Symeon Retalis

Phone +30 210-4142765
Title Professor
Office Hours Thursday 16:00-18:00
Office 506 (150, Androutsou Str, Piraeus, 18532)
Courses Digital Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship — 8th semester
Didactics of Informatics — 8th semester

Brief CV

Dr. Symeon Retalis a Professor of Design Models for Technology-Enhanced Lifelong Learning Environments at the University of Piraeus, Greece. AHe has been actively engaged in research, developmentand innovation in the field of interaction design and development of technology enhanced learning environments for the past 15 years. He has authored more than 150 research articles published in scientific books, journals and conferences and has delivered about 30 keynote/invited speeches in international conferences around the world. He has supervised over 90 honours and postgraduate research students to successful completion. He has been mentor and member of R&D teams that received 6 honors and awards at international competitions for innovative software (e.g. Microsoft Imagine Cup, Intel Business Challenge). He has been involved as a principal investigator (PI) and co-ordinator in more than 30 R&D projects with several Higher Educational Institutes all over the world funded by the European Union, national grants and software companies such as Smart Education and Google, thus attracting external funds to the value of about USD 18 million.He serves at the editorial board of the most highly ranked academic journals of the field of Learning Technologies. His review work was recognized by the ACM Computing Reviews journal which selected him to become featured reviewer on June 2017.  He has developed various innovative learning tools which havegained a lot of positive reviews such as i) the CADMOS graphical learning design tool, ii) the LAER learning analytics plug-in for Moodle iii) the digital board game WWF Educational Atlas, and iv) Comic Strip Creator. He is scientific responsible of the CoSyLlab (Computer Supported Learning Engineering) research group (


Selected Recent Publications


  • Peter Goodyear & S. Retalis (2010). Technology-enhanced learning: design patterns and pattern languages, Sense Publishers, ISBN 978-94-6091-061-6.
  • Y. Psaromiligkos, A. Spyridakos, S. Retalis (2012). Evaluation in e-Learning, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN: 978-1-61942-942


  • Kourakli M., Retalis, S. Altanis J., Boloudakis, M., Zbainos D., Antonopoulou K. (2016) Towards the improvement of cognitive, motor and academic skills of pupils with special educational needs using Kinect learning games, International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, Volume 11, January 2017, Pages 28-39
  • P. Kosmas, A. Ioannou, S. Retalis (2018). Moving bodies to moving minds: A study of the use of motion-based games in special education, TechTrends, (2018) 62: 594 Springer US
  • M. Boloudakis, S. Retalis, Y. Psaromiligkos (2018). Training Novice teachers to design Moodle-based units of learning using a CADMOS-enabled learning design sprint. British Journal of Educational Technology, 49(6): 1059-1076
  • Altanis, I.; Retalis, S.; Petropoulou, O. (2018). Systematic Design and Rapid Development of Motion-Based Touchless Games for Enhancing Students’ Thinking Skills., Education Sciences 8(1), 18.
  • Altanis, I, Retalis, S. (2019). A multifaceted students’ performance assessment framework for motion-based game making projects with Scratch, Educational Media International, 56 (2).