Learning Outcomes
The student that will complete successfully the course is expected that will be in position to:
• Understand the definition and use of the term “Internet of Things” in different environments.
• Understand the basic elements that make up an IoT system.
• Discern and explain the architecture layers of an IoT system and identify key technologies and protocols used in each layer of the architecture.
• Understand and assess the issues involved in designing and developing IoT applications.
• Design and develop IoT applications utilizing services from available platforms.
• Analyze, evaluate and discuss problems and case studies for IoT applications.
• Introduction to IoT.
• Hardware IoT platforms.
• IoT network reference model, communication and propagation models.
• Low power wireless and mobile protocols and architectures.
• IoT and Cloud interfacing, Fog Computing.
• IoT operating systems.
• IoT software platforms.
• Data collection, preprocessing and storage.
• Data analysis and visualization.
• End User Development in IoT.
• Use Case Studies.
Attached Bibliography
-Suggested bibliography:
1. Papazoglou P., Lionis S.-P., Developing Applications with Arduino, 3η Ed., Tziola, 2021 (Evdoxus No: 102071811
2. H. Gen. Internet of Things and Data Analytics Handbook [Electronic Book], HEAL-Link Wiley ebooks, 2016 (Evdoxus No: 80501132)
3. N. Bouhai, I. Saleh. Internet of Things: Evolutions and Innovations [Electronic Book], HEAL-Link Wiley ebooks, 2017 (Evdoxus No: 91697054)
4. Adrian McEwen, Hakim Cassimally, Designing the Internet of Things, Wiley, 2014
– Related academic journals:
ACM Transactions on Internet of Things
Computer Networks
IEEE Communications
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
IEEE Pervasive Computing
ΙΕΕΕ Wireless Communications
International Journal of Internet of Things and Cyber-Assurance
Internet of Things Journal
Pervasive and Mobile Computing