![]() Φωτεινή Παρασκευά |
Γραφείο | 304 (Κτίριο Ανδρούτσου) |
Τηλέφωνο | +30 210-4142755 |
fparaske@unipi.gr | |
Τίτλος | Καθηγήτρια |
Ώρες Γραφείου | |
Διδασκαλία |
Εκπαιδευτική Ψυχολογία — 3ο εξάμηνο Συνεργατικά Περιβάλλοντα Μάθησης — 6ο εξάμηνο Διδακτική Μεθοδολογία — 7ο εξάμηνο Συμβουλευτικές Υπηρεσίες — 8ο εξάμηνο |
Σύντομο βιογραφικό
Η Φωτεινή Παρασκευά είναι καθηγήτρια στο Τμήμα Ψηφιακών Συστημάτων, του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς. Είναι απόφοιτη του Π.Τ.Δ.Ε. του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών (Ε.Κ.Π.Α.), απ’ όπου έλαβε το διδακτορικό της δίπλωμα στο επιστημονικό πεδίο της Εκπαιδευτικής Ψυχολογίας με έμφαση σε θέματα μάθησης με την υποστήριξη της τεχνολογίας. Η μεταδιδακτορική της έρευνα εστιάστηκε στο πεδίο της Τεχνολογίας της Πληροφορίας και των Επικοινωνιών (Τ.Π.Ε.) στην Εκπαίδευση. Τα επιστημονικά της ενδιαφέροντα αναφέρονται στο χώρο της μάθησης με έμφαση στο σχεδιασμό και την ενσωμάτωση των Τ.Π.Ε. στις εκπαιδευτικές διαδικασίες (εκπαίδευση και κατάρτιση). Διαθέτει επαγγελματική εμπειρία σε διαφορετικά περιβάλλοντα εκπαίδευσης, αλλά και σε οργανισμούς και επιχειρήσεις.
Προτεινόμενα θέματα πτυχιακής εργασίας
- Συνεργατικά περιβάλλοντα μάθησης: σχεδιασμός, ανάπτυξη, εφαρμογή και αξιολόγηση αρχών συνεργατικής μάθησης μέσα από εκπαιδευτικά σενάρια
- Συνεργατικά περιβάλλοντα μάθησης: κριτήρια δημιουργίας εκπαιδευτικών σεναρίων
- Εικονικοί ψηφιακοί κόσμοι και ψυχολογικές θεωρίες μάθησης
- Αυτορυθμιζόμενη μάθηση και e-Learning
- Ακαδημαϊκή επίδοση και επαγγελματική απόδοση σε ένα περιβάλλον e-Learning
- Αξιολόγηση σε περιβάλλοντα e-Learning
- Γνωστικά εργαλεία μάθησης σε ένα περιβάλλον e-Learning
- Γνωστική, κοινωνική, συναισθηματική και εκπαιδευτική παρουσία σε περιβάλλοντα e-Learning
Δημοσιεύσεις 2010 – 2019
- Mysirlaki S. & Paraskeva, F. (2019). Virtual Team Effectiveness: Insights from the Virtual World Teams of Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs), Journal of Leadership Studies, V 13(1), pp. 36-55.
- Alexiou, A. & Paraskeva, F. (2019). Influencing Self-Regulated Learning through a Social Networking ePortfolio in Higher Education, International Journal of Learning Technology, Vol. 14, No.2, pp. 162-192.
- Retalis, S.; Paraskeva, F.; Alexiou, A. Litou, Z.; Sbrini T. & Limperaki Y. (2018). Leveraging the 1:1 iPad approach for enhanced learning in the classroom, Educational Media International, 55:3, pp. 213-230. DOI: 10.1080/09523987.2018.1512463
- Gkemisi, S.; Paraskeva, F. ; Alexiou, A. & Bouta H. (2016). Strengthening Collaboration and Communication Skills in an οnline TPD program for 21st–century Educators, International Journal of Learning Technology, Vol. 11, No.4, pp. 340-363.
- Paraskeva, F.; Alexiou, A.; Koroneou, L.; Mysirlaki, S.; Geomelou, A.; Souki, A-M.; Chatziiliou, A. (2015). ‘The Development of creative thinking through Six Thinking Hats and Web 2.0 Technologies’, In International Journal of Technologies in Learning(iJTL), Vol 22, No 2, pp.15-28.
- Souki A.M.; Paraskeva, F.; Alexiou, A.; Papanikolaou, K. (2015). Developing personalised e-courses: tailoring students’ learning preferences to a model of self-regulated learning, International Journal of Learning & Technology, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 188-202.
- Bouta, H., Paraskeva, P. (2013). Cognitive Apprenticeship Theory for the Teaching of Mathematics in an online 3D Virtual Environment, Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 44, Issue 2, pp. 159-178.
- Bouta, H., Retalis, S., Paraskeva, F. (2012). Utilising a collaborative macro-script to enhance student engagement: A mixed method study in a 3D virtual environment, Computers & Education, Elsevier, 58(1), p. 501-517.
- Paraskeva, F. & Mysirlaki, S. Vasileiou, V. (2012). Developing Self-Regulation Skills in Virtual Worlds: An Educational Scenario Applied in Second Life, In International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD), for the special issue on: New Media and New Opportunity: Joyful and Social Learning Vol. 2, Issue, 2, p. 25-43.
- Bouta, H., Paraskeva, F. (2012). Cognitive Apprenticeship Theory for the Teaching of Mathematics in an online 3D Virtual Environment, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Taylor & Francis. DOI:10.1080/0020739X.2012.703334.
- Mysirlaki S. & Paraskeva, F. (2012). Leadership in MMOGs: A Field of Research on Virtual Teams, International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL), IGI Global (accepted).
- Paraskeva, F. & Mysirlaki, S. & Papagianni, A. (2010). Multiplayer online games as educational tools: Facing new challenges in learning, Computer and Education, Vol. 54, Issue 2, pp. 498-505.
- Mysirlaki, S. & Paraskeva, F. (2010). Online Games for the Next Generation of Workers, International Journal of Advance Corporate Learning, Vol. 3, N. 4, pp. 21-25.
- Vasileiou, V. & Paraskeva, F. (2010). Teaching Role-Playing Instruction in Second Life: An Exploratory Study, Journal of Information, Information Technology, and Organizations, Vol. 5, pp. 25-50.
- Paraskeva, F.; Alexiou, A.; Bouta, H.; Mysirlaki, S. Souki, A. & Sotiropoulos, D. (2019). Motivating engineer students in e-learning courses with Problem Based Learning and Self-Regulated Learning on the apT2CLE4‘Research Methods’ Environment, In Learning Technology for Education Challenges: 8th International Workshop, LTEC 2019, Zamora, Spain, July 15–18, 2019, Proceedings, by Lorna Uden, Dario Liberona, Galo Sanchez, Sara Rodríguez-González, pp. 189-201.
- Karampa, V.; Paraskeva, F. and Karra, S. (2019). Gamification Design Framework Based on SDT for AdultMotivation, In Learning Technology for Education Challenges: 8th International Workshop, LTEC 2019, Zamora, Spain, July 15–18, 2019, Proceedings, by Lorna Uden, Dario Liberona, Galo Sanchez, Sara Rodríguez-González,pp. 67-78.
- Koltsiakis E., Paraskeva F., Bouta, H. (2018). Designing a conceptual framework to enhance Teacher Professional Development in a 3D VLE. In: Uden L., Liberona D., Liu Y. (eds) Learning Technology for Education Challenges. LTEC 2018, Poland, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 870, pp. 213-225, Springer, Cham
- Karampa, V., & Paraskeva, F. (2018). A Motivational Design of a Flipped Classroom on Collaborative Programming and STEAM. In International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud vol 870, pp. 226-238, Springer, Cham.
- Karampa, V. & Paraskeva, F. (2018). The Case-Study of “Young Programmers Travel with Odysseus”. In Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (pp. 1868-1872). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved July 3, 2018 from The Case-Study of “Young Programmers Travel with Odysseus”
- Alexiou, A. & Paraskeva, F. (2018). Triggering Students’ Ability to Influence Their Motivation and Affect Through a Self-Regulated Career-Oriented ePortfolio, American Educational Research Association (AERA 2018 Annual Meeting), New York, pp. 13 –17.
- Melissourgos A.; Paraskeva F.(2017). In a Q-Quest to learn: A collaborative game that supports evaluation, In 11thEuropean Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL), edited by Maja Pivec and Dr Josef Grundler, ISBN e-book: 978-1-911218-57-9, www.academic-publishing.org, pp. 907-915.
- Mysirlaki S. & Paraskeva, F. (2017). Moving from the Virtual to The Real World: Is Leadership in MMOGS a Transferable Skill?, In 11thEuropean Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL), edited by Maja Pivec and Dr Josef Grundler, pp. 851-859, ISBN e-book: 978-1-911218-57-9,
- Chatziiliou, A.; Paraskeva,F.(2017). Building Global citizenship competence through a serious game in a virtual learning environment to make higher education students better employable candidates in the global workplace, In EDULEARN17 Proceedings, ISBN: 978-84-697-3777-4, pp. 6585-6595.
- Giannakou I.; Paraskeva, F.; Alexiou, A.; Bouta H. (2016). A case of Emotional Intelligence for Teachers’ Professional Development: Emotions & Connections are Ubiquitous in Second Life, In: Uden L., Liberona D., Feldmann B. (eds) Learning Technology for Education in Cloud – The Changing Face of Education. LTEC 2016. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 62, pp 39-50,Springer, Cham.
- Nikolakopoulos, A. & Paraskeva, F. (2015). Exploring Students’ Reading Self-Efficacy Beliefs within Digital Environments: A Case Study with Amazon Kindles. In Proceedings of E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2015 (pp. 859-865). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
- Mysirlaki, S. and Paraskeva, F. (2015). Training Emotionally Intelligent Leaders: The Case of Massively Multiplayer Online GamesProceedings of ECGBL, 8-9 Oct. 2015, Norway,pp. 687-694.
- Sideris, D., Paraskeva, F., Alexiou, A., Chatziiliou, A. (2014). Create a ‘Wonderful’ Virtual World: the Case of Arigatou in Second Life, University of Piraeus, 8th European Conference on Games Based Learning – ECGBL 2014, Berlin, Germany, 9-10 October 2014, pp. 775-783.
- Nikolakopoulos, A. & Paraskeva, F. (2014). Introducing new digital challenges for reading comprehension: A case study with dedicated e-Readers, In The 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies – ICALT 2014, Athens 2014ICALT 2014, Athens 2014, pp. 421-422 DOI /10.1109/ICALT.2014.126.
- Alexiou A., Paraskeva, F. (2014). Implementing a Self-Regulated Oriented ePortfolio: The design of an Affective Goal-Setting Plugin, In The 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies – ICALT 2014, Athens 2014 pp. 474 – 476.
- Paraskeva, F.; Chatziiliou, A. & Alexiou, A. (2013). Arguing to Learn and Learning to Argue in Second Life, In 3rdInternational Conference on the Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH 2013), Aug. 29-31 London, UK pp. 205-207 ISBN:978-1-4799-0047-3. Paraskeva, F.; Chatziiliou, A. & Alexiou, A. (2013). Collaborative Creativity & Six Thinking Hats Virtually Enhance 21st Century Skills, Poster, In American Psychological Association, Annual Convention, July 31- Aug. 2, Hawaii.
- Alexiou, A. & Paraskeva, F. (2013). Exploiting Motivation and Self-efficacy through the Implementation of a Self-Regulated Oriented e-Portfolio, in International Conference of e-Learning in the Workplace, ICEPW, June 12-14, 2013, NY.
- Paraskeva, F. & Alexiou, A. (2012). Exploiting a Gaming Learning Environment in an Educational Psychology course 120th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), Orlando, US.
- Souki, Α., Alexiou, Α. Paraskeva, F. (2012). Aligning Learning Styles with Self-Regulated Learning for effective e-Learning Courses, European Conference on Educational Research, EERA-ECER, Catiz’ Spain.
- Souki, Α., Alexiou, Α., Papanikolaou, K. Paraskeva, F. (2012). Combining Learners’ Characteristics with a Self-Regulated Learning Model in an Adaptive Educational Hypermedia System for maximizing Learning, 11th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS2012), the 4th Workshop on Self-Regulated Learning in Educational Technologies (SRL@ET): Modeling, Evaluating, Supporting, and Fostering MetaCognition with Computer-Based Learning Environments, Crete.
- Mysirlaki, S. & Paraskeva, F. (2011). Massive Multiplayer Online Games as Activity Systems, for the 5th European Conference on Games-Based Learning (ECGBL 2011), Mini Track on Empirical Evidence on the Effectiveness of Games-Based Learning, Athens, p. 412-421.
- Alexiou, A. & Paraskeva, F. (2011). A self-regulated oriented ePortfolio in order to promote 21st century life and career competencies. Proceedings of the 9th International ePortfolio & Identity Conference, 11-13 July 2011, The IET, Savoy Place, London, UK, p. 71-78.
- Tavoulari, K., Paraskeva, F. & Choustoulakis, E. (2011). Using Cognitive Flexibility Theory as an instructional and collaborative model for teaching students in higher education. In T. Bastiaens & M. Ebner (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (p. 2599-2604). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
- Paraskeva F., Mysirlaki S., Alexiou A. and Mitroliou, A. (2011). A Game-Based Learning Context for Teacher Professional Development, Guide Rome, In 5th International GUIDE Conference for E-learning innovative models for the integration of education, technology and research, p. 67-78.
- Paraskeva, F & Alexiou, A. (2011). Aligning a conceptual framework based on self-regulated learning theory for learning process with an e-portfolio tool, Self-regulated Learning in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments: Problems and Promises, Shaker Verlag Aachen, p. 168-180.
- Alexiou, A. & Paraskeva, F. (2010). Enhancing self-regulated learning skills through the implementation of an e-portfolio tool, Elsevier, Social and Behavioral Sciences 2(2) pp. 3048-3054.
- Mysirlaki, S. & Paraskeva, F. (2010). MMOGs: learning and motivation, 7th Pan-Hellenic Conference in ICT in Education, Korinthos, Greece.
- Talanti I., Paraskeva F., and Poulymenakou A. (2010). Workplace E-learning: Exploring Factors Affecting Perceived Transfer of Training, 14th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI), Tripoli, Greece.
- Paraskeva, F.; Mysirlaki, S.; Alexiou, A. (2010). A CSCL approach to enhance self-regulation skills in e-learning, GUIDE International Workshop, New Challenges for e-Learning in cultural, scientific and socio-economic development, Rome, Italy.
- Makri-Botsari E. & Paraskeva, F. (2010). Exploring the Personality Characteristics in Information and Digital Age Expertise World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Administration, Vol. 9, pp. 1705-1716.
- Mysirlaki, S. & Paraskeva, F. (2010). Intrinsic Motivation and the Sense of Community in Multiplayer Games: An extended framework for educational game design, 14th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI), Tripoli, Greece.
- Mysirlaki, S., & Paraskeva, F. (2018). Educating the Future Workforce: Bridging the Gap between Learners’ Needs and Skills in Need. In Handbook of Research on Educational Design and Cloud Computing in Modern Classroom Settings (pp. 81-100). IGI Global.
- Kassimati, A; Mysirlaki, S.; Bouta, H. & Paraskeva, F. (2013). Ubiquitous Game-Based Learning in Higher education: A framework towards the effective integration of Game Based Learning in Higher Education using emerging ubiquitous technologies In User Behavior in Ubiquitous Online Environments ed. Pelet, j-E & Papagiopoulou P. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4566-o.choo6.
- Vasileiou, V. Paraskeva, F. (2011). A MUVE in service of Teacher Professional Development: How engaging is teaching role-playing instruction in Second Life? In Education in a Technological World: Communicating Current and Emerging Research and Technological Efforts, ed. A. Antonio Méndez-Vilas, FORMATEX, p. 26-33, ISBN (13): 978-84-939843-3-5.
- Paraskeva, F. (2010). ICT in education for behavioral treatment in schools, In Behavior and School, ed. E. Koliadis, Grigoris, pp. 275-305 Athens.