Network Management |
Professors | Aristi Galani |
Course category | CSM/NET |
Course ID | DS-322 |
Credits | 5 |
Lecture hours | 3 hours |
Lab hours | 2 hours |
Digital resources | View on Aristarchus (Open e-Class) |
Learning Outcomes
After the successful completion of this course, the student will have an overview of the methodologies, techniques, technologies and protocols to monitor, manage, control, optimize performance and design of computer networks. The student will be able to propose solutions for the initial design, expansion and upgrade of computer networks in the context of specific business objectives and technical requirements/problems. Also, he will be able to monitor the realization of specific technical requirements through service level agreement (SLA). During the laboratory practice, the student exercises to monitor and control the operation of remote network elements with the utilization of specific protocols.
Course Contents
- Network Fundamentals overview.
- Network categorization.
- Management systems role.
- Primary principals of network management.
- Management operations.
- Management functions: configuration, fault, administration, performance and security management, Management levels: element management, network management, service management, business management.
- Management entities and managed elements.
- SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), Management Information Base (MIB).
- Design and development of management applications.
- Standard ISO/OSI and standard ΤMN.
- Design of wired and wireless access networks.
- Service Level Agreements.
Furthermore, in the platform eclass / Eudoxos lecture notes and laboratory exercises are posted for the students.
Recommended Readings
- Sudhir Dixit, Ramjee Prasad, Wireless IP and Building the Mobile Internet (Artech House Books, 2003)
- Nathan Muller, LANs TO WANs: The Complete Management Guide, (Artech House Books, 2003)
- Matthew Liotine, Mission-Critical Network Planning, (Artech House Books, 2003)
- Freddy Ghys, Michel Smouts, Marcel Mampaey, Arto Vaaraniemi, 3G Multimedia Network Services, Accounting and User Profiles (Artech House Books, 2003)
- Nihal Kularatna, Dileeka Dias, Essentials of Modern Telecommunications Systems (Artech House Books, 2004)
- Harri Holma, Antti Toskala, WCDMA for UMTS (Wiley, 2001
- Jaana Laiho, Achim Wacker, Tomas Novosad, Radio Network Planning and Optimisation for UMTS (Wiley, 2002)