Nikitas-Marinos Sgouros |
Phone | +30 210-4142754 | | |
Title | Professor |
Office Hours | - |
Office | 501 (150, Androutsou Str, Piraeus, 18532) |
Courses |
Quantum Computing — 5th semester Social Networks — 8th semester Multimedia Technology — 6th semester Compilers — 5th semester |
Brief CV
Professor Nikitas M. Sgouros holds a PhD in Computer Science from Northwestern University, USA (1994) a M.Sc. with distinction in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh, UK (1990) and a Diploma in EECS from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece (1988). Currently, he is Professor in the Department of Digital Systems at the University of Piraeus, Greece. He has also been a Director of the M.Sc. in Technology Education and Digital Systems and a Deputy Director of this Department Dr. Sgouros directs the Intelligent Systems and Multimedia Technologies lab and has participated in a number of national and EU projects.