- Postgraduate Programme Digital Communications & Networks - https://masters.ds.unipi.gr/dcomms/en -

Development of Software Defined Radio Systems


The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the practical design, analysis and performance evaluation of wireless communication systems, using the software defined radio (SDR) technology. During the course, the students will have the opportunity to experiment with signals that are used in today’s wireless communication systems, such as LTE and Wi-Fi, by designing the corresponding transmitter and receiver digital processing chains. The signal generation and analysis blocks will be designed using software, whereas the transmission/reception will be realized using SDR hardware (digitizer boards) and general purpose computing platforms (linux-based desktop hosts).

The course consists of three parts. During the first part the students are familiarized with the SDR concept, the use of SDR hardware (Ettus USRP boards) and software management tools, as well as develop a baseline SISO-OFDM (Single-antenna Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) transceiver. In the second part, the students develop more complex blocks, extending the baseline transceiver in order to support MIMO (multi-antenna) techniques. In the third and final part the students are experimenting with existing open source wireless communication system implementations (e.g. OpenAirInterface), creating and testing an experimental private 4G network.

Course Contents