H., Delaney A., Fish A., Gritzalis S., “A Semi-Automatic Approach for Eliciting Cloud Security and Privacy Requirements”, Proceedings of the HICSS-50 2017 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,4827-4836, T. Bui, R. Sprague (Eds.), January 2017, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  31. Kitsiou A., Tzortzaki E., Sideri M., Gritzalis S., “Digital Privacy and Social Capital on Social Network Sites. Friends or Foes?”, Proceedings of the STAST 2016 6th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects of Security and Trust, 3-16, Z. Benenson, C. Gates (Eds.), December 2016, Los Angeles, USA, ACM Press
  32. Tzortzaki E., Kitsiou A., Sideri M., Gritzalis S., “Self-disclosure, Privacy concerns and Social Capital benefits interaction in Facebook: A case study”, Proceedings of the PCI 2016 20th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, Verykios et al. (Eds.), November 2016, Patras, Greece, ACM Press
  33. Tsiatsikas Z., Geneiatakis D., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “Realtime DDoS detection in SIP Ecosystems: Machine Learning tools of the trade”, Proceedings of the NSS 2016 10th International Conference on Network and System Security, 126-139, M. Yung et al. (Eds.), September 2016, Taipei, Taiwan, Springer LNCS
  34. Simou S., Kalloniatis C., Mouratidis H., Gritzalis S., “Towards a Model-Based Framework for Forensic-Enabled Cloud Information Systems”, Proceedings of the TRUSTBUS ‘16 13th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business,35-47, S. Katsikas, C. Lambrinoudakis (Eds.), September 2016, Porto, Portugal, Springer LNCS
  35. Pattakou A., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Reasoning about security and privacy in cloud computing under a unified meta-model”, Proceedings of the HAISA 2016 10th International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance,56-66, N. Clarke, S. Furnell (Eds.), July 2016, Frankfurt, Germany, HAISA
  36. Sideri M., Kitsiou A., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Privacy and Facebook Universities students’ communities for confessions and secrets: The Greek case”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on e-Democracy, 77-94, S. Katsikas, A. Sideridis (Eds.), December 2015, Athens, Greece, Springer CCIS Communications in Computer and Information Science
  37. Giannakas F., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “CyberAware: A Mobile Game-based app for Cybersecurity Education and Awareness”, Proceedings of the IMCL 2015 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication, Technologies and Learning, Auer (Ed.), pp.54-58, November 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  38. Rizomiliotis P., Gritzalis S., “ORAM Oblivious RAM based forward privacy preserving Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption Schemes”, Proceedings of the ACM CCSW 2015 7th ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop,65-76, C. Nita-Rotaru, F. Kerschbaum (Eds.), October 2015, Denver, USA, ACM Press
  39. Simou S., Kalloniatis C., Mouratidis H., Gritzalis S., “A Meta-model for assisting a Cloud Forensics Process”, Proceedings of the CRiSIS 2015 10th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, 177-187, A. Gabillon (Ed.), July 2015, Mytilene, Greece, Springer LNCS
  40. Kavakli E., Bantimaroudis P., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., Avgeri K., “Towards the Design of Trustworthy Websites for Cultural Organizations: A Visitor’s perspective”, Proceedings of the EMCIS 2015 12th Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems, 1-11, V. Morabito (Ed.), June 2015, Athens, Greece, EMCIS
  41. Simou S., Kalloniatis C., Mouratidis H., Gritzalis S., “Towards the development of a Cloud Forensics Methodology: A Conceptual Model”, Proceedings of the WISSE 2015 5th International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering, Rosado (Ed.), pp.470-481, June 2015, Stockholm, Sweden, Springer LNCS
  42. Chalaris I., Chalaris E., Gritzalis S., “A holistic approach for quality assurance and advanced decision making for academic institutions using the balanced scorecard technique”, Proceedings of the PCI 2014 18th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, 1-6, E. Carayiannis, T. Varvarigou, M. Nikolaidou (Eds.), October 2014, Athens, Greece, ACM Press
  43. Diamantatos P., Gritzalis S., Kavallieratou E., “Writer Identification using Statistical and Model Based Approach”, Proceedings of the ICFHR 2014 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Llados, R. Manmatha, C. – L. Tan (Eds.), pp.589-594, September 2014, Crete, Greece, ICFHR
  44. Chalaris I., Chalaris E., Gritzalis S., “Process’ Standardization and change management in Higher Education: The case of TEI of Athens”, Proceedings of the IC-ININFO 4th International Conference on Integrated Information, September 2014, Madrid, Spain, AIP Publishing
  45. Chalaris E., Gritzalis S., Maragkoudakis E., Sgouropoulou C., Lykeridou A., “Examining students’ graduation issues using data mining techniques: The case of TEI of Athens”, Proceedings of the IC-ININFO 4th International Conference on Integrated Information, September 2014, Madrid, Spain, AIP Publishing
  46. Beckers K., Faßbender S., Gritzalis S., Heisel M., Kalloniatis C., Meis R., “Privacy-Aware Cloud Deployment Scenario Selection”, Proceedings of the TRUSTBUS ‘14 11th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business, Pernull, S. Katsikas (Eds.), pp.94-105, August 2014, Munich, Germany, Springer LNCS
  47. Simou S., Kalloniatis C., Kavakli E., Gritzalis S., “Cloud Forensics: Identifying the Major Issues and Challenges”, Proceedings of the CAiSE 2014 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Jarke, J. Mylopoulos, C. Quix (Eds.), pp.271-284, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2014, Proceedings by Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  48. Simou S., Kalloniatis C., Kavakli E., Gritzalis S., “Cloud Forensics Solutions: A Review”, Proceedings of the WISSE 2014 4th International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering, Mouratidis (Ed.), pp.299-309, June 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece, Springer LNCS
  49. Pavlidis M., Kavakli E., Bantimaroudis F., Mouratidis C., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “The role of trust for the development of cultural internet-based systems”, Proceedings of the EMCIS 2013 European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems, Ghoneim, M. Kamal (Eds.), pp.429-435, October 2013, London, UK, EMCIS [Best Theoretical Paper Award]
  50. Belsis P., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Skourlas C., Tsoukalas V., Vassis D., “An agent based architecture benchmark”, Proceedings of the 3rd IC-ININFO International Conference on Integrated Information, D. Sakas et al. (Eds.), September 2013, Prague, Czech, Procedia, Elsevier
  51. Chalaris E., Gritzalis S., Maragkoudakis E., Sgouropoulou C., Tsolakidis A., “Improving quality of educational processes providing new knowledge using data mining techniques”, Proceedings of the 3rd IC-ININFO International Conference on Integrated Information, D. Sakas et al. (Eds.), pp.390-397, September 2013, Prague, Czech, Procedia, Elsevier
  52. Pavlidis M., Mouratidis C., Kalloniatis C., Islam S., Gritzalis S., “Trustworthy Selection of Cloud Providers based on Security and Privacy Requirements: Justifying Trust Assumptions”, Proceedings of the TRUSTBUS 2013 10th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business, Furnell, C. Lambrinoudakis (Eds.), pp.185-198, August 2013, Prague, Czech, Springer LNCS
  53. Manousakis V., Kalloniatis C., Kavakli E., Gritzalis S., “Privacy in the Cloud: Bridging the Gap between Design and Implementation”, Proceedings of the WISSE 2013 3rd International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering, Rosado, N. Lammari (Eds.), pp.455-465, June 2013, Valencia, Spain, Springer LNCS
  54. Kalloniatis C., Manousakis V., Mouratidis C., Gritzalis S., “Migrating into the Cloud: Identifying the Major Security and Privacy Concerns”, Proceedings of the I3E 2013 12th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services, e-Society, Douligeris, N. Polemi (Eds.), pp.73-87, April 2013, Piraeus, Greece, Springer
  55. Rizomiliotis P., Gritzalis S., “Revisiting Lightweight Authentication Protocols based on Hard Learning Problems”, Proceedings of the ACM WiSec 2013 6th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks, Gruteser, A.R. Sadeghi (Eds.), pp.125-130, April 2013, Budapest, Hungary, ACM Press
  56. Belsis P., Gritzalis S., Marinagi K., Skourlas C., Vassis D., “Secure Wireless Infrastructures and Mobile Learning for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students”, Proceedings of the PCI 2012 16th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, Vergados D., Lambrinoudakis C. (Eds.), pp.369-374, October 2012, Piraeus, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  57. Skarkala M. E., Toivonen H., Moen P., Maragkoudakis E., Gritzalis S., Mitrou L., “Privacy Preservation by k-Anonymization of Weighted Social Networks”, Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE/ACM ASONAM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Yu, K. Carley et al. (eds.), pp.423-428, August 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, IEEE CPS
  58. Rizomiliotis P., Gritzalis S.,GHB#: a provably secure HB-like lightweight authentication protocol”, Proceedings of the ACNS 2012 10th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security,489-506, F. Bao, P. Samarati (Eds.), June 2012, Singapore, Springer LNCS
  59. Damopoulos , Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S.,Park S.-O., “Lifting the veil on mobile malware: A complete dynamic solution for iOS”, Proceedings of the ACSA 2012 International Symposium on Advances in Cryptography, Security and Applications for Future Computing, N. Zhang et al. (Eds.), June 2012, Vancouver, Canada, FTRA
  60. Kalloniatis C., Belsis P., Kavakli E., Gritzalis S., “Applying soft computing technologies for implementing privacy-aware systems”, Proceedings of the WISSE 2012 2nd International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering, 31-45, H. Mouratidis (Ed.), June 2012, Gdansk, Poland, Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing LNBIP
  61. Damopoulos , Kambourakis G., Anagnostopoulos M., Gritzalis S.,Park J.-H., “User-privacy and modern smartphones: A siri(ous) dilemma”, Proceedings of the FTRA AIM 2012 International Conference on Advanced IT, Engineering and Management, Seungmin Rho, Naveen Chilamkurti, Whai-En Chen, Sang Oh Park (Eds.), Seoul, Korea, February 2012, FTRA
  62. Rizomiliotis P., Rekleitis E., Gritzalis S., “Designing secure RFID authentication protocols is (still) a non-trivial task”, Proceedings of the NSS 2011 5th International Conference on Network and Systems Security, 73-80, P. Samarati, S. Foresti, J. Hu (Eds.), Milan, Italy, September 2011, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  63. Skarkala M., Maragkoudakis E., Gritzalis S., Mitrou L., “Privacy preserving Tree Augmented Naive Bayesian multi – party implementation on horizontally partitioned databases”, Proceedings of the TRUSTBUS’11 8th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business,62-73, Toulouse, France, August 2011, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  64. Nunez D., Agudo I., Drogkaris P., Gritzalis S., “Identity Management Challenges for Intercloud Applications”, Proceedings of the STAVE 2011 1st International Workshop on Security and Trust for Applications in Virtualized Environments, in conjunction with STA 2011 8th FTRA international conference on Secure and Trust computing, data management, and Applications, Skianis et al. (Eds.), pp.198-204, June 2011, Loutraki, Greece, Springer CCIS Communications in Computer and Information Science Series
  65. Damopoulos D., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “iSAM: An iPhone Stealth Airborne Malware”, Proceedings of the IFIP SEC 2011 26th IFIP International Information Security Conference, 17-28, J. Camenisch, S. Fischer-Huebner, Y. Murayama, June 2011, Lucerne, Switzerland, Springer [Nominated for Best Student Paper award] [IEEE COMSOC Best Readings Topics on Communications and Information Systems Security: Smartphone]
  66. Rekleitis E., Rizomiliotis P., Gritzalis S., “A Holistic Approach to RFID Security and Privacy”, Proceedings of the SecIoT 1st International Workshop on the Security of the Internet of Things, Zhou et al. (Eds.), November 2010, Tokyo, Japan
  67. Drogkaris P., Gritzalis S., “Attaching Multiple Personal Identifiers in X.509 Digital Certificates”, Proceedings of the EUROPKI 2010 7th European Workshop on Public Key Services, Applications and Infrastructures, Camenisch, C. Lambrinoudakis (Eds.), pp.171-177, September 2010, Athens, Greece, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  68. Drogkaris P., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., “Transforming the Greek eGovernment Environment towards the eGov 2.0 Era”, Proceedings of the EGOVIS’10 International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective, Wagner et al. (Eds.), pp.142-149, September 2010, Bilbao, Spain, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  69. Rekleitis E., Rizomiliotis P., Gritzalis S., “An Agent Based Back-end RFID Tag Management System”, Proceedings of the TrustBus’10 7th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business, Lopez, S. Katsikas (Eds.), pp.165-176, September 2010, Bilbao, Spain, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  70. Tsochou A., Kokolakis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “Unifying ISO Security Standards Practices into a Single Security Framework”, Proceedings of the 12th Annual IFIP Workshop on Information Security Management, Clarke, S. Furnell (Eds.), pp.188-203, South Africa, May 2010, Emerald
  71. Kambourakis G., Konstantinou E., Gritzalis S., “Revisiting WiMAX Multicast Broadcast Services (MBS) Security”, Proceedings of the FTRG ACSA 2009 International Workshop on Advances in Cryptography, Security and Applications for Future Computing, Mu, J.-H. Park (Eds.), Jeju, Korea, December 2009, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services [Nominated for Best Paper award]
  72. Geneiatakis D., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “A Hierarchical Model for Cross-Domain Communication of Health-Care Units”, Proceedings of the NSS 2009 3rd International Conference on Network and System Security, Xiang, J. Lopez, H. Wang (Eds.), pp.123-129, October 2009, Gold Coast, Australia, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  73. Drogkaris P., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “Introducing Federated Identities to One-Stop-Shop e-Government Environments: The Greek Case”, Proceedings of the eChallenges 2009 Conference, Cunningham (Ed.), October 2009, Istanbul, Turkey, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  74. Kalloniatis C., Kavakli E., Gritzalis S., “Methods for Designing Privacy Aware Information Systems: A review”, Proceedings of the PCI 2009 13th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, 185-194, V. Chrissikopoulos, N. Alexandris, C. Douligeris, S. Sioutas (Eds.), September 2009, Corfu, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  75. Klaoudatou E., Konstantinou E., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “A Cluster-based Framework for the Security of Medical Sensor Environments”, Proceedings of the TrustBus’09 6th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business,52-62, S. Fischer-Huebner, C. Lambrinoudakis (Eds.), September 2009, Linz, Austria, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  76. Drogkaris P., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., “Enabling Secure Data Management in eGovernment environments: The Greek case”, Proceedings of the EGOV 2009 8th International Conference on Electronic Government, Wimmer et al. (Eds.), pp.138-144, September 2009, Linz, Austria, Trauner Druck
  77. Tsochou A., Kokolakis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “Information Systems Security Management: A review and a classification of the ISO standards”, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Electronic Democracy – Next Generation Society: Technological and Legal Issues,220-235, A. Sideridis C. Pratikakis (Eds.), September 2009, Athens, Greece, Springer Lecture Notes of the ICSSIT Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics, and Telecommunications Engineering
  78. Tsochou A., Rizomiliotis P., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “Security and Privacy Issues in Bipolar Disorder Research”, Proceedings of the ICICTH 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Health, July 2009, Samos, Greece, INEAG
  79. Vassis D., Belsis P., Skourlas C., Gritzalis S., “End to end secure communication in ad-hoc assistive medical environments using secure paths”, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Privacy and Security in Pervasive e-Health and Assistive Environments, in conjunction with PETRA 2009 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Technologies related to Assistive Environments, Pantziou (Ed.), June 2009, Corfu, Greece, ACM Press
  80. Aivaloglou E., Gritzalis S., “Trust-based data disclosure in Sensor Networks”, Proceedings of the IEEE ICC 2009 International Conference on Communications – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium, Boutaba, S. Gritzalis, J. Hu, P. Mueller (Eds.), pp.1-6, June 2009, Dresden, Germany, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  81. Kambourakis G., Kolias C., Gritzalis S., Park J. H., “Signaling-oriented DoS Attacks in UMTS Networks”, Proceedings of the ISA 2009 3rd International Conference on Information Security and Assurance, J. Zhan, et al. (Eds.), pp.280-289, Seoul, Korea, June 2009, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  82. Belsis P., Vassis D., Gritzalis S., Skourlas C., “W-EHR: A wireless distributed framework for secure dissemination of electronic healthcare records”, Proceedings of the IWSSIP 2009 16th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, June 2009, Chalkida, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  83. Yiannakopoulos A., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., Xanthopoulos S., Katsikas S., “Modeling Privacy Insurance contracts and their utilization in Risk Management for ICT firms”, Proceedings of the ESORICS 2008 13th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Jajodia, J. Lopez (Eds.), pp.207-222, September 2008, Malaga, Spain, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 5283
  84. Kambourakis G., Konstantinou E., Gritzalis S., “Binary Tree Based Public-Key Management for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, Proceedings of the ISWCS’08 5th IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communications Systems,687-692, K. Gudmundsson, B. S. Yeo (Eds.), October 2008, Reykjavik, Iceland, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  85. Magkos E., Maragkoudakis E., Chrissikopoulos V., Gritzalis S., “Accuracy in Privacy-Preserving Data Mining Using the Paradigm of Cryptographic Elections”, Proceedings of the PSD 2008 Privacy in Statistical Databases,284-297, J. Domingo-Ferrer (Ed.), September 2008, Istanbul, Turkey, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  86. Drogkaris P., Geneiatakis P., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Mitrou L., “Towards an Enhanced Authentication Framework for eGovernment Services: The Greek case”, Proceedings of the EGOV’08 7th International Conference on Electronic Government, Ferro, J. Scholl, M. Wimmer et al. (Eds.), pp.189-196, Turin, Italy, September 2008, Trauner Verlag
  87. Tsakountakis A., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “A new Accounting Mechanism for Modern and Future AAA Services”, Proceedings of the IFIP SEC 2008 23rd International Conference on Information Security,693-697, S. Jajodia, P. Samarati (Eds.), Milan, Italy, September 2008, Springer
  88. Karopoulos G., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “Caller Identity Privacy in SIP heterogeneous realms: A practical solution”, Proceedings of the MediaWin 2008 3rd Workshop on Multimedia Applications over Wireless Networks, Zanella et al. (Eds.) (in conjunction with ISCC 2008 13th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications), pp.37-43, Marrakech, Morocco, July 2008, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services (invited paper)
  89. Klaoudatou E., Konstantinou E., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “Clustering Oriented Architectures in Medical Sensor Environments”, Proceedings of the ARES 2008 3rd International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security – WSPE International Workshop on Security and Privacy in e-Health, Muck (Ed.), pp.929-934, Barcelona, Spain, March 2008, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  90. Karopoulos G., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “Privacy Protection in Context Transfer Protocol”, Proceedings of the PDP 2008 16th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network based Processing – Special Session on Security in Networked and Distributed Systems, El Baz, F. Spies (Eds.), pp.590-596, Toulouse, France, February 2008, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  91. Belsis P., Gritzalis S., Skourlas C., Tsoukalas V., “Managing Uncertainty in Access Control Decisions in Distributed Autonomous Collaborative Environments”, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Asian Computing Science Conference, Cervesato (Eds.), pp.261-267, December 2007, Doha, Qatar, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 4846
  92. Aivaloglou E., Mitseva A., Skianis C., Gritzalis S., Prasad N., Waller A., “Scalable Security Management for Wireless Sensor Networks for Medical Scenarios”, Proceedings of the WPMC 2007 10th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, Desai et al. (Eds.), Jaipur, India, December 2007 (invited paper)
  93. Tsakountakis A., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “On RSN-oriented Wireless Intrusion Detection”, Proceedings of the OTM IS’07 2nd International Conference on Information Security, Freire, J.H. Park et al. (Eds.), pp.1601-1615, December 2007, Algarve, Portugal, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 4804
  94. Karyda M., Gritzalis S., Park J. H., “A Critical Approach to Privacy Research in Ubiquitous Environments: Issues and Underlying Assumptions”, Proceedings of the TRUST’07 2nd International Workshop on Trustworthiness, Reliability, and Services in Ubiquitous and Sensor Networks, H. Park et al (Eds.), pp.12-21, December 2007, Taipei, Taiwan, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 4809
  95. Karopoulos G., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “Two privacy-enhanced context transfer schemes”, Proceedings of the ACM Q2SWinet 2007 3rd ACM International Workshop on Quality of Service and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks, Bononi (Ed.), pp.172-175 (in conjunction with the 10th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems), October 2007, Chania, Greece, ACM Press
  96. Kambourakis G., Moschos A., Geneiatakis D., Gritzalis S., “Detecting DNS Amplifications Attacks”, Proceedings of the CRITIS’07 2nd IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security, Lopez, B. Hammerli (Eds.), pp.185-196, October 2007, Malaga, Spain, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 5141
  97. Belsis P., Gritzalis S., Skourlas C., Tsoukalas V., “Designing and implementation of distributed access control infrastructure for dynamic coalitions”, Proceedings of the TrustBus’07 4th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business,125-134, G. Pernul, C. Lambrinoudakis, M. Tjoa (Eds.), Regensburg, Germany, September 2007, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 4657
  98. Karopoulos G., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “Privacy preserving Context Transfer in All-IP Networks”, Proceedings of the MMM-ACNS-2007 4th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Networks Security,390-395, I. Kotenko et al. (Eds.), St. Petersburg, Russia, September 2007, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science Series CCIS 1
  99. Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “On Device Authentication in Wireless Networks: Present issues and future challenges”, Proceedings of the TrustBus’07 4th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business,135-144, G. Pernul, C. Lambrinoudakis, M. Tjoa (Eds.), Regensburg, Germany, September 2007, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 4657
  100. Kambourakis G., Moschos A., Geneiatakis D., Gritzalis S., “A Fair Solution to DNS Amplification Attacks”, Proceedings of the WDFIA’07 2nd International Workshop on Digital Forensics and Incident Analysis, Preneel, S. Gritzalis, S. Kokolakis, T. Tryfonas (Eds.), pp.38-47, August 2007, Samos, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  101. Tsakountakis A., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “Towards Effective Wireless Intrusion Detection in IEEE 802.11i”, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Trust in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing SecPerU’07 (in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services ICPS 2007), 37-42, P. Georgiadis, et al. (Eds.), July 2007, Istanbul, Turkey, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  102. Aivaloglou E., Mitseva A., Skianis C., Waller A., Prasad N. R., Gritzalis S., “Context-Aware Security Management for Wireless Sensor Networks”, CAPS 2007 3rd Workshop on Context Awareness for Proactive Systems, June 2007, Guildford, United Kingdom
  103. Kalloniatis C., Kavakli E., Gritzalis S., “Using Privacy Process Patterns for incorporating Privacy requirements into the System Design Process”, Proceedings of the SecSE 2007 Secure Software Engineering Workshop (in conjunction with ARES 2007 The International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security), 1009-1016, T. Skramstad et al. (Eds.), Vienna, Austria, April 2007, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  104. Kambourakis G., Andreadis A., Paganos C., Rouskas A., Gritzalis S., “Bluetooth Security Mechanisms for Handheld Devices: A Performance Evaluation Study”, Proceedings of the EW 2007 13th European Wireless Conference, Terre (Ed.), Paris, France, April 2007, VDE
  105. Kambourakis G., Klaoudatou E., Gritzalis S., “Securing Medical Sensor Environments: The Codeblue framework case”, Proceedings of the FARES 2007 1st International Symposium on Frontiers in Availability, Reliability and Security (in conjunction with ARES 2007 The 2nd International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security, 637-643, R. Wagner et al. (Eds.), Vienna, Austria, April 2007, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  106. Antoniou G., Gritzalis S., “Uncontrollable Privacy: The right that every attacker desires”, Proceedings of the 4th Australian Information Security Management Conference, Hutchinson, C. Valli (Eds.), Mount Lawley, Australia, December 2006, published by Australian Computer Society
  107. Antoniou G., Gritzalis S., “Network Forensics and Privacy Enhancing Technologies “living” together in harmony”, Proceedings of the 4th Australian Information Security Management Conference, Hutchinson, C. Valli (Eds.), Mount Lawley, Australia, December 2006, published by Australian Computer Society
  108. Aivaloglou E., Gritzalis S., Skianis C., “Requirements and Challenges in the Design of Privacy-aware Sensor Networks”, Proceedings of the IEEE GLOBECOM 2006 49th IEEE Globecom Conference – World Class Solutions: Networking the Globe Technical Symposium, 25, No.1, pp.1217-1221, P. Lorenz et al. (Eds.), San Francisco, USA, November 2006, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  109. Antoniou G., Gritzalis S., “RPINA: Network Forensics protocol embedding Privacy Enhancing Technologies”, Proceedings of the ISCIT 2006 International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies 2006, A. Taguchi et al. (Eds.), Bangkok, Thailand, October 2006, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  110. Aivaloglou E., Gritzalis S., Skianis C., “Trust Establishment in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks”, Proceedings of the CRITIS’06 1st International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructure Security,179-194, J. Lopez (Ed.), September 2006, Samos, Greece, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 4347
  111. Balopoulos T., Gymnopoulos L., Karyda M., Kokolakis S., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “A Framework for Exploiting Security Expertise in Application Development”, Proceedings of the DEXA’06 TrustBus’06 3rd International Conference on Trust, Privacy, and Security in the Digital Business, Furnell, C. Lambrinoudakis, S. Fischer-Huebner (Eds.), pp.62-70, September 2006, Krakow, Poland, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 4083
  112. Belsis P., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Partial and Fuzzy Constraint Satisfaction to Support Coalition Formation”, Proceedings of the STM 2006 2nd Workshop on Security and Trust Management (in conjunction with ESORICS 2006),75-81, P. Samarati, S. Etalle (Eds.), Hamburg, Germany, September 2006, ENTCS
  113. Geneiatakis D., Dagiouklas A., Lambrinoudakis C., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., “Novel Protecting Mechanism for SIP-based Infrastructure against Malformed Message Attacks: Performance Evaluation Study”, Proceedings of the CSNDSP’06 5th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing, Logothetis et al. (Eds.), July 2006, Patras, Greece
  114. Gymnopoulos L., Karyda M., Balopoulos T., Dritsas S., Kokolakis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “Developing a Security Patterns Repository for Secure Applications Design”, Proceedings of the ECIW 2006 5th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, Remenyi (Eds.), pp.51-60, June 2006, Helsinki, Finland, published by ACL Academic Conferences Limited
  115. Frantzeskou G., Stamatatos E., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Source Code Author Identification based on N-gram Author Profiles”, Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2006), Maglogiannis, K. Karpouzis, M. Bramer (Eds.), pp.508-515, June 2006, Athens, Greece, Springer, Vol.204
  116. Kambourakis G., Geneiatakis D., Dagiouklas A., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “Towards Effective SIP load balancing: the SNOCER approach”, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual VoIP Security Workshop, Sisalem et al. (Eds.), June 2006, Berlin, Germany, ACM Press
  117. Belsis P., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Optimized Multi-domain Secure Interoperation using Soft Constraints”, Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2006), Maglogiannis, K. Karpouzis, M. Bramer (Eds.), pp.78-85, June 2006, Athens, Greece, Springer, Vol.204
  118. Frantzeskou G., Stamatatos E., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Effective Identification of Source Code Authors Using Byte-Level Information”, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE 2006 – Emerging Results Track, Cheng, B. Shen (Eds.), pp.893-896, May 2006, Shanghai, China, ACM Press
  119. Belsis P., Fragos K., Gritzalis S., Skourlas C., “SF-HME system: A Hierarchical Mixtures-of-Experts classification system for Spam Filtering”, Proceedings of the 21st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing ACM SAC 2006 – Computer Security Track, Bella, P. Ryan (Eds.), pp.354-360, April 2006, Dijon, France, ACM Press
  120. Karyda M., Balopoulos T., Dritsas S., Gymnopoulos L., Kokolakis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “An Ontology for Secure e-Government applications”, Proceedings of the DeSeGov’06 Workshop on Dependability and Security in eGovernment,1033-1037 (in conjunction with ARES 2006 1st International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security), A. Tjoa, E. Schweighofer (Eds.), April 2006, Vienna, Austria, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  121. Belsis P., Gritzalis S., Pantziou G., Skourlas C., “Knowledge Sharing and Reusability within the Public Sector: Security Challenges and potential Solutions”, Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Electronic Democracy – Challenges of the Digital Era, Sideridis (Ed.), pp. 389-399, March 2006, Athens, Greece
  122. Papapanagiotou K., Marias Y., Georgiadis P., Gritzalis S., “Performance Evaluation of a distributed OCSP protocol over MANETs”, Proceedings of the IEEE CCNC’2006 Consumer Communications and Networking Conference – Special Session on Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Security, 1-5, January 2006, Las Vegas, USA, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services (invited paper)
  123. Kalloniatis C., Kavakli E., Gritzalis S., “Dealing with Privacy Issues during the System Design Process”, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT’05),546-551, December 2005, Athens, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services (invited paper)
  124. Belsis P., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “A Scalable Security Architecture enabling Coalition Formation between Autonomous Domains”, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT’05),560-565, December 2005, Athens, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services (invited paper)
  125. Katsikas S., Yiannakopoulos A., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Hatzopoulos P., “How much should we pay for security?”, Proceedings of the IFIP WG 11.1 and WG 11.5 Joint Working Conference on Security Management, Integrity, and Internal Control in Information Systems, Dowland, S. Furnell, B. Thuraisingham, X. C. Wang (Eds.), pp.59-70, December 2005, Fairfax, USA, Vol.193, Springer (invited paper)
  126. Kambourakis G., Geneiatakis D., Gritzalis S., Dagiouklas A., Lambrinoudakis C., “Security and Privacy issues towards ENUM protocol”, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT’05),478-483, December 2005, Athens, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services (invited paper)
  127. Balopoulos T. Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Specifying e-Voting Protocols in Typed MSR”, Proceedings of the ACM CCS 2005 Computer and Communications Security Conference – Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society,35-39, S. De Capitani di Vimercati, R. Dingledine (Eds.) Alexandria, USA, November 2005, ACM Press
  128. Belsis M., Simitsis A., Gritzalis S., “Workflow Based Security Incident Management”, Proceedings of the PCI 2005 10th Pan-Hellenic Conference of Informatics, Houstis (Ed.), pp.684-694, November 2005, Volos, Greece, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS Vol.3746
  129. Dritsas S., Gymnopoulos L., Karyda M., Balopoulos T., Kokolakis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “Employing Ontologies for the Development of Security Critical Applications: The Secure e-Poll Paradigm”, Proceedings of the IFIP I3E International Conference on eBusiness, eCommerce, and eGovernment, Funabashi M., Grzech A. (Eds.), pp.187-201, October 2005, Poznan, Poland, Springer
  130. Frantzeskou G., Stamatatos E., Gritzalis S., “Supporting the Digital Crime Investigation Process: Effective Discrimination of Source Code Authors based on Byte-level Information”, Proceedings of the ICETE 2005 International Conference on eBusiness and Telecommunication Networks – Security and Reliability in Information Systems and Networks Track, pp.283-290, October 2005, Reading, UK, Springer
  131. Trochoutsos F., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., Charamis G., “Information Systems Security Effective Guidelines for “Participants”“, Proceedings of the HERCMA 2005 7th Hellenic European Research on Computer Mathematics and its Applications Conference, September 2005, Athens, Greece, LEA Publisher
  132. Kavakli E., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Matching user Privacy Requirements to Implementation Techniques”, Proceedings of the HERCMA 2005 7th Hellenic European Research on Computer Mathematics and its Applications Conference, September 2005, Athens, Greece, LEA Publisher
  133. Gritzalis S., Belsis P. Karyda M., Chalaris M., Skourlas C., Chalaris I., “Designing the Provision of PKI services for eGovernment”, Proceedings of the HERCMA 2005 7th Hellenic European Research on Computer Mathematics and its Applications Conference, September 2005, Athens, Greece, LEA Publisher
  134. Geneiatakis D., Kambourakis G., Dagiouklas A., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “SIP Message Tampering: The SQL code INJECTION attack”, Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Software Telecommunications and Computer Networks SoftCOM 2005, Rozic et al. (Eds.), pp.176-181, September 2005, Croatia, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  135. Geneiatakis D., Kambourakis G., Dagiouklas A., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “A Framework for Detecting Malformed Messages in SIP Networks”, Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks LANMAN 2005, Ramakrishnan K. (Ed.), September 2005, Chania, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  136. Doukas N., Klaoudatou E., Kambourakis G., Rouskas A., Gritzalis S., “Evaluation of Digital Certificates Acquisition in large-scale 802.11-3GPP hybrid environments”, Proceedings of the 14th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks LANMAN 2005, Ramakrishnan K. (Ed.), pp.176-181, September 2005, Chania, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  137. Belsis P., Gritzalis S., Malatras A., Skourlas C., Chalaris I., “Sec-Shield: Security Preserved Distributed Knowledge Management between Autonomous Domains” Proceedings of the DEXA’05 TrustBus’05 2nd International Conference on Trust, Privacy, and Security in the Digital Business, Lopez, G. Pernul, (Eds.), pp.10-19, August 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3592
  138. Kalloniatis C., Kavakli E., Gritzalis S., “PriS Methodology: Incorporating Privacy Requirements into the System Design Process”, Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference – Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information Security (SREIS 2005), Mylopoulos, G. Spafford (Eds.) Paris, France, August 2005, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  139. Belsis P., Gritzalis S., “Security Control Schemes for Pervasive Medical Environments”, Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services ICPS 2005 – Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Trust in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing SecPerU’05, Georgiadis, S. Gritzalis, Y. Marias (Eds.), pp.35-41, July 2005, Santorini, Greece, Diaylos Press
  140. Malatras A., Pavlou G., Belsis P., Gritzalis S., Skourlas C., Chalaris I., “Secure and Distributed Knowledge Management in Pervasive Environments”, Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services ICPS 2005, Kalogeraki (Ed.), pp.79-87, July 2005, Santorini, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  141. Belsis P., Gritzalis S., Skourlas C., “Security Enhanced Distributed Knowledge Management Architecture”, Proceedings of the I-KNOW’05 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management, Tochtermann, H. Maurer (Eds.), pp.327-334, July 2005, Graz, Austria, Springer
  142. Gymnopoulos L., Gritzalis S., “Introducing Ontology-based Security Policy Management in the GRID”, Proceedings of the ECIW 2005 4th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, Jone, B. Hutchinson (Eds.), pp.107-116, July 2005, Glamorgan, UK, published by University of Glamorgan
  143. Gymnopoulos L., Tsoumas V., Soupionis J., Gritzalis S., “Enhancing Security Policy Negotiation in the GRID”, Proceedings of the INC’2005 5th International Network Conference, Furnell, S. K. Katsikas (Eds.), pp.175-182, July 2005, Samos, Greece, Ziti Pubs.
  144. Geneiatakis D., Kambourakis G., Dagiouklas A., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “Session Initiation Protocol Security Mechanisms: A state-of-the-art review”, Proceedings of the INC’2005 5th International Network Conference, Furnell, S. K. Katsikas (Eds.), pp.147-156, July 2005, Samos, Greece, Ziti Pubs.
  145. Balopoulos T., Dritsas S., Gymnopoulos L., Karyda M., Kokolakis S., Gritzalis S., “Incorporating Security Requirements into the Software Development Process”, Proceedings of the ECIW 2005 4th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, Jone, B. Hutchinson (Eds.), July 2005, Glamorgan, UK, published by University of Glamorgan
  146. Frantzeskou G., Stamatatos E., Gritzalis S., “Source Code Authorship Analysis using N-grams”, Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference on Forensic Linguistics, July 2005, Cardiff, UK
  147. Belsis P., Malatras A., Gritzalis S., Skourlas C., Chalaris I., “Pervasive Secure Electronic Healthcare Records Management”, Proceedings of the ICEIS 7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems – Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing, K. Mostefaoui, Z. Maamar (Ed.), pp.101-109, May 2005, Miami, USA, published by ICEIS
  148. Belsis P., Malatras A., Gritzalis S., Skourlas C., Chalaris I., “Semantically enabled Secure Multimedia content delivery using GIS principles”, Proceedings of the IADAT-micv2005 International Conference on Multimedia, Image Processing and Computer Vision, Larrauri et al. (Eds.), April 2005, Madrid, Spain, Proceedings by IADAT International Association for the Development of Advances in Technology
  149. Belsis P., Gritzalis S., “Distributed Autonomous Knowledge Acquisition and Dissemination Ontology based Framework” Proceedings of the PAKM 2004 5th International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management – Workshop on Enterprise Modeling and Ontology: Ingredients for Interoperability, Kuhn (Ed.), pp.319-329, December 2004, Vienna, Austria, University of Vienna
  150. Belsis P., Gritzalis S., Malatras A., Skourlas C., Chalaris I., “Enhancing Knowledge through the use of GIS and Multimedia”, Proceedings of the PAKM 2004 5th International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, Reimer, D. Karagiannis (Eds.), pp.319-329, December 2004, Vienna, Austria, Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI 3336
  151. Ikonomopoulos S., Gritzalis S., “Integration of Security Engineering into the Rational Unified Process – An Early Iteration”, Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering – SAPS’04 Workshop on Specification and Automated Processing of Security Requirements, Mapa, C. Rudolph (Eds.), pp.167-178, September 2004, Linz, Austria, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services and Austrian Computer Society
  152. Balopoulos T., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “An Extension of Typed MSR for specifying Esoteric Protocols and their Dolev-Yao Intruder”, Proceedings of the CMS’2004 IFIP TC6/TC11 8th International Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security, D. Chadwick B. Preneel (Eds.), Vol.175, pp.209-221, September 2004, Salford, UK, Springer
  153. Kalloniatis C., Kavakli E., Gritzalis S., “Security Requirements Engineering for eGovernment Applications: Analysis of Current Frameworks”, Proceedings of the DEXA’04 EGOV’04 3rd International Conference on Electronic Government, Traunmuller (Ed.), pp.66-71, September 2004, Zaragoza, Spain, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3183
  154. Kambouraki D., Gritzalis S., Moulinos K., “A Privacy Audit Methodologies Comparison Framework”, Proceedings of the DEXA’04 EGOV’04 3rd International Conference on Electronic Government, Traunmuller (Ed.), pp.328-331, September 2004, Zaragoza, Spain, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3183
  155. Frantzeskou G., Gritzalis S., MacDonell S., “Source Code Authorship Analysis for Supporting the Cybercrime Investigation Process”, Proceedings of the ICETE 2004 International Conference on eBusiness and Telecommunication Networks – Security and Reliability in Information Systems and Networks Track, Belo, L. Vasiu (Eds.), pp.163-173, August 2004, Setubal, Portugal, Kluwer Academic Publishers
  156. Karafasoulis C., Gritzalis S., “An IP marking mechanism for the Privacy Enhancing Technologies: the right to choose”, Proceedings of the INC’2004 4th International Network Conference, Furnell (Ed.) pp.409-416, July 2004, Plymouth, UK, published by IEE & University of Plymouth
  157. Aggelis G., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., “Addressing Authentication and Authorization Issues in the Grid”, Proceedings of the INC’2004 4th International Network Conference, Furnell (Ed.) pp.319-326, July 2004, Plymouth, UK, published by IEE & University of Plymouth
  158. Kambourakis G., Rouskas A., Gritzalis S., “Delivering Attribute Certificates over GPRS”, Proceedings of the 19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing – Mobile Computing and Applications Track, V. Leong, A. Chan (Eds.), pp.1166-1170, May 2004, Nicosia, Cyprus, ACM Press
  159. Kambourakis G., Rouskas A., Gritzalis S., “Inter/Intra Core Network Security with PKI for 3G-and-Beyond Systems”, Proceedings of the NETWORKING’04 IFIP TC-6 International Conference on Networking, Mitrou et al. (Eds.), pp.13-24, May 2004, Athens, Greece, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3042
  160. Belsis P., Gritzalis S., Skourlas C., Drakopoulos J., “Implementing Knowledge Management Techniques for Security Purposes”, in ICEIS’04 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Hammoudi, J. Cordeiro (Eds.), Vol.II, pp.535-540, April 2004, Porto, Portugal, published by ICEIS
  161. Argyrakis J., Gritzalis S., Kioulafas C., “Privacy Enhancing Technologies: A review”, Proceedings of the EGOV03 2nd International Conference on Electronic Government, Traunmuller (Ed.), pp.282-287, September 2003, Prague, Czech Republic, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 2739
  162. Aggelis G., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., “Security Policy Configuration Issues in GRID Computing Environments”, Proceedings of the SAFECOMP’03 22nd International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, Littlewood (Ed.), pp.331-341, September 2003, Edinburgh, UK, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 2788
  163. Gymnopoulos L., Dritsas S., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., “Grid Security Review”, Proceedings of the MMM-ACNS-2003 2nd International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Networks Security, V. Gorodetski, L. Popyack, V. Skormin (Eds.), pp.100-111, September 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 2776
  164. Balopoulos T., Gritzalis S., “Towards a Logic of Privacy – Preserving Selective Disclosure Credential Protocols”, Proceedings of the DEXA 2003 14th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications – TRUSTBUS‘03 2nd International Workshop on Trust and Privacy in Digital Business, Lopez, G. Pernul (Eds.), pp.396-401, September 2003, Prague, Czech Republic, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  165. Kambourakis G., Rouskas A., Gritzalis S., “Introducing PKI to enhance Security in Future Mobile Networks”, Proceedings of the IFIPSEC’2003 18th IFIP International Information Security Conference, Gritzalis P. Samarati, S. K. Katsikas, S. De Capitani di Vimercati (Eds.), pp.109-120, May 2003, Athens, Greece, Kluwer Academic Publishers
  166. Kambourakis G., Rouskas A., Gritzalis S., “Using SSL/TLS in Authentication and Key Agreement Procedures of Future Mobile Networks”, Proceedings of the MWCN’2002 4th IEEE Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks, M. Gerla, C. G. Omidyar (Eds.), pp.152-156, September 2002, Stockholm, Sweden, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  167. Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., “Security Requirements of eGovernment Services: An Organisational Framework”, Proceedings of the PDPTA’2002 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, R. Arabnia (Ed.). Vol.I, pp.127-131, June 2002, Las Vegas, USA, CSREA Press
  168. Oikonomopoulos S., Gritzalis S., “Tool support for design patterns in the context of a reuse process”, Proceedings of the 6th SEA IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications, M. H. Hamza (Ed.), 175-181, November 2002, Cambridge, M.I.T. Boston, USA, IASTED Press
  169. Lekkas D., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Towards an ISO-9000 compliant Certification Service Provider”, Proceedings of the HERCMA’2001 5th Hellenic European Research on Computer Mathematics and its Applications Conference, A. Lipitakis (Ed.), pp.390-397, September 2001, Athens, Greece, LEA Pubs.
  170. Lekkas D., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Towards an ISO-9000 compliant Trusted Third Party in a Medical Environment: The Quality of Service perspective”, Proceedings of the SCI’2001 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics & Informatics, Gallaos, A.L.J. Teixera, K.Y. Wong, J. Carretero (Eds.), pp.149-154, July 2001, Orlando, USA, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS) and IEEE Computer Society
  171. Lekkas D., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Deploying Quality Management in Trusted Third Parties within a Medical Environment”, Proceedings of the SHIMR’2001 6th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research, Dowd, B. Eaglestone (Eds.), pp.137-151, May 2001, Halkidiki, Greece, Sheffield Academic Press
  172. Nikitakos N., Gritzalis S., “Risk Management for new Information Technology insertion in a Shipping Company”, Proceedings of the 13th National Conference in Operational Research, Sambrakos (Ed.), pp.7-16, December 2000, Piraeus, Greece, University of Piraeus Pubs.
  173. Patel A., Gladychev P., Katsikas S., Gritzalis S., “Towards a cross-domain Trusted Third Party Infrastructure”, Proceedings of the SCI’99 3rd World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics & Informatics, Gallaos (Ed.), pp.412-424, July 1999, Orlando, USA, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS) publications
  174. Patel A., Gladychev P., Katsikas S., Gritzalis S., Lekkas D., “Support for Legal Relationships and Anonymity in the KEYSTONE Public Key Infrastructure Architecture”, Proceedings of the UIPP’99 IFIP International join Working Conference on User Identification and Privacy Protection, Fischer-Hubner, G. Quirchmayr, L. Yngstrom (Eds.), pp.243-254, June 1999, Stockholm, Sweden, published by IFIP & Stockholm University
  175. Iliadis J., Gritzalis S., Oikonomou V., “Towards Secure Downloadable Executable Content: The Java paradigm”, Proceedings of the SAFECOMP’98 IFIP & EWICS 17th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, Ehrenberger (Ed.), pp.117-127, October 1998, Heidelberg, Germany, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 1516
  176. Gritzalis S., Iliadis J., Oikonomou V., “Security issues surrounding the JAVA programming language”, Proceedings of the IFIPSEC’98 14th International Information Security Conference, Papp, R. Posch (Eds.), pp.3-14, September 1998, Budapest, Hungary, and Vienna, Austria, published by IFIP & Austrian Computer Society
  177. Gritzalis S., Iliadis J., “Addressing security issues in programming languages for mobile code”, Proceedings of the DEXA’98 9th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Workshop on Security and Integrity of Data Intensive Applications, Wagner, G. Pernul (Eds.), pp.288-293, August 1998, Vienna, Austria, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  178. Gritzalis S., Aggelis G., Spinellis D., “Programming languages for mobile code: A problems viewpoint”, Proceedings of the IEE INC’98 1st International Network Conference, Sanders (Ed.), pp.210-217, July 1998, Plymouth, United Kingdom, published by IEE & University of Plymouth
  179. Gritzalis S., Nikitakos N., Georgiadis P., “Cryptographic Protocol Flaws”, Proceedings of the PCI 1997 6th Pan-Hellenic Informatics Conference, Pangalos, T. Sellis (Eds.), pp.27-40, December 1997, Athens, Greece, New Technologies Publications
  180. Gritzalis S., Spinellis D., “Cryptographic Protocols over open Distributed Systems: A Taxonomy of Flaws and related Protocol Analysis Tools”, Proceedings of the SAFECOMP’97 IEE & EWICS 16th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, Daniel (Ed.), pp.123-137, September 1997, York, United Kingdom, Springer
  181. Gritzalis S., Nikitakos N., Georgiadis P., “Formal Methods for the Analysis and Design of Cryptographic Protocols: A state-of-the-art review”, Proceedings of the CMS’97 3rd IFIP TC6/TC11 International Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security, S. Katsikas (Ed.), pp.119-132, September 1997, Athens, Greece, Chapman & Hall
  182. Gritzalis S., Spinellis D., “Addressing Threats and Security Issues in World Wide Web Technology”, Proceedings of the CMS’97 3rd IFIP TC6/TC11 International Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security, Katsikas (Ed.), pp.33-46, September 1997, Athens, Greece, Chapman & Hall
  183. Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., Spinellis D., “The Cascade Vulnerability Problem for Open Distributed Systems”, Proceedings of the ENCRESS’97 3rd IFIP TC5 International Conference on Reliability, Quality & Safety of Software-Intensive Systems, Gritzalis, T. Anderson (Eds.), pp.175-185, May 1997, Athens, Greece, Chapman & Hall
  184. Nikitakos N., Gritzalis S., Georgiadis P., “Security Profile for interconnected open distributed systems with varying Vulnerability”, Proceedings of the IFIP SEC’96 12th IFIP International Information Security Conference, S. Katsikas (Ed.), pp.428-437, May 1996, Samos, Greece, Chapman & Hall


  1. Papadatos K., Rantos K., Makrygeorgou A., Koulouris K., Klontza S., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., Xenakis C., Katsikas S., Karyda M., Tsohou A., Zacharis A., “Interoperable EU Risk Management Toolbox”, EU ENISA, 2023
  2. Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., Xenakis C., Katsikas S., Karyda M., Tsohou A., “Interoperable EU Risk Management Framework”, EU ENISA, 2022
  3. Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., Xenakis C., Katsikas S., Karyda M., Tsohou A., Papadatos K., Rantos K., Pavlosoglou Y., Gasparinatos S., Pantazis A., Zacharis A., “Compendium of Risk Management Frameworks with potential interoperability”, EU ENISA, 2022
  4. Katsikas S., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., (Eds.), “Information and Systems Security in the Cyberspace”, 2021, New Technologies Pubs (in Greek)
  5. Burmester M., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., Chryssikopoulos V., (Eds.), “Modern Cryptography: Theory and Applications”, 2011, Papasotiriou Pubs. (in Greek)
  6. Lambrinoudakis C., Mitrou L., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., (Eds.), “Privacy Protection and Information and Communication Technologies: Technical and Legal Issues”, 2010, Papasotiriou Pubs. (in Greek)
  7. Gritzalis S., Karygiannis T., Skianis C. (Eds.), “Security and Privacy in Mobile and Wireless Networking”, Troubador Publishing Ltd., Leicester, UK, 2009
  8. Acquisti A., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., De Capitani di Vimercati S. (Eds.), “Digital Privacy: Theory, Technologies and Practices”, Auerbach Publications – Taylor and Francis, New York, 2008 [IEEE COMSOC Best Readings Topics on Communications and Information Systems Security: Books].
  9. Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Wireless and Mobile Communication Networks Security: Autonomous and Heterogenous Environments Bluetooth, IEEE 802.11, 802.16, UMTS”, 2006, Papasotiriou Pubs. (in Greek)
  10. Katsikas S., Gritzalis D., Gritzalis S., (Eds.), “Information Systems Security“, 2004, New Technologies Pubs. (in Greek)
  11. Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., Gritzalis D., “Communication and Network Security: Technologies and Services”, 2003 (2nd 2004), Papasotiriou Pubs. (in Greek)
  12. Katsikas S., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Dritsas S., “eBusiness practices for SMEs”, 2003, eBusinessForum Pubs. (in Greek)
  13. Vakali A., Gritzalis S., Douligeris C., Patsa C., Soultis G., “Internet Programming Tools”, writing assignment by Institute of Educational Policy: Student book (405 pages), Teacher book (145 pages), Laboratory book (192 pages), B’ Lyceum class, Technical Vocational Schools (TEE), Informatics Sector, Systems and Computer Networks division, 2000, Livanis Pubs. (in Greek)
  14. Gritzalis D., Gritzalis S., “Operating Systems Security: Unix – DOS”, 1991 (2nd 1994), New Technologies Pubs. (in Greek)


  1. Giannakas F., Papasalouros A., Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., Voyiatzis I., “Mobile Games for Learning, chapter in: The Cambridge Handbook of Cyber Behavior, Y. Zheng (Ed.), pp.285-318, 2022, Cambridge University Press
  2. Diamantopoulou V., Lambrinoudakis C., King J., Gritzalis S., EU GDPR: Towards a regulatory initiative for deploying a private digital era”, chapter in: Modern Socio-Technical Perspectives on Privacy, Bart Knijnenburg et al. (Eds.), pp.427-448, 2022, Springer
  3. Katsikas S., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., “Introduction to Information and Systems Security”, chapter in: Information and Systems Security in the Cyberspace, S. Katsikas, S. Gritzalis, C. Lambrinoudakis (Eds.), pp.31-46, 2021, New Technologies Pubs. (in Greek)
  4. Sideri M., Gritzalis S., Diamantopoulou V., Data collection techniques used as mechanisms for citizens’ surveillance and control: Vulnerable citizens – the new class”, chapter in: The Social Dimension of Sustainability, Kaila et al. (Eds.), 2020, Diadrasi Pubs. (in Greek)
  5. Gritzalis S., Sideri M., Kitsiou A., Tzortzaki E., Kalloniatis C., “Sustaining Social Cohesion in Information and Knowledge Society: The Priceless Value of Privacy”, chapter in: Recent Advances in Core Technologies in Informatics – Selected Papers in Honor of Professor Nikolaos Alexandris, G. Tsihrintzis, M. Virvou (Eds.), pp.177-198, 2020, Springer Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems
  6. Sideri M., Diamantopoulou V., Gritzalis S., “Privacy preservation in modern e-Participation environments: The Crowdsourcing case”, chapter in: The Digital Future, Doukidis (Ed.), pp. 297-306, 2019, Sideri Pubs. (in Greek)
  7. Kitsiou A., Tzortzaki E., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., Towards an integrated socio-technical approach for designing adaptive Privacy-Aware Services in Cloud computing, chapter in: Cyber Influence and Congitive Threats, V. Benson, J. McAlaney (Eds.), pp.9-27, 2019, Academic Press, Elsevier
  8. Kalloniatis C., Pattakou A., Kavakli E., Gritzalis S., “Designing Secure and Privacy-aware Information Systems”, chapter in: Censorship, Surveillance, and Privacy: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 1, pp.390-418, 2019, IGI Global
  9. Sideri M., Kitsiou A., Filippopoulou A., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “E-governance model in Education. Citizenship cultivation, enhancing participation and collective decision making in Greek educational structures through the use of social media”, chapter in: Innovation, Sustainability and Educational Design, Kaila et al. (Eds.), pp.88-107, 2019, Diadrasi Pubs. (in Greek)
  10. Sideri M., Kitsiou A., Tzortzaki E., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “‘… having freedom of speech, does not mean that we can write whatever we want. Our freedom stops where others’ rights of begin’. An educational intervention for enhancing privacy awareness in digital social networks”, chapter in: Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Nature and Human Nature: Our World? Quo Vadis?, Kaila et al. (Eds.), pp. 98-116, 2018, Diadrasi Pubs. (in Greek)
  11. Kalloniatis C., Kavakli E., Gritzalis S.,Addressing Privacy in Traditional and Cloudbased Systems“, chapter in: Computer Systems and Software Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), pp. 1900-1930, 2017, IGI Global
  12. Sideri M., Kitsiou A., Tzortzaki E., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Privacy Protection in Digital Social Networks. A necessary condition for maintaining social cohesion in the Information Society?”, chapter in: Social and Cultural Sustainability, Papavasiliou, P. Fokiali, E. Nikolaou, D. Mantzanos, M. Kaila (Eds.), pp. 134-174, 2017, e-book (in Greek)
  13. Katsikas S., Gritzalis S., Digitalization in Greece: State of play, barriers, challenges, solutions, chapter in: Beyond Bureaucracy: Towards Sustainable Governance Informatization, A. Paulin, L. Anthopoulos, C. Reddick (Eds.), pp.355-375, 2017, Springer
  14. Sideri M., Kitsiou A., Kalloniatis C., Gritzalis S., “Free expression and social control enforcement in social media: The Greek Students’ online communities on Facebook case” chapter in: Environmental Training and Sustainable Development. Concern Texts with innovative approaches, Theodoropoulou, P. Fokiali, V. Papavasiliou, M. Kaila (Ed.), pp. 56-65, 2016, Diadrasi Pubs. (in Greek)
  15. Gritzalis S., “Administrative Reform for the Citizens and the Businesses: Problems and Solutions”, chapter in: From the University to the Public Management, 17-45, 2014, Papazisi Pubs. (in Greek)
  16. Anagnostopoulos M., Kambourakis G., Konstantinou E., Gritzalis S., “DNSsec vs. DNScurve: A side-by-side comparison”, chapter in: Situational Awareness in Computer Network Defense: Principles, Methods and Applications, Onwubiko C., Owens (Eds.), pp.201-220, 2012, IGI Global
  17. Belsis P., Skourlas C., Gritzalis S., Secure electronic healthcare records distribution in wireless environments using low resource devices“, chapter in: Pervasive Computing and Communications Design and Deployment: Technologies, Trends, and Applications, Malatras A. (Ed.), pp. 247-262, 2011, IGI Global
  18. Kalloniatis C., Kavakli E., Gritzalis S., “Designing Privacy Aware Information Systems”, chapter in: Software Engineering for Secure Systems: Industrial and Research Perspectives, Mouratidis H. (Ed.), pp. 212-231, 2011, IGI Global
  19. Burmester M., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., Cryssikopoulos V. “Essentials of Modern Cryptography”, chapter in: Modern Cryptography: Theory and Applications, Burmester M., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., Chryssikopoulos V., (Eds.), pp. 1-44, 2011, Papasotiriou Pubs. (in Greek)
  20. Balopoulos T., Gritzalis S., “Identification and Authentication”, chapter in: Modern Cryptography: Theory and Applications, Burmester M., Gritzalis S., Katsikas s., Chryssikopoulos V., (Eds.), pp. 469-498, 2011, Papasotiriou Pubs. (in Greek)
  21. Kambourakis G., Gritzalis S., Key Management in 802.16e“, chapter in: WiMAX Security and Quality of Service: An End to End Perspective, Mueller P., Tang S.-Y., Sharif (Eds.), pp. 63-86, 2010, Wiley
  22. Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Privacy Enhancing Technologies: A review”, chapter in: Privacy Protection and Information and Communication Technologies: Technical and Legal issues, Lambrinoudakis C., Mitrou L., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S. (Eds.), pp. 3-47, 2010, Papasotiriou Pubs. (in Greek)
  23. Papadimitriou G., Petridou s., Sarigiannidis S., Gritzalis S., Pomportsis A., “Communication Privacy”, chapter in: Privacy Protection and Information and Communication Technologies: Technical and Legal issues, Lambrinoudakis C., Mitrou L., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S. (Eds.), pp. 49-71, 2010, Papasotiriou Pubs. (in Greek)
  24. Rekleitis E., Rizomiliotis P., Gritzalis S., “RFID: Privacy Threats and Countermeasures”, chapter in: Privacy Protection and Information and Communication Technologies: Technical and Legal issues, Lambrinoudakis C., Mitrou L., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S. (Eds.), pp. 193-220, 2010, Papasotiriou Pubs. (in Greek)
  25. Aivaloglou E., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Privacy Protection Mechanisms in Wireless Sensor Networks”, chapter in: Privacy Protection and Information and Communication Technologies: Technical and Legal issues, Lambrinoudakis C., Mitrou L., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S. (Eds.), pp. 221-244, 2010, Papasotiriou Pubs. (in Greek)
  26. Balopoulos T., Gritzalis S., “Linkability and Selective Disclosure in Privacy Preserving Cryptographic Protocols”, chapter in: Privacy Protection and Information and Communication Technologies: Technical and Legal issues, Lambrinoudakis C., Mitrou L., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S. (Eds.), pp. 267-282, 2010, Papasotiriou Pubs. (in Greek)
  27. Giannakopoulos A., Xanthopoulos A., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Privacy Economics”, chapter in: Privacy Protection and Information and Communication Technologies: Technical and Legal issues, Lambrinoudakis C., Mitrou L., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S. (Eds.), pp. 447-467, 2010, Papasotiriou Pubs. (in Greek)
  28. Gritzalis S., Mitrou L., “Content Filtering Technologies and the Law”, chapter in Securing Information and Communication Systems: Principles, Technologies and Applications, Furnell S., Katsikas S., Lopez J., Patel A. (Eds.), pp.243-265, 2008, Artech House
  29. Aivaloglou F., Gritzalis S., Katsikas S., “Privacy Protection Mechanisms for Sensor Networks”, chapter in Wireless Sensor Networks, Lopez J., Zhou J. (Eds.), pp. 223-250, 2008, IOS Press
  30. Yannacopoulos A., Katsikas S., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., Xanthopoulos S., “A Risk Model for Privacy Insurance”, chapter in: Digital Privacy: Theory, Technologies and Practices, Acquisti A., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., De Capitani di Vimercati S. (Eds.), pp. 347-362, 2008, Auerbach Publications – Taylor and Francis
  31. Kambourakis G., Rouskas A., Gritzalis S., “Evaluating Security Mechanisms in different protocol layers for Bluetooth Connections”, chapter in: Handbook of Research in Wireless Security, Zhang Y., Zheng J., Ma M., (Eds.), 666-680, 2008, Idea Group Reference
  32. Belsis M., Simitsis A., Gritzalis S., “Wireless Security: Common Protocols and Vulnerabilities”, chapter in: Encyclopedia of Mobile Computing and Commerce, Taniar D. (Ed.), pp.1028-1034, 2007, Idea Group Reference
  33. Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., “Privacy in the Digital World”, chapter in: Encyclopedia of Internet Technologies and Applications, Freire M., Pereira M. (Eds.), 411-417, 2007, Idea Group Reference
  34. Belsis P., Fraggos K. Gritzalis S., Skourlas C. “Information Filtering and Effective Resource Classification “, chapter in: Parallel, Content based cross Language Informaion Retrieval, Skourlas C. (Ed.), pp. 159-170, 2006, New Technologies Pubs. (in Greek)
  35. Lambrinoudakis C, Gritzalis S., “Security in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks”, chapter in: Handbook of Wireless Local Area Networks: Applications, Technology, Security and Standards, Ilyas M., Ahson (Eds.), pp.579-600, 2005, CRC Press
  36. Gritzalis S., “Secure Systems and Products Evaluation”, chapter in Information Systems Security, Katsikas S., Gritzalis D., Gritzalis S., (Eds.), pp. 267-316, 2004, New Technologies Pubs. (in Greek)=
  37. Gritzalis S., Georgiadis P., “Operating systems Security”, chapter in Information Security: Technical, Legal and Societal Issues, Alexandris N., Kiountouzis, E., Trapezanoglou V. (Eds.), pp. 35-59, 1995 (2nd ed. 1998, 3rd ed. 2000) New Technologies Pubs. (in Greek)


Συντακτικές δραστηριότητες

Editing Activities


 I. Journals Editor in Chief or Research Area Editor

  1. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE (Research Area Editor)
  2. International Journal on Advances in Security, IARIA (Editor in Chief)


 II. Journals Editorial Board Member

  1. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE (Research Area Editor)
  2. International Journal of Information Security, Springer (Editorial Board)
  3. Security and Privacy, Wiley (Associate Editor)
  4. Journal of Surveillance, Security and Safety, OAE Publishing Inc. (Editorial Board Member)
  5. Security and Communication Networks, Wiley (Associate Editor)
  6. Information and Computer Security, Emerald (Editorial Advisory Board Member)
  7. International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, IGI Global (Editorial Board Member)
  8. Transforming Government: People, Process, and Policy, Emerald (Editorial Advisory Board Member)
  9. International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, InterScience (Editorial Board Member)
  10. International Journal of Network Security, Science Publications (Editorial Advisory Board Member)
  11. Journal of Information Security, Scientific Research Publishing (Editorial Board Member)
  12. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, Springer (Associate Editor)
  13. Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy, MDPI (Editorial Board Member)
  14. The Journal of Data Protection and Security, Merlien (Editorial Advisory Board Member)
  15. International Journal on Advances in Security, IARIA (Editorial Board Member)
  16. International Journal of Security Technology for Smart Device, SERSC (Editorial Board Member)
  17. International Journal of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity, SERSC (Editorial Board Member)
  18. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Information Security, GV School Publication (Editorial Board Member)
  19. International Journal of Private Cloud Computing Environment and Management, GV School Publication (Editorial Board Member)
  20. Journal of Security Studies and Global Politics, Sciplatform (Editorial Board Member)
  21. Journal of Information Processing Systems, Korea Information Processing Society (Editor)
  22. International Journal of Wearable Device, GV School Publication (Editorial Board Member)
  23. International Scholarly Research Notices, Hindawi (Editorial Board Member)
  24. ISRN Communications, Hindawi (Editorial Board Member)
  25. Open Medical Informatics Journal, Bentham Science Publishers (Editorial Advisory Board Member)
  26. Wireless Sensor Networks, Scientific Research Publishing (Editorial Board Member)
  27. International Journal of Smart Home, SERSC (Editorial Board Member)
  28. The Journal of Convergence, FTRA (Editorial Board Member)
  29. International Journal of Computational Science, Global Information Publisher (Associate Editor)
  30. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology (Editorial Board Member)
  31. International Journal on Advances in Telecommunications, IARIA (Editorial Board Member)
  32. International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements, IARIA (Editorial Board Member)
  33. Future Internet, MDPI (Editorial Board Member)
  34. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (Editorial Board Member)
  35. Journal of Information Processing Systems, KIPS (Editorial Board Member)
  36. Journal of Platform Technology (Editorial Advisory Board Member)
  37. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (Editorial Board Member)


III. Journals Paper Reviewer

  1. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Press
  2. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Press
  3. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (special issue), IEEE Press
  4. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, IEEE Press
  5. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Press
  6. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, IEEE Press
  7. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Part A: Systems and Humans, IEEE Press
  8. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Part B: Cybernetics, IEEE Press
  9. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Part C: Applications and Reviews, IEEE Press
  10. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE Press
  11. IEEE Computer, IEEE Press
  12. IEEE Communications, IEEE Press
  13. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, IEEE Press
  14. IEEE Multimedia, IEEE Press
  15. IEEE Network (special issue), IEEE Press
  16. IEEE Systems, IEEE Press
  17. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology (special issue), IEEE Press
  18. IEEE IT Professional, IEEE Press
  19. ACM Computing Surveys, ACM Press
  20. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (special issue), ACM Press
  21. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, ACM Press
  22. Nature, Springer
  23. SN Applied Sciences, Springer
  24. International Journal on Information Security, Springer
  25. Computers and Security, Elsevier
  26. Identity in the Information Society (special issue), Springer
  27. International Journal of Security and Networks, Inderscience Publishers
  28. Journal of Computer Security (special issues), IOS Press
  29. Security and Communication Networks, Wiley
  30. Journal of Information Security and Applications, Elsevier
  31. International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, InderScience Publishers
  32. Internet of Things, Elsevier
  33. Electronic Commerce: Research and Applications, Elsevier
  34. Information Systems Management, Taylor and Francis
  35. Computer Networks Journal, Elsevier
  36. Computer Communications, Elsevier
  37. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, Elsevier
  38. Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier
  39. Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier
  40. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Wiley
  41. Annals of Telecommunications – Annales des Télécommunications, Springer
  42. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Hindawi Publishers
  43. Journal of Cloud Computing, Springer
  44. Vehicular Communications, Elsevier
  45. Computers and Education, Elsevier
  46. British Journal of Educational Technology, Wiley
  47. Multimedia Systems, Springer
  48. Software: Practice and Experience, Elsevier
  49. Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier
  50. Information and Software Technology, Elsevier
  51. The Computer Journal, Oxford University Press
  52. Applied Computing and Informatics, Elsevier
  53. Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, Springer
  54. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hindawi
  55. Internet Research (special issue), Emerald
  56. Computer Standards and Interfaces, Elsevier
  57. Future Generation Computer Systems (special issue), Elsevier
  58. Telematics and Informatics (special issue), Elsevier
  59. Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier
  60. Electronic Government, an International Journal (special issue), Inderscience Publishers
  61. International Journal of Electronic Governance, Inderscience Publishers
  62. ETRI Journal Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
  63. Information Processing Letters, Elsevier
  64. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, World Scientific
  65. Journal of Internet Technology
  66. Sensors, MDPI Publishing
  67. Journal of Database Management, Idea-Group Publishing
  68. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Emerald
  69. Information Technology Journal, ANSI Asian Network of Scientific Information
  70. Personalized Medicine journal, Future Science Publishers
  71. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Elsevier
  72. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Elsevier
  73. International Journal of Computer Games Technology, Hindawi
  74. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi
  75. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Hindawi
  76. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, MultiScience
  77. Brazilian Journal of Information Security and Cryptography
  78. Journal of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, SciTechnol
  79. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, ScienceDomain International
  80. Central European Journal of Computer Science, Springer
  81. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Hindawi
  82. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, Univ. of Bahrein
  83. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, Taylor and Francis
  84. Beijing Law Review, Scientific Research Publishers


IV. International Conferences/Workshops General Chair

  1. Antone A., Gritzalis S., SECPRE 2024 8th International Workshop on SECurity and Privacy Requirements Engineering (in conjunction with ESORICS 2024 29th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security), September 2024, Bydgoszcz, Poland, Proceedings by Springer LNCS
  2. Antone A., Gritzalis S., SECPRE 2023 7th International Workshop on SECurity and Privacy Requirements Engineering (in conjunction with ESORICS 2023 28th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security), September 2023, The Hague, The Netherlands, Proceedings by Springer LNCS
  3. Antone A., Gritzalis S., SECPRE 2022 6th International Workshop on SECurity and Privacy Requirements Engineering (in conjunction with ESORICS 2022 27th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security), September 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, Proceedings by Springer LNCS
  4. Sgouropoulou C., Nikolaidou M., Gritzalis S., PCI 2020 24th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, with international participation, October 2020, Athens, Greece, ACM Press
  5. Antone A., Gritzalis S., SECPRE 2021 5th International Workshop on SECurity and Privacy Requirements Engineering (in conjunction with ESORICS 2021 26th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security), September 2021, Darmsdat, Germany, Proceedings by Springer LNCS
  6. Antone A., Gritzalis S., SECPRE 2020 4th International Workshop on SECurity and Privacy Requirements Engineering (in conjunction with ESORICS 2020 25th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security), September 2020, London, UK, Proceedings by Springer LNCS
  7. Antone A., Gritzalis S., SECPRE 2019 3rd International Workshop on SECurity and Privacy Requirements Engineering (in conjunction with ESORICS 2019 24th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security), September 2019, Luxembourg, Proceedings by Springer LNCS
  8. Kontos I., Pantziou G., Gritzalis S., Douligeris C., PCI 2018 22nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, with international participation, November 2018, Athens, Greece, ACM Press
  9. Antone A., Gritzalis S., SECPRE 2018 2nd International Workshop on SECurity and Privacy Requirements Engineering (in conjunction with ESORICS 2018 23nd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security), September 2018, Barcelona, Spain, Proceedings by Springer LNCS
  10. Md Zakirul Bhuiyan A., Gritzalis S., IEEE DASC 2018 16th International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, August 2018, Athens, Greece, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  11. Antone A., Gritzalis S., SECPRE 2017 1st International Workshop on SECurity and Privacy Requirements Engineering (in conjunction with ESORICS 2017 22nd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security), September 2017, Oslo, Norway, Proceedings by Springer LNCS
  12. Hai J., Gritzalis S., Sasaki, DFIS 2016 9th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Information Security, April 2016, Beijing, China, Proceedings by Springer LNEE
  13. Giaglis G., Gritzalis S., Merakos L., Sgouropoulou C., Tsanakas P., PCI 2015 19th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, with international participation, October 2015, Athens, Greece, ACM Press
  14. Ogiela M., Xhafa F., Gritzalis S., Hong J., STA 2014 11th FTRA International Conference on Secure and Trust Computing, data management, and Applications, August 2014, Warszawa, Poland, Springer
  15. Park J.-H., Gritzalis S., FutureCyber 2013 International Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities in Future Cyberspace, May 2013, Daegu, Korea, Springer LNEE
  16. Gritzalis S., Sang-Soo Yeo, SMPE 2013 6th International Symposium on Security and Multimodality in Pervasive Environment, March 2013, Barcelona, Spain, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  17. Furht B., Gritzalis S., Wang M., MINES 2011 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security, November 2011, Shanghai, China, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  18. Furht B., Gritzalis S., Zhao S., MINES 2010 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security, November 2010, Nanjing, China, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  19. Gollmann D., Gritzalis S., EuroPKI 2010 7th European Workshop on Public Key Services, Applications and Infrastructures, September 2010, Athens, Greece, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  20. Gritzalis S., Chen H. H., Yang K., CSA 2009 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Applications, December 2009, Jeju, Korea, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  21. Gritzalis S., Wang L., MINES 2009 1st International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security, November 2009, Wuhan, China, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  22. Gritzalis S., Furht B., SECMCS 2009 International Workshop on Secure Multimedia Communication and Services, November 2009, Wuhan, China, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  23. Gritzalis S., Park J.-H., F2GC 2008 2nd International Workshop on Forensics for Future Generation Communication Environments, in conjunction with FGCN 2008 2nd International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking, December 2008, Hainan Island, China, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  24. Bologna S., Gritzalis S., CRITIS’08 3rd IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructure Security, October 2008, Rome, Italy, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  25. Gritzalis S., Zhang Y., MUSIC’08 International Workshop on Multimedia Security in Communications, in conjunction with CHINACOM’08 3rd International Conference on Communications and Networking, August 2008, Hangzhou, China, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  26. Gritzalis S., Lopez J., Park J.-H., F2GC 2007 1st International Workshop on Forensics for Future Generation Communication Environments, December 2007, Jeiju, Korea, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  27. Preneel B., Gritzalis S., WDFIA 2007 2nd Annual Workshop on Digital Forensics and Incident Analysis, August 2007, Samos, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services


V. International Conferences/Workshops Program Committee Chair

  1. Gritzalis S., Weippl E. (Eds.), TrustBus 2020 16th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business, September 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  2. Gritzalis S., Weippl E. (Eds.), TrustBus 2019 15th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business, September 2019, Linz, Austria, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  3. Gritzalis S., Roman R., Clarke J. (Eds.), SecIoT 2012 International Workshop on the Security of the Internet of Things, in conjunction with IEEE ICCCN 2012 21st International Conference on Computer Communication Networks, July 2012, Munich, Germany, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  4. Gritzalis S., Roman R., Clarke J. (Eds.), SecIoT 2011 2nd International Workshop on the Security of the Internet of Things, in conjunction with IEEE iThings 2011 International Conference on Internet of Things, October 2011, Dalian, China, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  5. Papatheodorou T., Gritzalis S., Makedon F., EUREKA! 2011 5th Pan-Hellenic Scientific Conference, September 2011, Kastoria, Greece, New Technologies Publications
  6. Gritzalis S., Zhou J., Roman R., Clarke J., SECIoT 2010 1st International Workshop on the Security of the Internet of Things, November 2010, Tokyo, Japan
  7. Hogben G., Gritzalis S., OTM IS 2010 5th International Symposium on Information Security, October 2010, Crete, Greece, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  8. Xiadong Lin, Jianwei Liu, Gritzalis S., CHINACOM 2010 5th International Conference on Communications and Networking – Network and Information Security Symposium, September 2010, Beijing, China, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  9. Cheng X., Gritzalis S., OTM IS 2009 4th International Symposium on Information Security, November 2009, Vilamoura, Portugal, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  10. Mueller P., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Misic J., SecPri_WiMob 2009 2nd International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, in conjunction with IEEE WiMob 2009 5th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, October 2009, Marrakech, Morocco, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  11. Dhillon G., Gritzalis S., Kokolakis S., MCIS 2009 4th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems – Information Security Track, September 2009, Athens, Greece, AIS
  12. Boutaba R., Gritzalis S., Hu J., Mueller P., IEEE ICC 2009 International Conference on Communications – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium, June 2009, Dresden, Germany, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  13. Ghita B., Gritzalis S., Savola R., Chen E., SECURWARE 2009 3rd International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (Athens: Greece), June 2009, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  14. Mueller P., Gritzalis S., Nyberg K., Lambrinoudakis C., SecPri_WiMob 2008 International Workshop on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, in conjunction with IEEE WiMob 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, October 2008, Avignon, France, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  15. Gritzalis S., Plexousakis D., Pnevmatikatos D., PCI 2008 12th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, with international participation, August 2008, Samos, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  16. Coronato A., Gritzalis S., Hussain S., SMPE 2008 2nd International Symposium on Multimodal Pervasive Environments, in conjunction with MOBIQUITOUS 2008 5th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, July 2008, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  17. Gritzalis S., Marias G.F., SecPerU 2008 4th International Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, in conjunction with ICPS’08 4th International Conference on Pervasive Services 2008, July 2008, Sorrento, Italy, ACM Press
  18. Gritzalis S., MUE 2008 2nd International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering – Multimedia and Ubiquitous Security Track, April 2008, Busan, Korea, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  19. Li K.-H., You I., Dustdar S., Hsu C.-H., Gritzalis S., Ko E.-N., TRUST 2007 2nd International Workshop on Trustworthiness, Reliability and Services in Ubiquitous and Sensor Networks, December 2007, Taipei, Taiwan, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  20. Gritzalis S., Marias G.F., SecPerU 2007 3rd International Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, in conjunction with IEEE ICPS’07 3rd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services 2007, June 2007, Istanbul, Turkey, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  21. Backes M., Gritzalis S., Preneel B., ISC’2006 9th Information Security Conference, September 2006, Samos, Greece, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 4176
  22. Gritzalis S., Marias G.F., SecPerU 2006 2nd International Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, in conjunction with IEEE ICPS’06 2nd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services 2006, June 2006, Lyon, France, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services.
  23. Gritzalis S., Rouskas A., Skianis C., SecPri_MobiWi 2006 Workshop on Security and Privacy in Mobile and Wireless Networking, in conjunction with IFIP NETWORKING 2006, May 2006, Coimbra, Portugal
  24. Katsikas S., Gritzalis S., Invited Session on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Computing – 5th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT’05), December 2005, Athens, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  25. Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Invited Session on Security and Privacy in eBusiness, eCommerce, eGovernment Environments – 5th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT’05) December 2005, Athens, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  26. Gritzalis S., Marias G., SecPerU 2005 1st International Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, in conjunction with IEEE ICPS’05 1st IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services 2005, July 2005, Santorini, Greece, Diaulos Pubs.
  27. Gritzalis S., Lopez J., EuroPKI’04 1st European PKI Workshop: Research and Applications, June 2004, Samos, Greece, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3093


VI. International Conferences/Workshops Advisory Committee Member

  1. 2nd International Workshop on Cloud and Super Computing 2013, Jeju, Korea, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  2. NCS 2013 National Computer Symposium – Workshop on Digital Forensics, Security and Privacy, Taichung, Taiwan, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  3. STA 2013 10th IEEE/FTRA International Conference on Secure and Computing, Data Management, and Applications, Fukouka, Japan, July 2013, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  4. STA 2012 9th IEEE/FTRA International Conference on Secure and Computing, Data Management, and Applications, Yantai, China, August 2012, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  5. ICCA 2012 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications, Pondicherry, India, January 2012, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  6. STA 2011 8th IEEE/FTRA International Conference on Secure and Computing, Data Management, and Applications, Crete, Greece, June 2011, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  7. ISCISC ‘10 7th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Tehran, Iran, September 2010, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  8. MulGrab 2009 1st International Conference on Multimedia, Computer Graphics and Broadcasting, Jeju, Korea, December 2009, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS – CCIS Communications in Computer and Information Science
  9. ISCISC’09 6th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Isfahan, Iran, October 2009, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  10. 2C-COM 2009 4th International Symposium ocontempon Cloud and Convergence Computing, Vancouver, Canada, August 2009, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  11. ISA 2009 3rd International Conference on Information Security and Assurance, Seoul, Korea, June 2009, Springer CCIS Communications in Computer and Information Science
  12. TRUST 2008 3rd International Symposium on Trustworthiness, Reliability and Services in Ubiquitous and Sensor Networks, Shanghai, China, December 2008, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  13. WISH 2008 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Smart Home, Sydney, Australia, December 2008, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services


VII. International Conferences/Workshops Publicity Chair

  1. TSP 2010 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Trust, Security and Privacy for Emerging Applications, July 2010, Bradford, UK, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  2. SMPE 2009 3rd International Symposium on Multimodal Pervasive Environments, in conjunction with AINA 2009 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, May 2009, Bradford, UK, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services


VIII. International Conferences/Workshops Steering Committee Member

  1. ICIW 2018 13rd International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (Barcelona: Spain), July 2018, Proceedings by IARIA
  2. IEEE GLOBECOM ManSec-CC 2012 1st International workshop on Management and Security technologies for Cloud Computing 2012, December 2012, Anaheim California, USA, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  3. CloudSec 2011 3rd International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing, September 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  4. SCC 2010 2nd International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing, September 2010, San Diego, California, USA, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  5. FutureTech 2010 5th International Conference on Future Information Technology, May 2010, Busan, Korea, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  6. SCC 2009 1st International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing, December 2009, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  7. MPIS 2009 2nd International Workshop on Multimedia, Information Privacy and Intelligent Computing Systems, December 2009, Jiju, Korea, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  8. MINES 2009 1st International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security, November 2009, Wuhan, China, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services


IX. International Conferences/Workshops Program Committee Member

  1. ESORICS 2024 29th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (Bydgoszcz: Poland,), September 2024, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  2. e-Democracy 2024 9th International Conference on e-Democracy (Athens: Greece), September 2024, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science
  3. TRUSTBUS 2024 21st International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business (Vienna: Austria), August 2024, Proceedings by ACM Press
  4. HAISA 2024 18th International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (Skövde: Sweden), July 2024, Springer
  5. ARES 2024 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (Vienna: Austria), July 2024, Proceedings by ACM Press
  6. IEEE CLOUD 2024 International Conference on Cloud Computing (Shenzhen: China), July 2024, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  7. CODASPY 2024 14th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (Porto: Portugal), June 2024, Proceedings by ACM Press
  8. EISA 2023 4th  International Symposium on Emerging Information Security and Applications (Hangzhou: China), December 2023, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  9. IEEE Trustcom 2023 22nd IEEE Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (Exeter: UK), November 2023, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  10. EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2023 (Budapest: Hungary), September 2023, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  11. PST 2023 20th Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security & Trust (Copenhagen: Denmark), August 2023, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  12. ISPEC 2023 18th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (Copenhagen: Denmark), August 2023, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  13. NSS 2023 17th International Conference on Network and System Security (Kent: UK), August 2023, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  14. TRUSTBUS 2023 20th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business (Benevento: Italy), August 2023, Proceedings by ACM Press
  15. EGOVIS 2023 12th International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (Penang: Malaysia), August 2023, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  16. HAISA 2023 17th International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (Kent: UK), July 2023, Springer
  17. IEEE MetaCom 2023 International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications – Track 5: Security, Privacy, and Trust (Kyoto: Japan), June 2023, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  18. IEEE ICC 2023 International Conference on Communications – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium (Rome: Italy), May 2023, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  19. IEEE Trustcom 2022 21st IEEE Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (Wuhan: China), November 2022, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  20. ISPEC 2022 17th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (Taipei: Taiwan), November 2022, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  21. PCI 2022 26th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, with international participation (Athens: Greece), November 2022, Proceedings by ACM Press
  22. IEEE CNS 2022 10th IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (Auston: USA), September 2022 Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  23. EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2022 (Linköping, Sweden), September 2022, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  24. ESORICS 2022 27th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (Copenhagen: Denmark), September 2022, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  25. TRUSTBUS 2022 19th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business (Vienna: Austria), August 2022, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  26. EGOVIS 2022 11th International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (Vienna: Austria), August 2022, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  27. HAISA 2022 16th International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (Mytilene: Greece), July 2022, Springer
  28. ICICS 2022 International Conference on Information and Computer Security (Tokyo: Japan), August 2022, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  29. IEEE CLOUD 2022 International Conference on Cloud Computing (Barcelona: Spain), July 2022, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  30. SECRYPT 2022 International Conference on Security and Cryptography (Lisbon: Portugal), July 2022, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  31. SMARTS&P 1st International Conference on Security and Privacy in Smart Environments (Edinburgh: UK), June 2022, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  32. IEEE COMPSAC 2022 Computers, Software & Applications in an Uncertain World (Torino: Italy), June 2022, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  33. IEEE ICC 2022 International Conference on Communications – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium (Seoul: Korea), May 2022, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  34. ISC 2021 24th Information Security Conference (Bali: Indonesia), November 2021, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  35. EGOSE 2021 Electronic Governance and Open Society (St. Petersburg: Russia), November 2021, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  36. PCI 2021 25th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, with international participation, November 2021, Volos, Greece, Proceedings by ACM Press
  37. NSS 2021 15th International Conference on Network and System Security (Tianjin: China), October 2021, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  38. ICEGOV 2021 14th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (Athens: Greece), October 2021, Proceedings by ACM Press
  39. STM 2021 17th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (Darmstadt: Germany), October 2021, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  40. ICICS 2021 23nd International Conference on Information and Communications Security (Chongqing: China), September 2021, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  41. TRUSTBUS 2021 18th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business (Linz: Austria), September 2021, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  42. IEEE CLOUD 2021 International Conference on Cloud Computing (online virtual), September 2021, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  43. EGOVIS 2021 10th International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (Linz: Austria), September 2021, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  44. ESORICS 2021 26th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (Darmstadt: Germany), September 2021, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  45. GOV-CeDEM-ePart 2021 (Granada, Spain), September 2021, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  46. EISA 2021 2nd International Symposium on Emerging Information Security and Applications (Copenhagen: Denmark), August 2021, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  47. HAISA 2021 15th International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (Mytilene: Greece), July 2021, Springer
  48. SECRYPT 2021 International Conference on Security and Cryptography, (OnLine), July 2021, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  49. IEEE ICC 2021 International Conference on Communications – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium (Montreal: Canada), June 2021, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  50. ACNS 2021 19th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (Kamakura: Japan), June 2021, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  51. APWiMob 2021 Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (Bandung: Indonesia), April 2021, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  52. PDP 2021 29th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing – Special Session on “Security in Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Computing” (Valladolid: Spain), March 2021, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  53. IEEE Trustcom 2020 19th IEEE Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (Guangzhou: China), December 2020, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  54. EGOSE 2020 Electronic Governance and Open Society (St. Petersburg: Russia), November 2020, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  55. NSS 2020 14th International Conference on Network and System Security (Melbourne: Australia), November 2020, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  56. EISA 2020 1st International Symposium on Emerging Information Security and Applications (Nanjing: China), October 2020, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  57. ESORICS 2020 25th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (London: UK), September 2020, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  58. 19th Annual ISSA International Information Security South Africa Conference (Pretoria: South Africa), August 2020, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  59. SocialSec 2020 6th International Symposium on Security and Privacy in Social Networks and Big Data (Tianjin: China), August 2020, Proceedings by Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  60. ICICS 2020 22nd International Conference on Information and Communications Security (Copenhagen: Denmark), August 2020, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  61. EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2020 (Linköping, Sweden), August 2020, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  62. EGOVIS 2020 9th International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (Bratislava: Slovakia), September 2020, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  63. SECRYPT 2020 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, (Paris: France), July 2020, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  64. IEEE CLOUD 2020 International Conference on Cloud Computing (Beijing: China), July 2020, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  65. HAISA 2020 14th International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (Mytilene: Greece), July 2020, Springer
  66. DTGS 2020 5th International Conference on Digital Transformation and Global Society (St. Petersburg: Russia), June 2020, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  67. ACM CPSS 2020 6th ACM Cyber-Physical Systems Security Workshop (Taipei: Taiwan), June 2020, Proceedings by ACM Press
  68. IEEE ICC 2020 International Conference on Communications – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium (Dublin: Ireland), June 2020, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  69. IEEE CNS 2010 8th IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (Avignon: France), June 2020 Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  70. ACNS 2020 18th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (Rome: Italy), June 2020, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  71. IFIP TM 2020 14th IFIP International Conference on Trust Management (Tel Aviv: Israel), June 2020, Proceedings by Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  72. ECCWS 2020 19th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (Chester: UK), June 2020, Proceedings by ACL
  73. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Science (Dublin: Ireland), June 2020, Proceedings by C-MRIC
  74. RCIS 2020 14th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (Limassol: Cyprus), May 2020, Proceedings by Springer LNBIP Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing
  75. PDP 2020 28th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing – Special Session on “Security in Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Computing” (Vasteras: Sweden), March 2020, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  76. ICEG0V 2020 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (Athens: Greece), April 2020, Proceedings by ACM Press
  77. AMA21 2020 International Conference on Applied Management Advances in the 21st Century 2020 (Sao Paolo: Brazil), February 2020, Proceedings by IADIS
  78. SICBS’19 3rd International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services (New Taipei: Taiwan), December 2019, Proceedings by Springer AICS Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
  79. ICICS 2019 21st International Conference on Information and Communications Security (Beijing: China), December 2019, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  80. e-Democracy 2019 8th International Conference on e-Democracy (Athens: Greece), December 2019, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science
  81. CSA 2019 11th International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (Macao: China), December 2019, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering LNEE
  82. IAS 2019 15th International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security (Bhopal: India), December 2019, Proceedings by Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
  83. SSCC 2019 7th International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (Trivandrum: India), December 2019, Proceedings by Springer
  84. SICBS 2019 3rd International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services (New Taipei city: Taiwan), December 2019, Proceedings by Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
  85. ICACCI 2019 8th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (Trivandrum: India), December 2019, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  86. IEEE MENACOMM’19 2nd IEEE Middle East & North Africa Communications Conference (Manama: Bahrein), December 2019, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  87. EC 2019 Information and Communication Technologies of Ecuador (Cuenca: Ecuador), November 2019, Proceedings by Springer
  88. EGOSE 2019 Electronic Governance and Open Society (St. Petersburg: Russia), November 2019, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  89. IEEE DASC 2019 17th International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, November 2019, Hangzhou, China, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  90. PCI 2019 23nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, with international participation, November 2019, Nicosia, Cyprus, Proceedings by ACM Press
  91. ISPEC 2019 15th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia), November 2019, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  92. KSE 2019 11th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (Da Nang: Vietnam), October 2019, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  93. OTM C&TC 2019 Cloud and Trusted Computing (Rhodes: Greece), October 2019, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  94. SECURWARE 2019 13th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (Nice: France), October 2019, Proceedings by IARIA
  95. 3ICT’19 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (Univ. of Bahrein, Bahrein), September 2019, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  96. EGOV-CeDEM-ePart 2019 (San Benedetto Del Tronto, Italy), September 2019, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  97. UNET 2019 4th International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking (Limoges: France), September 2019, Proceedings by Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  98. ESORICS 2019 24th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (Luxembourg: Luxembourg), September 2019, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  99. CRITIS 2019 14th Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (Linkoping: Sweden), September 2019, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  100. 18th Annual ISSA International Information Security South Africa Conference (Johannesburg: South Africa), August 2019, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  101. MobiApps 2019 6th International Workshop on Mobile Applications (Istanbul: Turkey), August 2019, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  102. SECRYPT 2019 International Conference on Security and Cryptography, (Prague: Czech), July 2019, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  103. SocialSec 2019 5th International Symposium on Security and Privacy in Social Networks and Big Data (Copenhagen: Denmark), July 2019, Proceedings by Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  104. IFIP TM 2019 13th IFIP International Conference on Trust Management (Copenhagen: Denmark), July 2019, Proceedings by Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  105. WINSYS 2019 16th International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (Prague: Czech), July 2019, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  106. IEEE CLOUD 2019 International Conference on Cloud Computing (Milan: Italy), July 2019, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  107. DBSec 2019 33nd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (Charleston: USA), July 2019, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  108. CPSS 2019 5th ACM AsiaCCS Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (Auckland: New Zealand), July 2019, Proceedings by ACM
  109. ICIMP 2019 14th International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (Nice: France), July 2019, Proceedings by IARIA
  110. DTGS 2019 4TH International Conference on Digital Transformation and Global Society (St. Petersburg: Russia), June 2019, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  111. FUTURE COMPUTING 2019, The Eleventh International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications (Venice: Italia), May 2019, IARIA
  112. IADIS 12th International Conference on Information Systems (Utrecht: The Netherlands), April 2019, Proceedings by IADIS
  113. SFCS 2019 5th International Workshop on Security and Forensics in Cyberspace (Marrakech: Morocco), April 2019, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  114. SCS 2019 2nd Smart Cities Symposium 2019 (Bahrein: Kingdom of Bahrein), March 2019, Proceedings by IET
  115. PDP 2019 27th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing – Special Session on “Security in Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Computing” (Pavia: Italy), February 2019, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  116. PLATCON 2019 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (Jeju: Korea), January 2019, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  117. IAS 2018 14th International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security (Porto: Portugal), December 2018, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  118. CYBER 2018 3rd International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems (Athens: Greece), November 2018, Proceedings by IARIA
  119. PCI 2018 22nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, with international participation, November 2018, Athens, Greece, Proceedings by ACM Press
  120. EGOSE 2018 Electronic Governance and Open Society (St. Petersburg: Russia), November 2018, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  121. NICS 2018 NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (Ho Chi Minh: Vietnam), November 2018, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  122. IEEE COMNETSAT 2018 7th International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (Medan: Indonesia), November 2018, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  123. APWiMob 2018 Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (Bali: Indonesia), November 2018, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  124. KSE 2018 10th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (Ho Chi Minh: Vietnam), November 2018, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  125. 3nd SMART-MED Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Smart, Inclusive and Resilient Small and Medium-sized Cities and Island Communities in the Mediterranean (Larnaca: Cyprus), October 2018, Proceedings by Springer
  126. ATC 2018 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (Ho Chi Minh: Vietnam), October 2018, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  127. OTM C&TC 2018 Cloud and Trusted Computing (Valletta: Malta), October 2018, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  128. TRUSTBUS’18 15th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business (Regensburg: Germany), September 2018, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  129. ESORICS 2018 23nd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (Barcelona: Spain), September 2018, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  130. SAI 2018 Science and Information Conference (Bangalore: India), September 2018, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  131. SECURWARE 2018 12nd International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (Venice: Italy), September 2018, Proceedings by IARIA
  132. ISPEC 2018 14th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (Tokyo: Japan), September 2018, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  133. SSCC 2018 6th International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (Bangalore: India), September 2018, Proceedings by Springer
  134. CRITIS 2018 13th Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (Kaunas: Lithuania), September 2018, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  135. HAISA 2018 12nd International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (Dandee: UK), August 2018, Proceedings by University of Plymouth
  136. 17th Annual ISSA International Information Security South Africa Conference (Johannesburg: South Africa), August 2018, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  137. TPMS 2018 7th International Conference on Theory and Practice in Modern Computing (Madrid: Spain), July 2018, Proceedings by IET Digital Library
  138. SECRYPT 2018 International Conference on Security and Cryptography, (Porto: Portugal), July 2018, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  139. DBSec 2018 32nd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (Bergamo: Italy), July 2018, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  140. ICIMP 2018 13rd International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (Barcelona: Spain), July 2018, Proceedings by IARIA
  141. ICIW 2018 13nd International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (Barcelona: Spain), July 2018, Proceedings by IARIA
  142. WINSYS 2018 15th International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (Porto: Portugal), July 2018, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  143. IFIP TM 2018 12nd IFIP International Conference on Trust Management (Ontario: Canada), July 2018, Proceedings by Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  144. Cyber Security 2018 International Conference On Cyber Security (Glasgow: UK), June 2018, Proceedings by C-MRIC
  145. CPSS 2018 4th ACM AsiaCCS Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (Incheon: Korea), June 2018, Proceedings by ACM
  146. UNET 2018 4TH International Symposium on Ubiquitous Networking (Hamammet: Tunisia), May 2018, Proceedings by Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  147. DTGS 2018 3nd International Conference on Digital Transformation and Global Society (St. Petersburg: Russia), May 2018, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  148. 2018 Smart Cities Symposium (Bahrain: Kingdom of Bahrain), April 2018, Proceedings by IET Digital Library
  149. IADIS 11th International Conference on Information Systems (Lisbon: Portugal), April 2018, Proceedings by IADIS
  150. SeFoCloud 2018 The International Workshop on The Security and Digital Forensics of Cloud Computing (Madeira: Portugal), March 2018, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  151. PDP 2018 26th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing – Special Session on “Security in Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Computing” (Cambridge: UK), March 2018, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  152. PLATCON 2018 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (Jeju: Korea), January 2018, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  153. e-Democracy 2017 7th International Conference on e-Democracy (Athens: Greece), December 2017, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes of the ICSSIT Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics, and Telecommunications Engineering
  154. ISPEC 2017 13th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (Melbourne: Australia), November 2017, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  155. WINSYS 2017 14th International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (Madrid: Spain), November 2017, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  156. CRITIS 2017 12nd Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (Lucca: Italy), October 2017, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  157. IEEE COMNETSAT 2017 International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (Semarang: Indonesia), October 2017, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  158. TRUSTBUS’17 14th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business (Lyon: France), September 2017, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  159. ESORICS 2017 22nd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (Oslo: Norway), September 2017, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  160. ICACCI 2017 6th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (Karnataka: India), September 2017, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  161. SECURWARE 2017 11th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (Rome: Italy), September 2017, Proceedings by IARIA
  162. 16th Annual ISSA International Information Security South Africa Conference (Johannesburg: South Africa), August 2017, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  163. MMM-ACNS-2017 7th International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Networks Security (Warsaw: Poland), August 2017, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  164. SECRYPT 2017 International Conference on Security and Cryptography, (Madrid: Spain), July 2017, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  165. DBSec 2017 31st Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy (Philadelphia: USA), July 2017, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  166. WSVNRS 2017 3rd International workshop on Wireless Sensor-Vehicular Networks and Road Safety (Leuven: Belgium), July 2017, Proceedings by Procedia, Elsevier
  167. WMSTFI 2017 3nd International workshop on Wireless and Mobile Sensing Technology in the Future Internet (Leuven: Belgium), July 2017, Proceedings by Procedia, Elsevier
  168. VEHICULAR 2017 6th International Conference on Advances in Vehicular Systems, Technologies and Applications (Nice: France), July 2017, IARIA
  169. Cyber Security 2017 International Conference On Cyber Security And Protection Of Digital Services (London: UK), June 2017, Proceedings by C-MRIC
  170. DTGS 2017 2nd International Conference on Digital Transformation and Global Society (St. Petersburg: Russia), June 2017, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  171. SCCCS-17 2017 International Symposium on Cloud Computing and Cyber-Security (Venice: Italy), June 2017, IARIA
  172. ICIMP 2017 12nd International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (Venice: Italy), June 2017, Proceedings by IARIA
  173. ICIW 2017 12nd International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (Venice: Italy), June 2017, Proceedings by IARIA
  174. IFIP SEC 2017 32nd IFIP International Information Security and Privacy Conference (Rome: Italy), May 2017, Proceedings by Springer
  175. IC-CC-2017 3rd International Conference on Cybercrime and Cyber Security (Rabat: Morocco), April 2017, Proceedings by IJSRI
  176. SCC 2017 5th AsiaCCS International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing (Abu Dhabi: UAE), April 2017, Proceedings by ACM
  177. CPSS 2017 3rd ACM AsiaCCS Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (Abu Dhabi: UAE), April 2017, Proceedings by ACM
  178. IADIS 10th International Conference on Information Systems (Budapest: Hungary), April 2017, Proceedings by IADIS
  179. PDP 2017 25th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing – Special Session on “Security in Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Computing” (St. Petersburg: Russia), March 2017, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  180. ICAT2E 2017 International Conference on Advanced Technologies Enhancing Education (Qingdao: China), March 2017, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  181. Plat-Con 2017 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service (Busan: Korea), February 2017, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  182. ICOSST 2016 10th IEEE International Conference on Open Source Systems & Technologies (Lahor: Pakistan), December 2016, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  183. IEEE COMNETSAT 2016 International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (Surabaya: Indonesia), December 2016, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  184. EGOSE 2016 Electronic Governance and Open Society (St. Petersburg: Russia), November 2016, Proceedings by ACM
  185. PCI 2016 20th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics with international participation (Patra: Greece), November 2016, Proceedings by ACM
  186. ISPEC 2016 12nd International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (Zhangjiajie: China), November 2016, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  187. OTM C&TC 2016 Cloud and Trusted Computing (Rhodes: Greece), November 2016, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  188. CRITIS 2016 11th Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (Paris: France), October 2016, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  189. WISTP 2016 10th Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices (Heraklion: Greece), September 2016, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  190. DPM 2016 11th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management (Heraklion: Crete), September 2016, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  191. EGOVIS 2016 5th International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (Porto: Portugal), September 2016, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  192. ESORICS 2016 21st European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (Heraklion: Greece), September 2016, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  193. ISC 2016 19th Information Security Conference (Hawaii: USA), September 2016, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  194. SSCC 2016 4th International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (Jaipur: India), September 2016, Proceedings by Springer
  195. SelfNet 2016 Workshop on Security in Self-Organizing Networks (Jaipur: India), September 2016, Proceedings by Springer
  196. TRUSTBUS’16 13rd International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business (Porto: Portugal), September 2016, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  197. ICACCI 2016 5th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (Jaipur: India), September 2016, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  198. APCC 2016 The 22nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (Yogyakarta: Indonesia), August 2016, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  199. MobiApps 2016 3rd International Workshop on Mobile Applications (Vienna: Austria), August 2016, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  200. WMSTFI 2nd International workshop on Wireless and Mobile Sensing Technology in the Future Internet (Montreal: Canada), August 2016, Proceedings by Procedia, Elsevier
  201. APWiMob 2016 Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (Bandung: Indonesia), August 2016, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  202. 15th Annual ISSA International Information Security South Africa Conference (Johannesburg: South Africa), August 2016, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  203. 5th International Conference on TPMC Theory and Practice in Modern Computing (Las Madeira: Portugal), July 2016, Proceedings by MCCSIS
  204. SECURWARE 2016 10th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (Nice: France), July 2016, Proceedings by IARIA
  205. WINSYS 2016 13th International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (Lisbon: Portugal), July 2016, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  206. ECCWS 2016 15th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (Munich: Germany), July 2016, Proceedings by ACL
  207. DTGS 2016 International Conference on Digital Transformation and Global Society (St. Petersburg: Russia), June 2016, ACM Press
  208. WISSE 2016 6th International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering (Ljubljana: Slovenia), June 2016, Proceedings by Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  209. Cyber Science 2016 International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (London: UK), June 2016, Proceedings by C-MRIC
  210. Cyber Security 2016 International Conference On Cyber Security And Protection Of Digital Services (London: UK), June 2016, Proceedings by C-MRIC
  211. Cyber Incident 2016 International Conference On Cyber Incident Response, Coordination, Containment & Control (London: UK), June 2016, Proceedings by C-MRIC
  212. IEEE ICC 2016 International Conference on Communications – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium (Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia), May 2016, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  213. ICIMP 2016 11th International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (Valencia: Spain), May 2016, Proceedings by IARIA
  214. IFIP SEC 2016 31st IFIP International Information Security and Privacy Conference (Ghent: Belgium), May 2016, Proceedings by Springer
  215. IADIS 9th International Conference on Information Systems (Algarve: Portugal), April 2016, Proceedings by IADIS
  216. ICDT 2016 11th International Conference on Digital Communications (Lisbon: Portugal), February 2016, Proceedings by IARIA
  217. MMEDIA 2016 8th International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (Porto: Portugal), February 2016, Proceedings by IARIA
  218. PDP 2016 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing – Special Session on “Security in Networked and Distributed Systems” (Heraklion: Greece), February 2016, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  219. SFCS 4th International Workshop on Security and Forensics in Communication Systems (Singapore: Singapore), January 2016, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  220. ICCVE 2015 4th International Conference on Connected Vehicles (Shenzhen: China), December 2015, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  221. IEEE GLOBECOM 2015 Communication and Information System Security Symposium (San Diego California: USA), December 2015, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  222. e-Democracy 2015 6th International Conference on e-Democracy (Athens: Greece), December 2015, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes of the ICSSIT Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics, and Telecommunications Engineering
  223. SITIS 2015 11th International Conference on Signal-Imaging Technology and Internet-based Systems (Bangkok: Thailand), December 2015, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  224. STSD 2015 1st International Workshop on Security Technology for Smart Device, (Jeju: Korea), December 2015, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  225. OTM C&TC 2015 Cloud and Trusted Computing (Rhodes: Greece), October 2015, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  226. CRITIS 2015 10th Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (Berlin: Germany), October 2015, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  227. PCI 2015 19th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics with international participation (Athens: Greece), October 2015, Proceedings by ACM
  228. DPM 2015 10th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management (Vienna: Austria), September 2015, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  229. TRUSTBUS’15 12nd International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business (Valencia: Spain), September 2015, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  230. EGOVIS 2015 4th International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (Valencia: Spain), September 2015, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  231. CCSI 2015 1st International Workshop on Cybercrime Scene Investigations (Belfort: France), August 2015, Proceedings by Procedia, Elsevier
  232. 14th Annual ISSA Information Security Conference (Johannesburg: South Africa), August 2015, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  233. ICITCS 2015 5th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia), August 2015, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  234. ISC 2015 18th Information Security Conference (Trondheim, Norway), September 2015, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  235. WMSTFI International workshop on Wireless and Mobile Sensing Technology in the Future Internet (Belfort: France), August 2015, Proceedings by Procedia, Elsevier
  236. APWiMob 2015 Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (Bandung: Indonesia), August 2015, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  237. SECURWARE 2015 9th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (Venice: Italy), August 2015, Proceedings by IARIA
  238. ICACCI 2015 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (Aluva, Kochi: India), August 2015, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  239. SFCS 3nd International Workshop on Security and Forensics in Communication Systems (Larnaca: Cyprus), July 2015, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  240. CRiSIS 2015 10th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (Mytilene: Greece), July 2015, Proceedings by Springer LNCS
  241. WINSYS 2015 12th International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (Colmar: France), July 2015, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  242. 12th International Conference on e-Commerce and Digital Marketing (Las Palmas: Spain), July 2015, Proceedings by MCCSIS
  243. 4th International Conference on TPMC Theory and Practice in Modern Computing (Las Palmas: Spain), July 2015, Proceedings by MCCSIS
  244. IEEE ICC 2015 International Conference on Communications – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium (London: UK), June 2015, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  245. Cyber SA International Conference on Cyber Situational Awareness, Data Analytics and Assessment (London: UK), June 2015, Proceedings by C-MRIC
  246. WISSE 2015 5th International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering (Stockholm: Sweden), June 2015, Proceedings by Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  247. ICIMP 2015 10th International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (Brussels: Belgium), June 2015, Proceedings by IARIA
  248. IFIP SEC 2015 30th IFIP International Information Security Conference (Hamburg: Germany), May 2015, Proceedings by Springer
  249. IFIP TM 2015 9th IFIP International Conference on Trust Management (Hamburg: Germany), May 2015, Proceedings by Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  250. RCIS 2015 9th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (Athens: Greece), May 2015, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  251. ISPEC 2015 11th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (Beijing: China), May 2015, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  252. ASIACCS-SCC 3nd International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing (Singapore: Singapore), April 2015, ACM Press
  253. IADIS 8th International Conference on Information Systems (Madeira: Portugal), March 2015, Proceedings by IADIS
  254. PDP 2015 23nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing – Special Session on “Security in Networked and Distributed Systems” (Turku: Finland), March 2015, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  255. IEEE SPICES 2015 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems (Kozhikode, Kerala, India), February 2015, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  256. ICDS 2015 9th International Conference on Digital Society (Lisbon: Portugal), February 2015, Proceedings by IARIA
  257. ICCCMIT 2014 International Conference on Communication, Computing and Information Technology (Chennai: India), December 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  258. DFIS 2014 8th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Information Security (Guam: USA), December 2014, Proceedings by FTRA
  259. INSCRYPT 2014 10th China International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Beijing: China), December 2014, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  260. CCMIoS 2014 International Workshop on Internet of Smart objects: Computing, Communication and Management (Delhi: India), December 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  261. Wireless Days Conference 2014 – Vehicular and Delay Tolerant Networks Track (Rio: Brazil), November 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  262. WNCS 2014 Wireless Networks in Control Systems (Dubai: UAE), November 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  263. SECURWARE 2014 8th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (Lisbon: Portugal), November 2014, Proceedings by IARIA
  264. PCI 2014 18th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics with international participation (Athens: Greece), October 2014, Proceedings by ACM
  265. DPM 2014 9th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management (Wroclaw: Poland), September 2014, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  266. eCrime Research Symposium 2014 (Birmingham: USA), September 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  267. SETOP 2014 7th International Workshop on Autonomous and Spontaneous Security (Wroclaw: Poland), September 2014, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  268. EGOVIS 2014 3rd International Conference on Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective (Munich: Germany), September 2014, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  269. TRUSTBUS’14 11th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business (Munich: Germany), September 2014, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  270. SSCC 2014 International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (Delhi: India), September 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  271. ICACCI 2014 4th International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (Delhi: India), September 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  272. WINSYS 2014 11th International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (Vienna: Austria), September 2014, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  273. ESPRE 2014 Evolving Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering Workshop, in conjunction with IEEE RE 2014 International Requirements Engineering Conference, August 2014, Karlskrona, Sweden, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  274. CRiSIS 2014 9th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (Trento: Italy), August 2014, Proceedings by Springer
  275. SECRYPT 2014 International Conference on Security and Cryptography, (Vienna: Austria), August 2014, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  276. DPNoS The 2014 International Workshop on the Design and Performance of Networks on Chip (Ontario: Canada), August 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  277. APWiMob 2014 Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile (Bali: Indonesia), August 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  278. SAI 2014 Science and Information Conference (London: UK), August 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  279. IADIS International Conference – eCommerce 2014 (Lisbon: Portugal), July 2014, Proceedings by IADIS
  280. IFIP TM 2014 8th IFIP International Conference on Trust Management (Singapore), July 2014, Proceedings by Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  281. ICIW 2014 9th International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (Paris: France), July 2014, Proceedings by IARIA
  282. ICIMP 2014 9th International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (Paris: France), July 2014, Proceedings by IARIA
  283. AICT 2014 10th Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (Paris: France), July 2014, Proceedings by IARIA
  284. HAISA 2014 8th International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (Plymouth: UK), July 2014, Proceedings by University of Plymouth
  285. ECCWS 2014 13th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (Piraeus: Greece), July 2014, Proceedings by ACL
  286. AIDP 2014 Advanced Intrusion Detection and Prevention Workshop (Marrakech: Morocco), June 2014, Proceedings by EPTCS
  287. ASIACCS-SFCS 2nd International Workshop on Security and Forensics in Communication Systems (Kyoto: Japan), June 2014, ACM Press
  288. IFIP SEC 2014 29th IFIP International Information Security Conference (Marrakech: Morocco), June 2014, Proceedings by Springer
  289. IEEE ICC 2014 International Conference on Communications – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium (Sydney: Australia), June 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  290. CAiSE’14 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (Thessaloniki: Greece), June 2014, Proceedings by Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  291. WISSE 2014 4th International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering (Thessaloniki: Greece), June 2014, Proceedings by Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  292. ICIEMS 2014 International Conference on Information Engineering, Management and Security 2014 (Hyderabad: India), May 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  293. ISPEC 2014 10th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (Fuzhou: China), May 2014, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  294. ICEPIT 2014 International Conference on Electronic Publishing and Information Technology (Bahrain: Bahrain), April 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  295. CCIT 2014 5th FTRA International Conference on Creative Converged IT (Daejeon, Korea), April 2014, Springer LNEE
  296. ICNS 2014 10th International Conference on Networking and Services (Chamonix: France), April 2014, Proceedings by IARIA
  297. IADIS 7th International Conference on Information Systems (Madrid: Spain), March 2014, Proceedings by IADIS
  298. SNDS 2014 International Conference on Security in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (Thiruvananthapuram: India), March 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  299. PDP 2014 22nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing” (Turin: Italy), February 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  300. PDP 2014 22nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing – Special Session on “Security in Networked and Distributed Systems” (Turin: Italy), February 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  301. UCES 2013 The FTRA 2013 International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Embedded Systems (Danang: Vietnam), December 2013, Proceedings by FTRA
  302. IEEE SITIS 2013 9th International Conference on Signal-Imaging Technology and Internet-based Systems (Kyoto: Japan), December 2013, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  303. IAS 2013 9th International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security (Tunis: Tunisia), December 2013, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  304. CUTE 2013 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications (Danang: Vietnam), December 2013, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  305. Wireless Days Conference 2013 – Vehicular and Delay Tolerant Networks Track (Valencia: Spain), November 2013, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  306. ICICS 2013 15th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (Beijing: China), November 2013, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  307. IEEE WiMob 2013 9th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (Lyon: France), October 2013, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  308. ICCSM 2013 International Conference on Cloud Security Management (Seattle: USA), October 2013, Proceedings by ACL Academic Conferences Limited
  309. SAI 2013 Science and Information Conference (London: UK), October 2013, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  310. DFIS2013 7th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Information Security (Gwangju: Korea), September 2013, Proceedings by Springer LNEE Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
  311. DPM 2013 8th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management (London: UK), September 2013, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  312. EuroPKI 2013 10th European PKI Workshop (London: UK), September 2013, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  313. SETOP 2013 6th International Workshop on Autonomous and Spontaneous Security (London: UK), September 2013, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  314. PCI 2013 17th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics with international participation (Thessaloniki: Greece), September 2013, Proceedings by ACM
  315. 12th Annual ISSA Information Security Conference (Johannesburg: South Africa), August 2013, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  316. TRUSTBUS’13 10th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business (Prague: Czech), August 2013, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  317. EGOVIS and EDEM Electronic Government International Conference and the Information Systems Perspective and International Conference on Electronic Democracy (Prague: Czech), August 2013, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  318. SSCC 2013 International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (Mysore: India), August 2013, Proceedings by IEEE CPS
  319. SECURWARE 2013 7th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (Barcelona: Spain), August 2013, Proceedings by IARIA
  320. ICACCI 2013 3nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (Mysore: India), August 2013, Proceedings by Inderscience Publishers
  321. WINSYS 2013 10th International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems (Reykjavik: Iceland), July 2013, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  322. SECRYPT 2013 International Conference on Security and Cryptography, (Reykjavik: Iceland), July 2013, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  323. IADIS International Conference – eCommerce 2013 (Prague: Czech), July 2013, Proceedings by IADIS
  324. IADIS International Conference – Theory and Practice in Modern Computing 2013 (Prague: Czech), July 2013, Proceedings by IADIS
  325. STA 2013 10th IEEE/FTRA International Conference on Secure and Computing, Data Management, and Applications (Fukouka: Japan), July 2013, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  326. CISIS 2013 7th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems – Security and Trusted Computing Track (Taichung: Taiwan), July 2013, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  327. ECIW 2013 13th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security (Jyväskylä: Finland), July 2013, Proceedings by ACL Academic Conferences Limited
  328. WISSE 2013 3rd International Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering (Valencia: Spain), June 2013, Proceedings by Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  329. ICCCEG 2013 International Conference on Cloud Computing and eGovernance (Dubai: UAE), June 2013, Proceedings by SERSC
  330. ACNS 2013 11th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (Alberta: Canada), June 2013, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  331. AICT 2013 9th Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (Rome: Italy), June 2013, Proceedings by IARIA
  332. ICIMP 2013 8th International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (Rome: Italy), June 2013, Proceedings by IARIA
  333. ISA 2013 7th International Conference on Information Security and Assurance (Cebu: Philippines), April 2013, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  334. MMEDIA 2013 5th International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (Venice: Italy), April 2013, Proceedings by IARIA
  335. ICDT 2013 8th International Conference on Digital Communications (Venice: Italy), April 2013, Proceedings by IARIA
  336. IFIP IDMAN 2013 3rd Working Conference on Policies and Research in Identity Management (London: UK) April 2013, Proceedings by Springer
  337. IBIMA 2012 20th Conference on Entrepreneurship Vision 2020 (Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia), March 2013, Proceedings by International Business Information Management Association
  338. IADIS International Conference – Information Systems 2013 (Lisbon: Portugal), March 2013, Proceedings by IADIS
  339. ICNS 2013 9th International Conference on Networking and Services (Lisbon: Portugal), March 2013, Proceedings by IARIA
  340. ACM-SAC 28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing – Security Track (Coimbra: Portugal), March 2013, Proceedings by ACM Press
  341. FTRA AIM 2013 International Conference on Advanced IT, Engineering and Management (Seoul: Korea), February 2013, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  342. PDP 2013 21st Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing” (Belfast: Northern Ireland), February 2013, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  343. PDP 2013 21st Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing – Special Session on “Security in Networked and Distributed Systems” (Belfast: Northern Ireland), February 2013, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  344. ICNC 2013 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications – Communications and Information Security Technical Symposium (San Diego: USA), January 2013, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  345. ICCVE 2012 International Conference on Connected Vehicles (Beijing: China), December 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  346. IWUCA 2012 3rd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing & Applications (Hong Kong: China), December 2012, Proceedings by Springer LNEE Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
  347. IEEE GLOBECOM 2012 Communication and Information System Security Symposium (California: USA), December 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  348. FTRA 2012 International Workshop on Strategic Security Management for Industrial Technology (Jeju: Korea), December 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  349. CUTE 2012 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technology and Applications (Hong Kong: China), December 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  350. IEEE SITIS 2012 8th International Conference on Signal-Imaging Technology and Internet-based Systems (Naples: Italy), November 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  351. IAS 2012 8th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (Sao Carlos: Brazil), November 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  352. CSA 2012 4th International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (Jeju: Korea), November 2012, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering LNEE
  353. MMM-ACNS-2012 6th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Networks Security (St. Petersburg: Russia), October 2012, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  354. PCI 2012 16th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics with international participation (Piraeus: Greece), October 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  355. ACM Q2SWinet 2012 8th International Workshop on Quality of Service and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (Nicosia: Cyprus), October 2012, Proceedings by ACM Press
  356. SNDS 2012 International Conference on Security in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (Kerala: India), October 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  357. IEEE WiMob 2012 8th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (Barcelona: Spain), October 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  358. IEEE ISWTA 2012 Symposium on Wireless Technology & Applications (Bandung: Indonesia), September 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  359. CRITIS 2012 7th Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (Lillehammer: Norway), September 2012, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  360. ISC 2012 15th Information Security Conference (Passau: Germany), September 2012, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  361. SETOP 2012 5th International Workshop on Autonomous and Spontaneous Security (Pisa: Italy), September 2012, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  362. EGOVIS and EDEM Electronic Government International Conference and the Information Systems Perspective and International Conference on Electronic Democracy (Vienna: Austria), September 2012, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  363. TRUSTBUS’12 9th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business (Vienna: Austria), September 2012, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  364. SecurIT 2012 1st International Conference on Security of Internet of Things (Kerala: India), Proceedings by ACM Digital Library
  365. 11th Annual ISSA Information Security Conference (Johannesburg: South Africa), August 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  366. ITCS 2012 The 4th FTRA International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services (Yantai: China), August 2012, Proceedings by Springer LNEE
  367. ICGEC 2012 6th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (Kitakyushu: Japan), August 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  368. ICACCI 2012 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (Chennai: India), August 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  369. SECURWARE 2012 6th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (Rome: Italy), August 2012, Proceedings by IARIA
  370. FUTURE COMPUTING 2012 The 4th International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications (Nice: France), July 2012, Proceedings by IARIA
  371. FTRA AIM FTRA 2012 International Conference on Advanced IT, engineering and Management (Jeju: Korea), July 2012, Proceedings by FTRA
  372. IADIS International Conference – eCommerce 2012 (Lisbon: Portugal), July 2012, Proceedings by IADIS
  373. IADIS International Conference – Theory and Practice in Modern Computing (Lisbon: Portugal), July 2012, Proceedings by IADIS
  374. ECIW 2012 12th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security (Laval: France), July 2012, Proceedings by ACL Academic Conferences Limited
  375. ICMB 2012 11th International Conference on Mobile Business (Delft: The Netherlands), June 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS
  376. IEEE ICC 2012 International Conference on Communications – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium (Ottawa: Canada), June 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  377. IEEE ICC 2012 International Conference on Communications – SFCS 2012 1st IEEE International Workshop on Security and Forensics in Communication Systems (Ottawa: Canada), June 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  378. CAiSE’12 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (Gdansk: Poland), June 2012, Proceedings by Springer LNCS Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  379. ACNS 2012 10th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (Singapore: Singapore), June 2012, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  380. HAISA 2012 6th International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (Crete: Greece), June 2012, Proceedings by University of Plymouth
  381. AICT 2012 8th Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (Stuttgart, Germany), May 2012, Proceedings by IARIA
  382. ICIMP 2012 7th International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (Stuttgart, Germany), May 2012, Proceedings by IARIA
  383. MMEDIA 2012 4th International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (Chamonix: France), April 2012, Proceedings by IARIA
  384. ICDT 2012 7th International Conference on Digital Communications (Chamonix: France), April 2012, Proceedings by IARIA
  385. ICNS 2012 8th International Conference on Networking and Services (St. Maarten: Netherlands Antilles), March 2012, Proceedings by IARIA
  386. ACM-SAC 27th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing – Security Track (Trento: Italy), March 2012, Proceedings by ACM Press
  387. FTRA AIM 2012 International Conference on Advanced IT, Engineering and Management (Seoul: Korea), February 2012, Proceedings by FTRA
  388. PDP 2012 20th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing – Special Session on “Security in Networked and Distributed Systems” (Garching: Germany), February 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  389. IEEE CCNC DRM 2012 8th International Workshop on Digital Rights Management (Las Vegas, Nevada: USA), January 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  390. ICNC 2012 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (Maui: Hawaii), January 2012, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  391. ST-COM 2011 International Workshop on Secure and Trusted Computing (Jeju: Korea), December 2011, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  392. SSMIT 2011 FTRA WCC International Workshop on Strategic Security Management for Industrial Technology (Jeju: Korea), December 2011, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  393. CSA 2011 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications – Security and Trust Management track (Jeju: Korea), December 2011, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  394. CSA 2011 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications – IT Policy and Business Management track (Jeju: Korea), December 2011, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  395. IAS 2011 7th International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (Malacca: Malaysia), December 2011, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  396. ACM Q2SWinet 2011 7th International Workshop on Quality of Service and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (Miami: USA), October 2011, Proceedings by ACM Press
  397. WiMob 2011 7th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (Shanghai: China), October 2011, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  398. ISC’2011 14th Information Security Conference (Xian: China), October 2011, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  399. ITCS11 3rd FTRA International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services (Gwangju: Korea), October 2011, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  400. PCI 2011 15th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (Kastoria: Greece), October 2011, Proceedings by CPS Conference Publishing Services
  401. SETOP 2011 4th International Workshop on Autonomous and Spontaneous Security (Leuven: Belgium), September 2011, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  402. CRITIS 2011 5th Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (Lucerne: Switzerland), September 2011, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  403. 10th Annual ISSA Information Security Conference (Johannesburg: South Africa), August 2011, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  404. EGOVIS E-Gov International Conference and the Information Systems Perspective (Toulouse: France), August 2011, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  405. TRUSTBUS’11 8th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business (Toulouse: France), August 2011, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  406. ICGEC 2011 5th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (Kitakyushu: Japan), August 2011, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  407. ACC 2011 1st International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications (Kochi: India), July 2011, Proceedings by Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science CCIS
  408. MPEIS 2011 International Workshop on Model-based and Policy-based Engineering in Information Security (Seville: Spain), July 2011, Proceedings by ICETE
  409. HAISA 2011 5th International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (London: UK), July 2011, Proceedings by University of Plymouth
  410. IADIS International Conference – eCommerce 2011 (Rome: Italy), July 2011, Proceedings by IADIS
  411. IADIS International Conference – Wireless Applications and Computing 2011 (Rome: Italy), July 2011, Proceedings by IADIS
  412. SECURWARE 2011 5th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (Côte d’Azur: France), July 2011, Proceedings by IARIA
  413. ECIW 2011 11th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security (Tallinn: Estonia), July 2011, Proceedings by ACL Academic Conferences Limited
  414. ICMB 2011 10th International Conference on Mobile Business (Como: Italy), June 2011, Proceedings by IEEE CPS
  415. IWCS 2011 1st FTRA International Workshop on Convergence Security in Pervasive Environments (Crete: Greece), June 2011, Proceedings by IEEE CPS
  416. MCC 2011 International Workshop on Multimedia, Communication and Convergence technologies (Crete: Greece), June 2011, Proceedings by IEEE CPS
  417. IFIP SEC 2011 26th IFIP International Information Security Conference (Lucerne: Switzerland), June 2011, Proceedings by Springer
  418. CAiSE’11 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (London: UK), June 2011, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  419. IEEE ICC 2011 International Conference on Communications – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium (Kyoto: Japan), June 2011, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  420. WISTP 2011 5th Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices (Heraklion: Greece), June 2011, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  421. FPS 2011 4th Canada-France MITACS Workshop on Foundations and Practice of Security (Paris: France), May 2011, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  422. WCNS Workshop on Wireless Cooperative Network Security (Valencia: Spain), May 2011, Proceedings by Springer
  423. SGH 2011 International Conference on Smart Grid and Home (Busan: Korea), May 2011, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  424. MMEDIA 2011 3rd International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (Budapest: Hungary), April 2011, Proceedings by IARIA
  425. ICDT 2011 6th International Conference on Digital Communications (Budapest: Hungary), April 2011, Proceedings by IARIA
  426. ACM-SAC 26th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing – Security Track (Taichung: Taiwan), March 2011, Proceedings by ACM Press
  427. ICIMP 2011 The 6th International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (St. Maarten: The Netherlands Antilles), March 2011, Proceedings by IARIA
  428. PDP 2011 19th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and network-based Processing (Ayia Napa: Cyprus), February 2011, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  429. PDP 2011 19th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing – Special Session on “Security in Networked and Distributed Systems” (Ayia Napa: Cyprus), February 2011, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  430. IWUCA 2010 The 2nd International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing and Applications (Sanya: China), December 2010, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  431. WTA 2010 6th International Symposium on Wireless sensor networks Technologies and Applications (Gwangju: Korea), December 2010, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  432. ICGEC-2010 4th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (Shenzhen: China), December 2010, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  433. Cloudcom 2010 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (Indianapolis: USA), November 2010, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  434. ISA 2010 4th International Conference on Information Security and Assurance (Kolkata: India), November 2010, Proceedings by Springer LNCS/CCIS
  435. SecTech 2010 International Conference on Security Technologies (Cebu: Philippines), November 2010, Proceedings by Springer LNCS/CCIS
  436. IFIP IDMAN 2010 2nd Working Conference on Policies and Research in Identity Management (Oslo: Norway) November 2010, Proceedings by Springer
  437. ACM Q2SWinet 2010 6th International Workshop on Quality of Service and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (Bodrum: Turkey), October 2010, Proceedings by ACM Press
  438. WiMob 2010 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (Ontario: Canada), October 2010, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  439. PCI 2010 14th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (Tripolis: Greece), September 2010, Proceedings by CPS Conference Publishing Services
  440. SWARCH-DL International Workshop on Semantic Web and Reasoning for Cultural Heritage and Digital Libraries (Pittsburg: USA), September 2010, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  441. ISCISC’10 7th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Isfahan: Iran), September 2010, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  442. DPM 2010 5th Workshop on Data Privacy Management (Athens: Greece), September 2010, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  443. CRITIS 2010 4th Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (Athens: Greece), September 2010, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  444. MCIS 2010 5th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems – Cloud Infrastructures and Interoperability in Public Sector Track (Tel Aviv: Israel), September 2010, Proceedings by AIS
  445. MMM-ACNS-2010 5th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Networks Security (St. Petersburg: Russia), September 2010, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  446. CHINACOM 2010 5th International Conference on Communications and Networking –Wireless Communications and Networking Symposium (Beijing: China), September 2010, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  447. TRUSTBUS’10 7th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business (Bilbao: Spain), August 2010, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  448. SPEDA 2010 1st International Workshop on Security and Performance in Emerging Distributed Applications (Atlanta: USA), August 2010, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  449. 9th Annual ISSA Information Security Conference (Johannesburg: South Africa), August 2010
  450. IAS’10 International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security (Atlanta: USA), August 2010, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  451. EGOVIS E-Gov International Conference and the Information Systems Perspective (Bilbao: Spain), August 2010, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  452. IADIS e-Commerce 2010 (Freiburg: Germany), July 2010, Proceedings by IADIS
  453. ICETE SECRYPT 2010 International Conference on Security and Cryptography, (Athens: Greece), July 2010, Proceedings by Springer
  454. ECIW 2010 10th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security (Thessaloniki: Greece), July 2010, Proceedings by ACL Academic Conferences Limited
  455. SECURWARE 2010 4th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (Venice: Italy), July 2010, Proceedings by IARIA
  456. WCNIS 2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communication, Networking and Information Security (Beijing: China), June 2010, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  457. ACNS 2010 8th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (Beijing: China), June 2010, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  458. ICDT 2010 5th International Conference on Digital Communications (Athens: Greece), June 2010, Proceedings by IARIA
  459. MMEDIA 2010 2nd International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (Athens: Greece), June 2010, Proceedings by IARIA
  460. IEEE ICC 2010 International Conference on Communications – Communication and Information Systems Security Symposium (Cape Town: South Africa), May 2010, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  461. HAISA 2010 4th International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (Port Elizabeth: South Africa), May 2010, Proceedings by University of Plymouth
  462. WDFIA 2010 5th International Workshop on Digital Forensics and Incident Analysis (Port Elizabeth: South Africa), May 2010, Proceedings by University of Plymouth
  463. FutureTech 2010 5th International Conference on Future Information Technology – Security and Trust Computing Track (Bussan: Korea), May 2010, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  464. SH 2010 5th International Symposium on Smart Home (Busan: Korea), May 2010, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  465. ICIMP 2010 The 5th International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (Barcelona: Spain), May 2010, Proceedings by IARIA
  466. WEBIST 2010 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (Valencia: Spain), April 2010, Proceedings by Springer
  467. WISTP 2010 4th Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices (Passau: Germany), April 2010, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  468. ACM-SAC 25th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing – Security Track (Sierre: Switzerland), March 2010, Proceedings by ACM Press
  469. PDP 2010 18th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (Pisa: Italy), February 2010, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  470. IEEE CCNC 2010 7th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference – Security for Consumer Electronic Communications Track (Las Vegas, Nevada: USA), January 2010, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  471. IEEE CCNC DRM 2010 6th International Workshop on Digital Rights Management (Las Vegas, Nevada: USA), January 2010, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  472. IEEE Routing’09 International Symposium on Network Evolution and Routing Innovation (Chengdu: China), December 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  473. 1st International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing (Chengdu: China), December 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  474. IEEE GLOBECOM 2009 Computer and Communications Network Security Symposium (Hawaii: USA), December 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  475. MPIS 2009 2nd International Workshop on Multimedia, Information Privacy and Intelligent Computing Systems, December 2009 (Jeju: Korea), IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  476. SecTech 2009 International Conference on Security Technologies (Jeju: Korea), December 2009, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  477. ACSA 2009 FTRG International Workshop on Advances in Cryptography, Security and Applications for Future Computing (Jeju: Korea), December 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  478. CSA 2009 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications – Security and Trust Management Track (Jeju: Korea), December 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  479. CloudCom 2009 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing (Beijing: China), December 2009, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  480. NTMS 2009 3rd IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (Cairo: Egypt), December 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  481. EC2ND 5th European Conference on Computer Network Defense (Milan: Italy), November 2009, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering LNEE
  482. SSS 2009 11th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (Lyon: France), November 2009, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  483. IEEE SITIS 09 5th International Conference on Signal-Imaging Technology and Internet-based Systems (Marrakech: Morocco), December 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  484. ISCISC’09 6th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology (Isfahan: Iran), October 2009, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  485. ACM Q2SWinet 2009 5th International Workshop on Quality of Service and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (Tenerife: Spain), October 2009, Proceedings by ACM Press
  486. IEEE WiMob 2009 5th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (Marrakech: Morocco), October 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  487. MCIS 2009 Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (Athens: Greece), October 2009, Proceedings by AIS
  488. AP2PS 2009 1st International Conference on Advances in Peer-to-Peer Systems (Sliema: Malta), October 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  489. SEWCN 2009 1st ICST International Workshop on Security in Emerging Wireless Communication and Networking Systems (Athens: Greece), September 2009, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes of ICST
  490. DPM 2009 4th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management (Saint Malo: France), September 2009, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  491. EuroPKI 2009 6th European PKI Workshop (Pisa: Italy), September 2009, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  492. CRITIS’09 3rd Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (Bonn: Germany), September 2009, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  493. IFIP WISTP 2009 Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices (Brussels: Belgium), September 2009
  494. E-Democracy-2009 3rd International Conference on e-Democracy (Athens: Greece), September 2009
  495. PCI 2009 13th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (Corfu: Greece), September 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  496. TRUSTBUS’09 6th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business (Linz: Austria), September 2009, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  497. CHINACOM 2009 – Wireless Communication and Networking Symposium (Xian: China), August 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  498. IAS’09 International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security (Xian: China), August 2009, Proceedings by Springer CCIS Communications in Computer and Information Science
  499. ICE-B 2009 International Conference on eBusiness (Milan: Italy), July 2009, Proceedings by Springer
  500. UC-Sec’09 2009 International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing Security (Las Vegas: USA), July 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CSREA Press
  501. MMEDIA 2009 1st International Conference on Advances in Multimedia (Colmar: France), July 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  502. ICDT 2009 4th International Conference on Digital Communications (Colmar: France), July 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  503. ECIW 2009 8th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security (Braga: Portugal), July 2009, Proceedings by ACL Academic Conferences Limited
  504. EEET 2009 International Symposium On Engineering Education and Educational Technologies (Orlando: USA), July 2009, Proceedings by International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS)
  505. NSNM 2009 The International Workshop on Network Security and Network Management (Qingdao: China), June 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  506. SH 2009 4th International Symposium on Smart Home (Toronto: Canada), June 2009, in conjunction with MobiQuitous 6th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  507. MOBISEC 2009 1st International Conference on Security and Privacy in Mobile Information and Communication Systems (Turin: Italy), June 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  508. PSPAE 1st Workshop on Privacy and Security in Pervasive e-Health and Assistive Environments (Corfu: Greece), June 2009, Proceedings by ACM Press
  509. WDFIA 2009 4th International Workshop on Digital Forensics and Incident Analysis (Piraeus: Greece), June 2009
  510. HAISA 2009 3rd International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (Piraeus: Greece), June 2009, Proceedings by Emerald
  511. IASK E-Activity and Leading Technologies 2009 (Seville: Spain), June 2009, Proceedings by IASK
  512. ICIMP 2009 The 4th International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (Venice: Italy), May 2009, Proceedings by IARIA
  513. ITNG 2009 6th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations – Special Track on Mobility and Resource Management in Wireless/Mobile Networks (Las Vegas: USA), April 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  514. WEBIST 2009 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (Lisbon: Portugal), March 2009, Proceedings by WEBIST
  515. ACM-SAC 24th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing – Security Track (Hawaii: USA), March 2009, Proceedings by ACM Press
  516. PDP 2009 17th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (Weimar: Germany), February 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  517. PDP 2009 17th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing – Special Session on “Security in Networked and Distributed Systems” (Weimar: Germany), February 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  518. IEEE CCNC 2009 6th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference – Security for Consumer Electronic Communications Track (Las Vegas, Nevada: USA), January 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  519. IEEE CCNC 2009 6th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference – 5th International Workshop on Digital Rights Management Impact on Consumer Electronics (Las Vegas, Nevada: USA), January 2009, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  520. IEEE GLOBECOM 2008 Computer and Communications Network Security Symposium (N. Orleans: USA), December 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  521. IEEE SITIS 08 4th International Conference on Signal-Imaging Technology and Internet-based Systems (Bali: Indonesia), December 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  522. EC2ND 4th European Conference on Computer Network Defense (Dublin: Ireland), December 2008, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering LNEE
  523. SecUbiq 2008 4th International Symposium on Security in Ubiquitous Computing (Shanghai: China), December 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  524. SecTech 2008 International Conference on Security Technologies (Hainan: China), December 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  525. SH 2008 3rd International Workshop on Smart Home (Hainan: China), December 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  526. WAMSNet-08 2008 International Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc, Mesh and Sensor Networks (Hainan: China), December 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  527. MPIS’08 1st International Workshop on Multimedia, Information Privacy and Intelligent Computing Systems (Jiaosi: Taiwan), December 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services, in conjunction with 2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference
  528. NTMS 2008 2nd IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (Tangier: Morocco), November 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  529. ESORICS 2008 13th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (Malaga: Spain), October 2008, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  530. IEEE WiMob 2008 4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (Avignon: France), October 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  531. ACM Q2SWinet 2008 4th International Workshop on Quality of Service and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (Vancouver: Canada), October 2008, Proceedings by ACM Press
  532. 4th International Conference on e-Government (Melbourne: Australia), October 2008, Proceedings by ACL Academic Conferences Limited
  533. UMC 2008 International Symposium on Ubiquitous Multimedia Computing – Special Session on MUCASS Multimedia in Ubiquitous Computing and Security Services (Hobart: Australia), October 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  534. TRUSTBUS’08 5th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security of Digital Business (Turin: Italy), September 2008, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  535. IAS’08 International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security (Naples: Italy), September 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  536. E-BAG 2008 1st International Workshop on Web Information Systems Engineering for Electronic Business and Governments (Auckland: New Zealand), September 2008, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS, in conjunction with WISE 2008 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering
  537. CUB2008 1st International Workshop on Computers Users Behaviour (Turin: Italy), September 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services, in conjunction with DEXA 2008
  538. EVOTE08 3rd International Conference on Electronic Voting (Bregenz: Austria), August 2008, Proceedings by GI Lecture Notes
  539. IBIMA 2008 10th International Conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Business Globalization (Kuala Lumpur: Malaysia), July 2008, Proceedings by International Business Information Management Association
  540. HAISA 2008 2nd International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (Plymouth: UK), June 2008, Proceedings by Emerald
  541. ECIW 2008 The 7th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security (Plymouth: UK), July 2008, Proceedings by ACL Academic Conferences Limited
  542. IADIS International Conference – Wireless Applications and Computing 2008 (Amsterdam: The Netherlands), July 2008 Proceedings by IADIS
  543. IADIS e-Commerce 2008 (Amsterdam: The Netherlands), July 2008 Proceedings by IADIS
  544. ICDT 2008 The 3rd International Conference on Digital Communications (Bucharest: Romania), July 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  545. ICIMP 2008 The 3rd International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection (Bucharest: Romania), July 2008, Proceedings by IARIA
  546. ICETE SECRYPT 2008 International Conference on Security and Cryptography, (Porto: Portugal), July 2008, Proceedings by Springer
  547. ATC-08 The 5th International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing (Oslo: Norway) June 2008, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  548. STM 2008 4th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (Trondheim: Norway), June 2008, Proceedings by ENTCS Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, in conjunction with IFIP Trust Management 2008
  549. EuroPKI 2008 5th European PKI Workshop (Trondheim: Norway), June 2008, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  550. WISTP 2008 Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices (Seville: Spain), May 2008, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  551. ISA 2008 1st International Conference on Information Security and Assurance (Busan: Korea), April 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  552. ACM-SAC 23rd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing – Security Track (Ceara: Brazil), March 2008, Proceedings by ACM Press
  553. WPS 2008 The 2nd Workshop on Web and Pervasive Security (Hong Kong), March 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CS Press, in conjunction with IEEE PerCom 2008
  554. PDP 2008 16th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing – Special Session on “Security in Distributed Systems” (Toulouse: France), February 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  555. IEEE CCNC’2008 Consumer Communications and Networking Conference – Communications and Information Security (Las Vegas: USA), January 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  556. IEEE CCNC’2008 Consumer Communications and Networking Conference – 4th IEEE International Workshop on Digital Rights Management Impact on Consumer Communications (Las Vegas: USA), January 2008, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  557. SH 2007 2nd International Workshop on Smart Home (Jeju Island: Korea), December 2007, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  558. IADIS e-Commerce 2007 (Algarve: Portugal), December 2007, Proceedings by IADIS
  559. IASK eALT 2007 International Conference on eActivities and Leading Technologies (Porto: Portugal), December 2007, Proceedings by IASK
  560. SITIS’07 3nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet-based Systems (Shanghai: China), December 2007, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  561. SecUbiq 2007 3rd International Symposium on Security in Ubiquitous Computing (Taipei: Taiwan), December 2007, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  562. ACM Q2SWinet 2007 3rd International Workshop on Quality of Service and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (Chania: Greece), October 2007, Proceedings by ACM Press
  563. IFIP CRITIS’07 2nd IEEE/IFIP Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (Malaga: Spain), October 2007, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  564. IDMAN’07 1st IFIP WG 11.6 Working Conference on Policies and Research in Identity Management (Rotterdam: The Netherlands), October 2007, Proceedings by Springer
  565. IPC-07 International Conference on Intelligent Pervasive Computing (Jeju Island: Korea), October 2007, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  566. EC2ND 3rd European Conference on Computer Network Defense (Heraklion: Crete), October 2007, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering EE
  567. STM 2007 3rd Workshop on Security and Trust Management (Dresden: Germany), September 2007, Proceedings by ENTCS Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, in conjunction with ESORICS 2007 12th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security
  568. MMM-ACNS-2007 4th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods, Models and Architectures for Computer Networks Security (St. Petersburg: Russia), September 2007, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  569. TRUSTBUS’07 4th International Conference on Trust and Privacy of Digital Business (Regensburg: Germany), September 2007, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  570. IASTED CNIS 2007 International Conference on Communication, Network and Information Security (Berkeley: USA), September 2007, Proceedings by IASTED
  571. IAS’07 International Symposium on Information Assurance and Security (Manchester: UK), August 2007, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  572. ICETE SECRYPT 2007 International Conference on Security and Cryptography, (Barcelona: Spain), July 2007, Proceedings by Springer
  573. ECIW 2007 The 6th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security (Shrivenham: UK), July 2007, Proceedings by ACL Academic Conferences Limited
  574. HAISA 2007 International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security and Assurance (Plymouth: UK), July 2007, Proceedings by Emerald
  575. IADIS International Conference on Wireless Applications and Computing (Lisbon: Portugal), July 2007, Proceedings by IADIS
  576. EuroPKI 2007 4th European PKI Workshop: Theory and Practice (Palma de Mallorca: Spain), June 2007, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  577. IEEE ICC’07 International Conference on Communications 2007, Computer and Communications Network Security Symposium (Glasgow: Scotland), June 2007, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  578. Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practices 2007: Smart Cards, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Systems (Heraklion: Greece), June 2007, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  579. PCI 2007 11th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (Patras: Greece), May 2007, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  580. ACM-SAC 22nd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing – Security Track (Seoul: Korea), March 2007, Proceedings by ACM Press
  581. IEEE CCNC’2007 Consumer Communications and Networking Conference – 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Digital Rights Management Impact on Consumer Communications (Las Vegas: USA), January 2007, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  582. SITIS’06 2nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet-based Systems (Hamamet: Tunisia), December 2006, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  583. WDFIA 2006 1st Annual Workshop on Digital Forensics and Incident Analysis (Pontypridd: UK), December 2006, Proceedings by Springer
  584. IADIS e-Commerce 2006 (Barcelona: Spain), December 2006, Proceedings by IADIS
  585. ACM CCS 2006 13th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (Alexandria: USA), November 2006, Proceedings by ACM Press
  586. IEEE GLOBECOM’2006 49th IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference – Network Security Systems (San Francisco: USA), November 2006, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  587. IEEE GLOBECOM’2006 49th IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference – World Class Solutions, Networking the Globe (San Francisco: USA), November 2006, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  588. IEEE GLOBECOM’2006 49th IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference – Control and Management of High-Performance Networks (San Francisco: USA), November 2006, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  589. IEEE CreateNet 2nd International Workshop on Guaranteed Optical Service Provisioning GOSP 2006 (San Jose: USA), October 2006, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  590. IASTED CNIS 2006 International Conference on Communication, Network and Information Security (Cambridge: USA), October 2006, Proceedings by IASTED
  591. STM 2006 2nd Workshop on Security and Trust Management (Hamburg: Germany), September 2006, Proceedings by ENTCS Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, in conjunction with 11th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2006)
  592. ISC’2006 9th Information Security Conference (Samos: Greece), September 2006, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  593. CRITIS’06 1st International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (Samos: Greece), September 2006, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  594. TRUSTBUS’06 3rd International Conference on Trust and Privacy of Digital Business (Krakow: Poland), September 2006, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  595. ICISP’06 IEEE International Conference on Internet Surveillance and Protection (Cote d’ Azur: France), August 2006, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  596. ICDT’06 IEEE International Conference on Digital Telecommunications (Cote d’ Azur: France), August 2006, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  597. ICETE SECRYPT 2006 International Conference on Security and Cryptography, (Setubal: Portugal), August 2006, Proceedings by Springer
  598. EuroPKI’06 3rd European PKI Workshop: Research and Applications (Torino: Italy), July 2006, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  599. SecPerU 2006 2nd International Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Lyon: France), June 2006, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services, in conjunction with 2nd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services 2006 (ICPS’06)
  600. ACNS 2006 4th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (Singapore: Singapore), June 2006, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  601. SPCS 2006 IADIS Security and Privacy in Computing Systems Conference, May 2006, Proceedings by IADIS
  602. ACM-SAC 21st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing – Security Track (Dijon: France), April 2006, Proceedings by ACM Press
  603. SPC’2006 3rd International Conference on Security in Pervasive Computing (York: UK), April 2006, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  604. IEEE CCNC’2006 Consumer Communications and Networking Conference – 2nd Workshop on Digital Rights Management (Las Vegas: USA), January 2006, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  605. ICICS’05 7th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (Beijing: China), December 2005, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  606. IASTED CNIS 2005 International Conference on Communication, Network and Information Security (Phoenix: USA), November 2005, Proceedings by IASTED
  607. IEEE CreateNet 1st International Workshop on Guaranteed Optical Service Provisioning GOSP 2005 (Boston: USA), October 2005, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  608. ICETE 2005 International Conference on eBusiness and Telecommunication Networks – Security and Reliability in Information Systems and Networks Track, (Reading: UK), October 2005, Proceedings by Kluwer Academic Publishers
  609. IWAP’05 4th International Asian Conference for Applied PKI (Singapore: Singapore), September 2005, Proceedings by IOS Press
  610. TRUSTBUS’05 4th International Conference on Trust and Privacy of Digital Business (Copenhagen: Denmark), August 2005, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  611. IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services 2005 ICPS’05 – Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (SecPerU 2005), (Santorini: Greece) July 2005, Proceedings by Diaylos Pubs.
  612. EuroPKI’05 2nd European PKI Workshop: Research and Applications (Canterbury: UK), July 2005, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  613. IBIMA 2005 International Conference on Information Management in Modern Enterprises (Lisbon: Portugal), July 2005, Proceedings by International Business Information Management Association
  614. ACM-SAC 20th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing – Security Track (Santa Fe, New Mexico: USA), March 2005, Proceedings by ACM Press
  615. IEEE GLOBECOM’2004, 47th IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference – Security and Network Management Symposium (Dallas: USA), November 2004, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  616. DEXA’2004 15th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications – TRUSTBUS’04 3rd International Conference on Trust and Privacy of Digital Business (Zaragoza: Spain), September 2004, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  617. IFIP World Computer Congress 2004 – 19th IFIP International Information Security Conference (Toulouse: France), August 2004 Proceedings by Kluwer Academic Publishers
  618. ICETE 2004 International Conference on eBusiness and Telecommunication Networks – Security and Reliability in Information Systems and Networks Track (Setubal: Portugal), August 2004, Proceedings by Kluwer Academic Publishers
  619. DEXA’2004 15th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications – EGOV’04 3rd International eGovernment Conference (Zaragoza: Spain), August 2004, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  620. SAM’04 The 2004 International Conference on Security and Management (Las Vegas: USA), June 2004, Proceedings by CSREA Press
  621. EuroPKI’04 1st European PKI Workshop: Research and Applications (Samos: Greece), June 2004, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  622. ACM-SAC 19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing – Security Track (Nicosia: Cyprus), May 2004, Proceedings by ACM Press
  623. 18th IFIP International Information Security Conference (Athens: Greece), May 2003, Proceedings by Kluwer Academic Publishers
  624. 1st International Conference on Cross-media Service Delivery (Athens: Greece), May 2003, Proceedings by Kluwer Academic Publishers
  625. 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Education (Patras: Greece), October 2000


X. International Conferences/Workshops Paper Reviewer

  1. 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS56 – Emerging Topics in Digital Government (Hawaii: USA), January 2023, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  2. 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS53 – E-Government track (Hawaii: USA), January 2020, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  3. 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS52 – E-Government track (Hawaii: USA), January 2019, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  4. 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS51 – E-Government track (Hawaii: USA), January 2018, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  5. 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS50 – E-Government track (Hawaii: USA), January 2017, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  6. 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS49 – E-Government track (Hawaii: USA), January 2016, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  7. 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS48 – E-Government track (Hawaii: USA), January 2015, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  8. 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS47 – E-Government track (Hawaii: USA), January 2014, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  9. icEIC The International Conference on Education, Informatics, and Cybernetics (Orlando: USA), November 2011
  10. EISTA 2011 9th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications (Orlando: USA), July 2011
  11. 9th Annual ISSA Information Security Conference (Johannesburg: South Africa), July 2009
  12. 8th Annual ISSA Information Security Conference (Johannesburg: South Africa), July 2008
  13. EISTA 2008 6th International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications (Orlando: USA), July 2008, Proceedings by International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS)
  14. ECIS 2007 15th European Conference on Information Systems – Information Systems Security and Risk Track (St. Gallen: Switzerland), June 2007
  15. 6th Annual ISSA Information Security Conference (Johannesburg: South Africa), July 2006
  16. IEEE CCNC’2006 Consumer Communications and Networking Conference – Special Session on Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Security (Las Vegas: USA), January 2006, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  17. 2020E ISSPIT’05 International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, December 2005, Athens, Greece, IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  18. 20th IFIP International Information Security Conference (Makuhari-Messe: Japan), August 2005, Proceedings by Kluwer Academic Publishers
  19. eGOV05 eGovernment Workshop 2005, Brunel University (London: UK), September 2005
  20. 5th Annual ISSA Information Security Conference (Johannesburg: South Africa), July 2005
  21. International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies CCCT’05 (Austin: USA), July 2005, Proceedings by International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS)
  22. WMSCI’05 9th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (Orlando: USA), July 2005, Proceedings by International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS)
  23. EISTA 2005 3rd International Conference on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications (Orlando: USA), July 2005, Proceedings by International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS)
  24. 9th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics SCI 2005 (Orlando: USA), July 2005, Proceedings by International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS)
  25. ICICS’04 6th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (Malaga: Spain), October 2004, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  26. International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies CCCT’04 (Austin: USA), August 2004, Proceedings by International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS)
  27. International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies CCCT’04, Special Session on Wireless Communications and Security (Austin: USA), August 2004, Proceedings by International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS)
  28. 8th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics SCI 2004 (Orlando: USA), July 2004, Proceedings by International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS)
  29. 3rd IFIP Networking Conference 2004 (Athens: Greece), May 2004, Proceedings by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS
  30. 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS37 – Information Systems Security Management track (Hawaii: USA), January 2004, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  31. 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics SCI 2003 (Orlando: USA), July 2003, Proceedings by International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS)
  32. 8th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (Philadelphia: USA), November 2001, Proceedings by ACM Press
  33. 2001 International Conference on Computer Networks and Mobile Computing (Beijing: China), October 2001, Proceedings by IEEE CPS Conference Publishing Services
  34. 16th IFIP World Conference on Computer Security (Paris: France), June 2001, Proceedings by Kluwer Academic Publishers
  35. 3rd IFIP Communications and Multimedia Security Conference (Leuven: Belgium), September 1999, Proceedings by Kluwer Academic Publishers